Surveillance Rework Idea

In its current state, Surveillance is a very weak perk and there is almost no reason to run it. This is an idea I thought of to make it a slightly better perk, but nothing too meta.
"The progress of the last 1 regressing Generator's/2 regressing Generators'/3 regressing Generators' can be determined by the intensity of their Auras for 30/40/50 seconds."
While I don't believe this would make it a top-tier perk, I believe it has the potential to remove it from the worst killer perk spot. Tell me what you think, feedback is greatly appreciated! (Apologies if anyone else has posted about this same idea, I couldn't find anything about it.)
I will admit there are a lot of posts out there that say the same thing, but that shows how much sense it would make if surveillance was upgraded to this. Maybe only have the time for 45 seconds. But I would also be ok with these times too.
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Honestly, I dont get this hype most people have to seeing generator progress based on their aura. I get its about awareness, but that matters so little when you patrol generators anyway to find Survivors. I would much rather Surveillance kept its current effect but had its duration tremendously increased or have an infinite duration, or notify you when someone starts working on a regressing generator.