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Devs, I think 30 cm hitbox for wesker is the best and why

So this is the difference between live and ptb

And this is if it was 25 and as you can see even though it covers more of his body and more reasonable hitbox it is still not enough for using his power for long range dashes because that's what his power is designed for and it explains the long 1.5 second charge time, it was designed for using at jungle jyms and long tile safe loops like shack. Even if it would make catching people from up close slightly easy it doesn't matter because if you are actually close to them then you might as well go for a basic attack anyway so they would still go down and I'm sure most of the DBD community can agree 30 cm is reasonable and suitable.

@Mandy thanks for reading this post


  • scenicpickle
    scenicpickle Member Posts: 265

    you're asking for buffs and you are saying it is reasonable but is it? Your asking to increase the hurt box and not increase collision... why cause people are 360ing you or because you can't hit them?? if your coming to the table with a proposal for change come with something more than i can't hit my bounds. I'm all for killer buffs but don't be those people who were like Billy too hard make chainsaw hit box huge and decrease collision maybe learn to play before asking for buff without actual justification only saying its "covers more of his body and more reasonable hitbox" and "I'm sure most of the DBD community can agree 30 cm is reasonable" like why how come you think this? these are just excuses, if you think he's hard to play just say so. maybe he does need a changes but not giving any actual reason and just showing pictures of the hurt box doesn't help.

  • scenicpickle
    scenicpickle Member Posts: 265

    i mean i played him ptb and day one and I'm currently p5 with him and put roughly 10 hours into him. he seems fine to me actually improved cause the ptb i was just headbutting every wall i was near but ok

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    Those reasons hurt survivors more. So by your own reasoning - make it 25 cm (I think 30 would actually be sweet spot). If you played survivor and got e.g. hit on a Pale rose when already down on the ground (and walking for good 2 meters) after jumping from the top of the main boat - and killer swinging at you there (on top of the boat) - you would understand how frustrating it is to get lag hit. (And this example sure is extreme one, but getting hit 5m away from a window is not that rare).

  • Romovati
    Romovati Member Posts: 59

    Dude this isn't a major buff it's a needed change for his power to work to his full potential and its not because I can't hit survivors or I get spun, you need to consider other things like lag and high ping survivors as well because it affects the grab and his power is not designed for using at close range it was designed to catch people at loops in long range if you position yourself right which with the current power charge time it's a bit tricky and its not even a discussion to begin with, the devs confirmed its actually smaller than supposed to be and needs an increase I've just come to a conclusion that 30 is probably the best as a lot of people had the same opinion

  • GravelordNito99
    GravelordNito99 Member Posts: 229

    Finally, someone else pointing out his counterplay. It's so easy to beat him it isn't even funny. Even just run behind a tree or anything and he's suddenly reduced to an m1 killer. Imo 35cm would be best for his survivor hitbox. They also need to buff his charge times.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,110

    i wish wesker was 96% m/s killer with an actual good ability.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited September 2022

    I'd still consider Wesker more of a Demogorgon clone than a Nurse clone, but yeah, they played it way too safely considering the fact both Nurse and Demogorgon do everything he does but stronger, faster and smoother

    Post edited by ThatOneDemoPlayer on
  • Romovati
    Romovati Member Posts: 59

    Exactly this is something that I knew since PTB but the thing is aren't you familiar with survivors community? how hard they cry every time they face something strong for killer? And not even OP it has actually counters but they still complain a lot because let's accept it the majority of people don't like facing strong stuff, they just want a weak killer and easy game going for them every time. Why do you think when you look at survivors tier list for the most fun killer to go against you mostly see weak killers on top of their list?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,110
    edited September 2022

    a lot of threads now a days are like Nerf nurse now a days. follow up with a post that has a change that weaken nurse to terrible level. The way wesker works is kinda how I would design nurse if I was reworking her. I'm somewhat curious if weaker's design was inspired by nurse because of nurse's anxious grasp add-on..

    this add-on makes it so that when nurse's blink go past a survivor, they scream. you can easily change this to injure and remove nurse's ability to m1 after a swing with blinks. i wonder if this would make nurse easier to play for new comers while still maintaining her go through objects like a banshee gameplay though maybe the nurse is too old for rework. never shared idea because I thought it was bad idea but then they made wesker.

    Wesker is that idea with inability to blink through objects, an infection mechanic(lore related) and for some reason, a throwing mechanic which sounds like they wanted wesker to not injure survivors every time he successfully dashes and grabs them, so second chances? throwing mechanic is so weird, it would be more interesting if you could land the grab, stand still then turn around for like 1 sec(like blight charge) and throw survivors into one another. the throwing mechanic seems like a pointless edition to his power and he works more like doomfist in overwatch where he punches(grabs) people into walls.

    He is safe character with a bunch of safe numbers everywhere to ensure killer player does not overperform. nothing more to it.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,922
    edited September 2022

    These suggestions are not bad.

    I think that Wesker having a sleek way of navigating the environment when dashing is good and just a tiny lil bit more grabb power would be good. Hopefully that would be satisfying those who have issues with hitting a grab, I dont have those issues at my mmr level.

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