Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Survivors should have voice lines inside trials

Member Posts: 278
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Since Dead by Daylight is such a lore driven game because almost everything connects with the lore, even the gameplay itself. Wouldn't it be nice that each survivors should have their own voice lines inside the trials?

I always feel like it's just too quiet and awkward when the survivors are repairing on a gen for nearly a minute and not a single word is spoken at all. I'm not sure if the reason why survivors couldn't speak is because the Entity doesn't allow it? I heard it like almost everywhere but never mentioned in the lore.

I would love to hear interactions between certain survivors like Leon or Jill inside the trials because they've never actually met in Resident Evil. Imagine hearing them talking something along the lines of:

Leon: "You were in Raccoon City too?" (triggers on any maps that is not RPD)

Jill: "Yeah and there was this monster covered in garbage bag chasing me across the city."

Leon: "Oh you wouldn't believe me, I was chased by a big guy in a suit and fedora inside RPD."

Jill: "No way! Seriously?"


Or just any other survivors that were acquaintances prior to being inside the Entity's Realm like Felix and Elodie, maybe survivors with something in common as well. I'm thinking that it should be triggered in certain circumstances like fixing a gen for 10 seconds with another survivor without any dangers nearby. Should be heard on both sides like how the Trickster or Wesker speaks. But if it's too risky then just make it survivor-sided and the killer couldn't hear. If both sides then maybe survivors would speak outside the terror radius or if it's a stealth killer then they would still speak regardless because they wouldn't know the killer is near and whenever they gets injured while speaking, the voice line is interrupted with grunts of pain.

As for the killer, make it so that stealth killers can only hear when they are extremely close like close enough to hear the sound of generators being repaired or when someone is being healed.

The voice lines could be random interactions like in Overwatch or League of Legends or maybe a sort of voice menus like in Team Fortress 2 or Valorant for telling someone to go for a save while you stay to fix the gen or warn other survivors that the killer is nearby when you have spine chill or something like that. A mix of both could be good too.

It's alright to not have this in the game but it wouldn't hurt either to add it because the Resident Evil survivors are already speaking, which means that it is canon that they could speak at the campfire, would be cool to have it in trials as well. Not to mention that it's also a good way to communicate with other survivors that are strangers without the need to use voice chat because solo queues are a nightmare without any sorts of communication.

I hope this is considered a possibility and having it would make the game more immersive and builds more lore to it as well.

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