DBD Problems and Potential Fixes 4/10 Camping

This is a series of recommendations to hopefully change the game for the better. I am posting each section separate, but a lot of them are connected and work much better understanding the other changes. Some are more Killer sided, and some are more Survivor sided, but overall I think it levels the playing field in a positive way.
If you want to read the draft I am posting the sections from you can follow this google doc link.
With that said, here is part 4.
It is exceedingly boring to sit on hook with the killer staying right next to you the entire time, disincentivizing players from rescuing. Hopefully by incentivizing a killer to leave the hook they will, and in worst case scenarios escape similar to a Pyramid Head Cage camp.
Proposed Solution:
Once hooked, the furthest recently progressing gen (from pickup to hook timeframe) is highlighted for 5s for the killer. Also it would give them a 10% haste boost for 10s, 10s after hooking, ending early if going within 8m of a survivor, using their power, entering chase, or getting 4m closer to a hooked survivor than they have been at their furthest. (The first distance is small to prevent a survivor sneaking up to hook from accidentally stopping the boost, and the second distance is to help account for weird structures where you have to double back a little bit to progress forward.). This is to give the killer confidence in somewhere to go, but not overbuffing mobility and ranged killers. If no gen being progressed in the timeframe, then the most recently progressed gen is highlighted instead. Also, if the killer is within “Camping Range” of the hooked survivor, then the survivor will qualify as being “camped”. “Camping Range” is defined as Terror Radius with Line of Sight, or 24m, whichever is larger. Other qualifications include character model LOS for ranged killers, 8m for lethal controllable traps/active powers, (Victor, Hag Phantasm Traps, and Trapper open Bear Traps, but not Nemesis Zombies, Freddy Pallets/Snares, Lockers, or Demogorgon Portals etc.) and Max Blink Range +6m for Nurse (assuming you used all blink charges perfectly you can reach the hook again with a lunge, but also affected by blink range and extra charge addons Eg. 30% Range + Extra Charge would be [20+6]+12+12+6 for a total of 56m). If a survivor is in chase within the above range this disqualifies as camping/excessive gen until the survivor is 24m or further from the hooked survivor, or the killer has been closer to the hooked survivor than the chased survivor for the past 5s. Nemesis Zombies will have added AI to die on “camping” hooks or otherwise getting stuck on objects, and active traps/powers in range of the hook will deactivate/despawn. Victor will rejoin Charlotte, bear traps will close, and Hag Traps will fizzle. Deathslinger is not considered a ranged killer for this due to his power only having an 18m effective range, and is already accounted for with the default 24m. This camping qualification will have a grace period of 10s after initial hook, but adds 3s for completing each kick or snuff action within the grace period. The speed boost mentioned above is tied to this grace period, so as not to waste the speed when kicking the pallet and gen near the hook. The timer accrues in each category (camped, excessive gens, or neither) after the grace period when appropriate.
A hooked survivor, once qualified as “camped” or after 40s, can hold the secondary action for 2.5s to lock the camera. Once the camera is locked, press the unhook attempt button to teleport to another hook in the current direction of the camera at random (other than to or from basement hooks). This only functions as long as the target hook is further from the killer than the survivor’s current distance to them, and there are at least 2 valid hook targets in the locked-in direction. If you are on 2nd stage, then simply press the secondary action when there is no skill check to lock the camera, and upon succeeding the next skill check you will teleport. The valid hooks are “locked in” when you press or start to hold the secondary action button, and the camera unlocks when you remove the button, or complete the teleport. You may only teleport once per hook per stage. The valid hooks highlight for your team, and survivors are shown on the new hook after the teleport. The killer is still shown the survivor on the original hook, but gets the loud noise notification on the new unhook location when unhooked. In niche circumstances where another survivor would be hooked on a teleport hook, the original survivor is sent back to their original hook, and the teleport cooldown is refreshed. Perks such as Breakdown and the feature mentioned below activate on rescue against the hook you teleport from, but not on the new hook. Reassurance, Kinship, and similar perks work on both the original and teleport hook. This teleport feature is disabled in endgame, and if a survivor teleported before the final gen was popped, their real location is revealed to the killer when the final gen is popped. (Eg. Killer is 20m from your hook, 16m from hook 1, 34m from hook 2, and 62m from hook 3. Then only hook 2 and 3 are viable to teleport to. If the killer is out and about on the map, then the killer is far from the hook and effectively prevents the teleport by being too far from the initial hook. Eg. 60m your hook, 52m hook 1, 34m hook 2, 16m hook 3, none of those 3 TP hooks are available, so someone has to run to the original hook to get you.)
If a survivor reaches an additional stage without failed self-unhook attempts, hook teleports, and/or succeeding all skill checks, and qualified as camped for at least 10s per stage as qualified above, then an additional hook, closest to the hooked survivor, permanently breaks on death/unhook, prioritizing the current hook if unhooked. Also if a survivor is hooked in the basement you cannot hook teleport out, but if camped (as qualified above, but removing the trap qualification) for 40s among the full 3 stages, instead of random hooks being broken, all the basement hooks are broken instead. Additionally, if you were unhooked from any basement hook, or are picked up/pick yourself up from being slugged from within the basement, then for 15s you may enter any basement locker and press the secondary action button. If you do so, an audio cue is played map wide indicating the teleport (with a corresponding buff bar tooltip for hard of hearing/deaf players), then you are teleported to any random locker in the map (other than killer shack’s if the basement is there, or other than the main building’s, if the basement is there). Iron Maiden will not apply to exiting a teleport locker within 10s of teleporting there. This will prioritize unlocked lockers, and break a lock on a random locker against dredge if all viable lockers are locked.
To prevent “GenB4Fren”, gen efficiency is slowed if someone is hooked, the grace period is over, the killer is not qualified as camping, and 3 people are on gens, or if 2 people are on gens and 1 is qualified as distracting the killer. You are qualified as distracting the killer if you are in chase or within 16m of the killer, either qualification must be done for at least 10s or longer than previously done for the same hook instance and beyond 24m of the hooked survivor. (The timer to help prevent cheesing) If the survivor qualifies as being camped, the efficiency penalty is reversed to a boost instead. This will let the team know someone needs to go for the unhook, or stay on gens due to camping. The gen sway gen speed will start to accrue after the 10s grace period mentioned above. If the survivor qualifies as camped, gen speeds increase by a multiplicative 100% (Doubling the effective current speed). If a survivor is not qualified as camped and 3 survivors are on gens, or 2 survivors on gens and another survivor is qualified as above in this section, then gen speeds decrease by a multiplicative 50% (Halving the effective current speed). The initial delay is until only 2 people are on gens, and the delay reapplies when the third is in chase or otherwise distracting the killer long enough while the 4th is not qualified as camped. The camped qualification will show up on all survivors as an effect like Prove Thyself or Coulrophobia. Blue Tent for camped, and Red Entity Claws around a hooked survivor for excessive gen degrees. The killer can only see a Red Tent so they can take actions to prevent it, but the info that someone recently left a gen when not qualified as camped should not encourage preventing rescues entirely, toggling chase between the 2 would be rescuers. The killer and survivors can also see camp disqualification as the same buff/debuff above as the same tent but crossed out with 2 entity claws forming an “X”. The killer additionally sees this tooltip when in the grace period, but the survivors do not.
Eg. A Nurse is proxy camping on Wrecker’s Yard but never leaving the middle, gens progress faster as the Nurse prevents the other survivors from going past the middle and the survivor reaches 2nd stage. Now a hook on the 3 gen side is queued to be broken permanently. The survivors finish the 3 gens on the opposite side of the map, and finally are able to progress past the Nurse with a hook trade. This causes the hook to be permanently broken, forcing the Nurse to hook somewhere else. If in that same scenario the Nurse camped out the full kill, then the current hook would be broken, as well as the 2 closest bonus broken hooks, for the 2 full hook states camped out.
Eg2. A Pig hooks a survivor in the shack basement, kicks the gen upstairs, and heads off to the gen revealed. After the 13s grace period the 3 unhooked survivors are on gens, they now start to slow to half speed. One survivor gets off their gen and the other 2 are notified the gen slowdown is gone, so they know someone is going for the rescue. The survivor then is chased by the Pig long enough, reactivating the gen slowdown, and telling the remaining 2 that one of them needs to leave the gen for the rescue. The chased survivor goes for a hook trade in the basement, due to poor decision making. They get the rescue and the Pig knocks them down. The rescued survivor hops in one of the lockers and teleports out immediately.
Corresponding Perk Changes:
Scourge Hook: Monstrous Shrine will now additionally prevent hook teleports while the perk is active.
Kindred: The killer is considered “camping” while their aura is or would be revealed by this perk when the person on hook is the one with Kindred, even if the other conditions would disqualify camping. Alternatively this could allow Hook Teleports to 1 specific hook instead of randomed.