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Every problem Wesker currently has

SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions
  1. Survivor throws and wallsplats after a bound are extremely inconsistent. Certain surfaces cause survivors to slide across them, rather than splatting onto them, which doesn't damage them.
  2. His bound randomly doesn't deal damage to survivors.
  3. His bound will never deal damage to survivors if Wesker falls off a ledge, allowing survivors to deliberately avoid taking damage if they position themselves near a ledge.
  4. Some objects cannot be bounded off of. Whereas some can. (E.G the generic hill tile can usually be bounded off. Whereas the top of the saloon in Dead Dawg Saloon cannot)
  5. Sometimes he is unable to vault a window or dropped pallet by bounding into it. The angle of the bound doesn't prevent this from happening.
  6. Bounding into a dropped pallet or window while a survivor is over half-way done vaulting it will neither damage the survivor nor let Wesker vault it.
  7. His bound hit-box is absurdly small and unnecessarily punishing to learn.
  8. Sometimes his bound will pass through survivors.
  9. The logic that determines if a bound will stop or slide off an object is highly inconsistent.
  10. His 1st person animations frequently bug out. Especially after throwing a survivor.
  11. Bounding into a survivor the moment they drop a pallet is extremely buggy, and can sometimes result in the survivor dropping the pallet, not stunning Wesker, and then being carried by Wesker despite being on the opposite side of the pallet. Sometimes comedically long distances without stopping.
  12. Charging up and releasing a bound whilst regenerating a bound token will completely reset the token cooldown. Unlike Nurse, whose token charge remains even after blinking.
  13. His power description doesn't include info on how his power cooldown is decreased per infected survivor.
  14. Bounding into a pallet as a survivor drops it will not allow Wesker to vault it, instead he will stop at the pallet and waste the bound token.
  15. Bounding into a healthy survivor at the exit gates will block them. But the block is completely useless. As downing the survivor will simply knock them into the escape boundary. And the gate block doesn't last long enough to down the survivor with either a basic attack or a bound before they can escape.
  16. Vaulting a dropped pallet with a bound will sometimes not damage a survivor even if they are very close to the pallet.
  17. Hitting a survivor with a bound while they are close to a pallet or window will sometimes grab them but not slam or throw them. Causing them to take no damage.
  18. Bounding over a dropped pallet that is next to a downed survivor will sometimes cause Wesker to hit the downed survivor.
  19. Grabbing a survivor the moment they escape through the exit gates duplicates the survivor. The duplicated survivor can be hooked and killed like normal but can't act. The survivor icons do not change if the duplicated survivor is killed.
  20. On extremely rare occasions, Wesker can "Teleport Grab". A teleport grab is performed by bounding towards a survivor on the opposite side of a window on the 2nd bound and angling the camera so Wesker is facing at least 90 degrees away from the survivor. If successful, Wesker will teleport the survivor past the window and rush towards the direction he is facing.

EDIT : Added 16,17,18

EDIT : Added 19,20

Did I miss anything?

Post edited by SirCracken on


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    edited August 2022

    I’m pretty sure that survivors won’t take damage if they’re close to a pallet or window when you vault over it. This was supposed to be fixed after the patch they put out post PTB.

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    Not sure if this falls under your list but bounds that should hit at a window or pallet have about a 50% chance of causing the survivor to scream but not doing damage

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308

    if you vault over a pallet while a downed survivor is next to it he slaps the survivor

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061

    It's actually crazy how many problems they released him with.

    Like, isnt the whole point of having a PTB to make sure new characters actually work when they come out.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Here's another my friends and I found during a custom match to test the chapter, for clarification we're on console.

    So he used the bound ability on our other friend, slamming into me, and the screen went haywire for all three of us and the camera screwed up for a few seconds.

    This will also happen randomly when you're the only one being hit.

    Not sure if that's intentional, but holy #########.

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308

    also his cooldowns are very inconsistent. missing your power has like a 3 sec cooldown but vaulting with your power has a 1 sec cooldown

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    His bound hit-box is absurdly small and unnecessarily punishing to learn.

    Sometimes his bound will pass through survivors.

    I suspect these two are related. Basically the way I think of it is right now his survivor collision box is maybe more like Deathslinger’s spear size than Demo’s Pounce, so you have to hit the survivor squarely from the server’s perspective for it to land. But also like Deathslinger’s shots it means you probably have to lead the Bounce at long range slightly to where you think the survivor will be rather than aiming directly at where they are at that moment on your screen. Latency then means that sometimes you’ll see Bounds and Deathslinger shots seemingly pass through survivors when they shouldn’t.

    Mandy did mention they are still monitoring the survivor collision size in this version to see if they went a bit too far in shrinking it and need too increase it slightly. On PTB it was 40 or 45 cm, now it’s 20, so my guess is eventually given the feedback they seem to be getting so far they’ll raise it to the middle somewhere like 30 or 35 cm.

    Meanwhile though I do think it’s worth noting this doesn’t make Wesker’s Bound “useless” like some people say, it just means you need to think about his Bound like you would a spear shot and aim it accordingly. (In fact the Bound’s maximum range is a couple of meters longer than the rifle’s so you can hypothetically land the same sorts of long range snipes with the Bound that you can with Deathslinger if you aim the same way.)

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    BTW, what exactly does his meme add-on, the jewel beetle do? The extention mid grab, is this how far away a survivor can be to grab them? Or how far you will slide after a grab in order to push them against a wall?

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    the jewel beetle means that you get less distance after grabbing to slam them into a wall

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Thanks. Thats basically what I thought ... hmm this is not one of the fun meme add-ons, just straight hard mode for more capped BPs.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    There is a weird meme-build you can use with the beetle. Use the add-on that increases your throw range in tantum so you're more likely to throw a survivor into a surface than ram them. Which actually gives you more time to recharge your power and reposition compared to a slam.

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308

    you cant use your power when too close, but unlike blight they dont hide the text

  • Zeid
    Zeid Member Posts: 1

    This happened to me once in a situation where his bound looked like it should get me but did not and in another where his bound succeeded in damaging me. In both situations my camera went totally haywire and it's so disorienting you basically can't control how your character moves for a least I think it's due to the camera problem. Also on console.

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308

    would love to see something while lunging

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    The point of the PTB is to gain hype.

    Almost nothing is fixed from the PTB, only game-breaking bugs, and even those are rarely fixed. Remember release day Twins and how 5 out of 6 Perks just didn't work at all? Yeah, this is that again but to a lesser extent

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061

    I remember playing Twins on release day and as soon as I deployed Victor, Charlotte got stuck in the ground and couldnt do anything for the rest of the match.

  • i just played him for the first time and got a bound into the exit gate and picked up a survivor against the entity wall, i ended up hooking and killing them, but the game said they escaped? am really confused

  • GravelordNito99
    GravelordNito99 Member Posts: 229

    Great post, though you missed a couple. Sometimes Wesker simply lets survivors go if they are at corners, or against chests up on walls. Or sometimes just randomly. His charge time is also too long for the power to feel smooth and powerful.

  • Romovati
    Romovati Member Posts: 59

    I agree with most of these problems and they should be fixed

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    UPDATE: After testing Wesker with a friend I think I've managed to figure out why Wesker sometimes lets a survivor go immediately after grabbing them.

    My theory is that the game has a "Distance Check" when Wesker gets a grab. And if this distance check detects something in front of Wesker when he gets a grab, even if it's a wall right behind the survivor, the game will cancel the grab. This can be easily repeatable with the fire barrel prop that's present in most Macmillian and Autohaven maps. Have a survivor stand behind the barrel and bound towards them. You will always grab them and then let go.

  • Letholldus
    Letholldus Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2022

    Many of these bugs are still present despite the patch, unfortunately. I've been frustrated many times with the vaulting not dealing damage as I've more than once managed to time a vault with a mindgame so the survivor runs in front of the window. Only for me to vault and see my feet physically clip through them but deal no damage. Additionally, with how easy it is to dodge/how little it hits survivors can still abuse the vaulting back trick fairly easily.

    He ultimately just feels clunky and slow with his bugs and cooldowns. Vaulting a window only saves you a small amount of time with his long cooldown after, and vaulting a pallet is the same. Most loops a survivor can just run again by the time you are done with your CD, or just run past you during your CD and vault back behind you. His ability is easy to avoid on indoor maps or maps with clutter as even putting a knee-high object between you and him can null his ability and force him to awkwardly dash past it and try to snag you on the follow-up, or waste a lot of time canceling the ability he already wasted time charged and was actively slowing him down. He just feels slow and the smallest mistake, charging your ability at the wrong time, or missing a survivor and flying a mile away, will instantly cost you huge pressure.

    Post edited by Letholldus on
  • Letholldus
    Letholldus Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2022

    My issue is less about the charge time, which feels fine, and more about his cooldowns, after vaulting a window particularly. It often feels so slow that I don't feel like I gained much. Someone on here did some math I believe and calculated that the time saved with his M2 vault is roughly around 0.2 0.3 seconds with its cooldown after vaulting. If this was just a bit faster or if you could do your second bound after vaulting it'd be a lot better imo. I in general just constantly feel myself slowly trudging around waiting on his ability cooldowns. I also dislike that you are often forced to wait for the entire second bound window even if you release M2.

    And my final complaint is the cooldown on his ability itself. It feels like a slog of wait especially compared to killers like nurse who are far more powerful yet have a faster cooldown on their ability.

    Overall, he can be fun, but as more survivors learn about him as I've unfortunately learned as I raised my MMR with him. He is also fairly easy to counter. His cooldown after vaulting is so slow that in most situations or loops a survivor can vault back past you or just run the loop a second time. Charging his ability slows him down a good bit from the time it takes to ready in addition to how it slows your movement, and you can basically null his ability at a distance by juking or just putting a tree or knee-high rock between you. And having to sit through the long cooldown for enabling and disabling his charge mid-chase or dashing a mile past a survivor can instantly cost you loads of pressure.

    Post edited by Letholldus on