BHVR Has to stop ignoring the INSANE Seizure Hazard that this game is right now.

kizuati Member Posts: 1,386
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I've reported some of these things as bugs,some of them as issues that needed addressing and so far BHVR has mostly if not completely ignored them and now instead added JPEG at the boot screen.

Please,upvote this thread and talk about it. We need to get BHVR to address the issues at hand.


Haddonfield Lights - The New Haddonfield has been reported as an insane seizure fest for a while now and BHVR has done nothing to address or even acknowledge the issues. All lights in all houses occasionally (rather often really) start flickering at insanely high speeds until the generator is done - enough to even make some non-photo-sensitive folk uncomfortable.

Springwood & Lery's Lights - All of these maps have the same issues,thankfully it's not as ######### bad as Haddonfield. There are still very intense and really stupid at their current rate.

Additionally,I've also encountered insane shack texture flickering on Eyrie of Crows - for some reason the LOD keeps switching at insane speeds. There's been a lot more LOD flickering on the new RPD too.


The menus in DBD - along with the bloody prestige highlights and archives menus and all the effects in it just start going at thousand times the normal speed. This is just..really hard on the eyes. It looks like this has been a bug since the dawn of DBD and BHVR never bothered to fix it. How about you do,dear developers.


The Onryo - This has been a killer with many concerns brought about by me specifically and some community members in the thread. I was very saddened to see that not all of our concerns were addressed. I personally still cant play that Killer in non-windowed mode and for slightly prolonged periods of time - the static VFX while demanifested is too intense. It needs to either be optionally turned off or toned down.

The Doctor - Do I even need to explain him? Delete it or again,bring a photosensitivity option.


I dont know how I forgot this,frankly. Probably because I dont face them very often. I remember recently in my mind someone's relative on the forums had a seizure due to macros. Some people commented asking for proof... Shows how much people care. This needs to be addressed as well. At least in Lightborn.

You dont just slap a seizure warning and call it a day. That's legal mumbo jumbo. I want to see actions. I want to see this be the start to make DBD actually accessible. I've heard plenty of concerns from people hard of hearing and even a lot of people talking about how your color blindness options are not enough. I'd love to see people who know more about those issues due to their own experience to come and weigh on this.

BHVR needs to up their game.

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