Glyph Challenges need a redesign

So, I've been working on the Tome Challenges, and it feels that every time I get to one that deals with Glyphs, I have to effectively throw my game to complete them. Green Glyphs? Finish one gen, then spend the next ten minutes ignoring other objectives to hunt down this Elusive Glyph. Red Glyph? Either ignore objectives or pray I just stumble upon it.
Honestly, they need to have a way to find them easier so players can get back to the actual gameplay loop. Give it an audio queue like the Hatch, make it have an aura at a certain range, even maybe make it show up on the map by default.
They do have an audio cue when you get close, the purples get revealed when you hook, greens get revealed at endgame for sure but show up where downs happen usually so just remeber those and they are pretty easy, i have very rarely brought a red and not just stumbled across them.