PC - Brand New Parts skillchecks, Hyperfocus vs. Corrective Action

IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 77
edited September 2022 in Bug Reporting

I was playing Rebecca with Corrective Action/Fast Track/Hyperfocus/Stake Out. I brought a Commodious Toolbox with Brand New Parts and a Wire Spool.

I hit my Brand New Parts skillchecks, which gave me 1 stack each of Hyperfocus, each, but no extra stacks of Corrective Action. The behavior of Brand New Parts skillchecks is inconsistent across these two perks - are they considered greats, or aren't they? If Hyperfocus gains stacks from them, so should Corrective Action - and if this is unintended behavior, this is a bug.

I have been able to consistently reproduce this across multiple rounds on multiple maps.

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