Killers playing like it’s a 20k tournament

Is anyone else experiencing almost all killers confirming hook stages and tunnelling people out? Tonight was possibly my worse gaming experiences. I want to try out fun perk builds as survivor but it seems that I have to put on an anti tunnel build which is pretty boring :/ and gives the game a lot less variety.
the bp insensitive is always on survivor. Do people not like playing survivor so much anymore?
killers tunnel more now they know ds has been nerfed. It’s just constant comp mode.
i don’t play that often so I’m not very warmed up when I play so I’m not built for these sweaty games. Maybe if I constantly played I’d be able to evade the conforming hook followed by the tunnel I don’t know.
I’m on the EU server. I’ve heard it’s one of the sweatiest.
Im wondering if I missed the dbd being a party game era.
Ye it's been getting more and more sweaty over the psst weeks. Last time I had several enjoyable matches in a row was during anniversary event a couple months back. - Since then it's been downhill.
When playing swf we kinda just play our own little game now cause it's just no fun otherwise. You'd think tanking ten 4k in a row would change sth about the killers we get. But either someone in the group is secretly sweating a lot when we don't play together or matchmaking is actually disabled.
When I play solo I just get first chase, see how long I last and then I'm pretty much out. Either because the killer is hard securing one way or the other (camling, proxying, tunneling - whatever their preferred method to turn it into a 3v1 asap is) or because no one rescues. Glad I don't need BP or anything else that would make me care about getting more than 6-9k BP or increase MMR or whatever. Now, if only loading screens were faster and People just readied up right away.... I might actually spend more time in a match than waiting for a match to Start....
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Killer don't tunnel because DS was nerfed this is one of the most misguided thing people assume, It's actually because Killer's best slow down perks got nerfed to the ground to a point where they are useless. So before the perk rework you would get rewarded to go for hooks because you has ruin/pop to constantly create a snowball effect of slowing down the gens for hooking people but now you don't get anything from that and the gens fly so Killer's tunnel so that they get one person out of the game quickly to have a chance. Unfortunately BHVR didn't think about this when they decided to heavily nerf Corrupt/Pop/ruin
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I disagree. You hear a lot of people say ‘ah I don’t care about the ds’ and pick them up etc. Where in the past they may have just left them slugged and gone for someone else or picked them up and lost the survivor.
corrupt is up for the same amount of time and only stops running when a survivor is downed. I don’t see how that’s bad.
jolt, pain res, deadlock, overcharge, merciless are all decent gen perks? And gens take longer now.
I don’t see it.
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Lol. What????
The meta has NEVER been as much oriented towards slowdown perks as it is now. The meta perks changed, yes, pop and ruin suck now, but overcharge is much stronger than pop ever was, especially with the call of brine synergy. and i'm not even mentionning the other slowdown perks such as jolt or pain resonance, which are both buffed compared to pre patch.
DS is the main reason tunneling got so strong nowadays because you don't need to fear DS anymore. Nobody uses it anymore anyway, and even if you eat a DS, you get the down like 5 seconds later anyway.
It's not misguided it's litterally the cause of this tunnel meta.
Just think about it. Killers used to need to wait DS for 60 seconds. Now they only need to wait 10 seconds, and if they're wrong, it's just an endurance hit, which isn't as big of a deal as a 5 second stun was.
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Besides that many play like survivor is some archnemesis that burned his house and killed all his family and his hamster. So much hatred. Especially if that survivor dares to loop killer more than 30 seconds, then it looks like all world go dark except that survivor, which needs to be downed, hooked and griefed.
I literally see killers that completely ignore me repairing the gen 5(!!!) meters away, running after archnemesis survivor around that gen.
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That is just not true. Killers might not get rewarded as much for going for hooks, when using what used to be the meta slowdown perks, but killers were generally buffed, so they wouldn't need such rewards anymore as much to be incentivised to go for hooks. Gens now take 90 seconds, which already gives killers more time to play normally. But they also received some small, other nice buffs that help in chase, further encouraging to go for hooks and not camp and tunnel.
Killers don't need to be rewarded for going for hooks as much if the base game simply already allows them to go for hooks more, by being more balanced around that. That's exactly what happened in update 6.1.0 The problem right now is clearly that tunneling and camping are too effective. The nerf to tunneling helped, but it wasn't enough. The DS nerf is 100% one of the main reasons why killers are tunneling more, if they really are. I haven't gone against too many tunneling killers the last days, but still.
The nerfs to meta slowdown perks were not as impactful as the buffs to killers basekit. Not to mention that other slowdown perks actually got buffed, the game still has a good amount of strong slowdown perks. If gens fly, then that is most often just a skill issue of the killer.
And yes, I do get that at high ranks, there can be situations where the killer kind of has to camp and tunnel, or the odds are stacked against them too much, and I do hope those aspects get improved as well, especially when it comes to maps. But often enough, killers, at least the stronger ones, have a fair chance to win even without camping and tunneling. One look at queue times and it's clear that right now, survivors are in more need of help. DS needs to be reverted, and we still need some nerfs to camping as well. Then queue times might go back to normal.
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Well i can t blame them... The same reason survivors don t like the killer tunneling or camping, Killers don t like 2 or 3 gens pop up after 2 minutes of the trial start xD so.... I guess thats 50 50 xD
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I think grim embrace as basekit would be good reward going for hooks and maybe mini corrupt. But ofcourse camping and tunneling needs to be nerfed before buffing killers more.
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Is there something wrong with people playing more seriously?
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I agree, killers still have a lot of good perks to slowdown gens, but gens are flying for some reason, even OTS make a video about that.
Survs have a disgusting combination with hyper focus and others gen rush perks, yes gens take 10s more, but don't have that much impact that you think.
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That's the point I'm making. Not everyone wants to play seriously aka comp mode. And I'm noticing more killers playing like this after the killer buffs and surv nerfs. I think if this carries on killer q times will get longer and longer. I have been put off playing survivor for a while.
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Killers will do it at 5 gens. Are you saying they maybe have had enough and do it by default now expecting gens to pop?
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And we still can't agree with anything being said on this thread... that's why the game is the way it is
But... here I go...
Base Gen regression is so low that Killers need 2 or more perks to cover it up
Maps are unbalanced (for both sides)
The fact that progression VS regression will be a thing till BHVR sees it... why kick a Gen when it takes 4 seconds of regression to equal 1 second of progression
Also removing a Survivor from the match is way more beneficial then to keep kicking Gens with Overcharge and Call Of Brine
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Still good to hear peoples points of view :)
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FWIW, when I play killer it's almost always in the service of some tome challenge, and I will prioritize the terms of the challenge more than the actual match goals. But if the challenge is "kill 20 survivors" or something like "make sure the exit gates don't open," you'd better believe I'm using my most oppressive add-ons and making sure everyone is dead. I'm after efficiency and nothing else in these cases, I have a box to check.
Other times I'm nice and goof around and proooooooooooobably let people leave after 8 hooks. And I'll always let you get your glyphs and stuff, no matter what else is going on.
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I guess -.-
So can I ask what you think the problem is and if you have a solution to it?
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Okay we're just talking killers right now. One thing at a time :)
The problem for survivors is no one likes to be camped to second stage / tunneled (early game). Some survivors like being tunneled for sure but no one likes being confirmed to second stage or even death.
No matter the killer buffs and gen slowdowns etc it seems killers will still go for the above because it will always be the easiest option. So that is what needs a solution. It needs to be punishing to their odds of winning and make it difficult to win that way.
I also think the more time a killer spends camping the less time they are spending in improving their gameplay skill ie chasing/decision making. Camping takes 0 skill and they're just not improving (again I'm talking about early game)
Something like Kinship base kit for 1st and second stage so survivors can do gens and leave asap (Maybe this can be a thing at 5,4,3 gens)
hooked survivor spawns to new location if killer camps for too long (I saw this in another post I thought it seemed like a good idea, again early game would be good).
Maybe a points system and the win is decided by how many points either side get. - I don't think this would stop killers playing the same though.?
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I could say the same for survivors. Hyper focus builds, commodious bnp toolboxes, suped up medkits, and generally using strong builds. It's like everyone is playing for money and of course the infamous play killer get god tier survs play solo queue get ai players makes the game very unenjoyable.