We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Since terror radius and speed can vary between killers, why not gen time?

The new longer gens are really nice for Trapper and Hag, but can be somewhat oppressive for survivors against Nurse or Blight.

Maybe it makes more sense to have 90-second gens on Trapper and 70-second gens on Nurse. Obviously this is just a rough example, numbers would need fine-tuning, but you get the idea. Killer-specific gen speeds.

And yes, I know some of you are thinking it: “dude, that’s what Corrupt Intervention is for!” Yeah I know, but this makes it more of a weighted decision for each killer in regard to giving up that perk slot - rather than a near-necessity for some killers.

Anyway, your thoughts?


  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    i like it a lot. the more mobility a killer has the faster their gens go, to give slower killers time to patrol at the same strength. it's equity.

    the goblin in my brain says "and their hook states should take longer, too!" to encourage them using their mobility to go find someone else, but let's not get crazy i suppose haha

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Making survivors sit on gens for longer is a poor solution. Buff those killers so that they can pressure gens better.

  • Zomb1eB0y
    Zomb1eB0y Member Posts: 42

    Interesting idea but I disagree. It simply wouldn't work.

    The Nurse needs a rework because games against her are meaningless since she's broken on so many levels. Range add-on adjustment didn't do anything.

    The Blight is/could be fine. I agree that his add-ons are a bit too much. Hug tech is getting fixed at some point so I'd say he's okay. It's just the Nurse that needs to go and shouldn't be allowed to stay in the game in this state she is now.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 748

    I am with him, I do agree gens speed Is problematic for killers that lack the speed and mobility or most average killers that cannot pressure effectively. But I do feel killers absolutely needs some form of map pressure that, forces the Survivors other 3 Survivors to be off the gens when threat is close or afar.

    Trapper for example, struggling with low mobility and needing time to find and place traps, in order to bait Survivors into their territory. But, Survivors can easily communicate (in SWF) or when not being chase; take the time to spot the traps and disarm them in advance.

    If I want to buff killers massively, when it comes to mobility problems; I would love to see the killer get a temporarily movement speed buff upon hooking a Survivor or something like that. So they can catch up to the distant Generator in time.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    They did not adjust the range add-ons on Nurse. They rolled back that change from the PTB for some ungodly reason.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    This solution also elegantly encourages killers to leave the hook after hooking. I like it!

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 748

    It may be a one good solution to solve camping, by reward killer with hooking Survivors and gaining a temporary speed boost they can used in a chase or get to a gen on the other side of the map in time. But, I do feel there is more buff needed to make the gen speed not the only problem in a killer mindset.

    I do feel Survivors have some very significant advantages, such as Number advantages in the early game (4 players vs 1 player). The time it takes for one Survivor to exchange a chase with a killer and make it last for more then a minute if decent in chase, the other 3 could easily knock out 2 or 3 Generators in that same time frame. That and one Survivor's mistake is not as significant as a Killer's mistake, as when you have a team by your side, especially in coms; you can help each other put and remedy the mistake and salvage the chances of survival together. The Killer on the other hand, cannot afford to make any to little mistake in their game, as it can cost them their game and not allow them to score some decent amount of hooks or kills.

    It not like the killer has a player teammate, to back up the Killer's momentum to win or anything. Although, it would be a interesting gameplay mechanic, to add a "2nd Killer player" in dbd, that directs the Killer's actions by seeing the entire Match and inform the killer about the Survivors actions/or setting traps for the Survivors to assist the Killer's pressure.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Because that means survivors have to learn every single differing perk and gen interaction for every killer. As it stands now, really the only thing a survivor has to know is 4.4 vs 4.6, and 24 vs 32m TR for the most part, which don't play a role in many perks available to survivors regardless that are actually commonly used. Eg, Distortion is dependent on killer TR to an extent, but it's also a niche pick.

    If multiple killers have multiple different gen times, this means slowdown perks affect different amounts depending on the killer, and that speedup perks also affect different amounts depending on the killer. It makes it a clutter and a design nightmare.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    They said somewhere it's not a good decision because different gen time means problems with counting. Killer is approaching, your gen visually is 95% or even 98%. How long does it take to make those last 5%? Should you commit or not? Every game, depends on killer, this time will be different. It is super hard challenge to calculate and figure out the time for specific killer, and it will be amazingly annoying to die for nothing at 99% gen because you misscalculated.

    And I don't talk about the fact all procentage perks will be stronger for longer gens and weaker for shorter. So not only survs will be annoyed by gens' inconsistency but also killer players should learn not every perk but every perk for every killer. Imagine guides: Pop is good perk for Trapper but isn't that good for Nurse because Trapper with Pop removes 20 seconds of progress from 99% gen and Nurse with Pop removes only 10 seconds of progress from 99% gen. What a mess.

    So no. It's too complicated, imo.