DBD Problems and Potential Fixes 6/10 Totems and Boons

This is a series of recommendations to hopefully change the game for the better. I am posting each section separate, but a lot of them are connected and work much better understanding the other changes. Some are more Killer sided, and some are more Survivor sided, but overall I think it levels the playing field in a positive way.

If you want to read the draft I am posting the sections from you can follow this google doc link.

With that said, here is part 6.

Totems and Boons

Often it can be hard to find exactly where Totems are for newer players, and for killers, it can be a bigger pain repeatedly snuffing them without wasting a perk slot when no one brings them. New players can have absolutely no clue as to totem spawning logic, and hopefully with these changes we can flatten the difference a bit between the extremes of skill/knowledge. Additionally, Colorblind QOL can help differentiate totem auras that are revealed to you.

Proposed Solution: 

Totems have a distinct sound similar to the cleansing noise, but lessened when idle/Calm Spirit interacted, directionally audible within 24m, with a buff icon to help hard of hearing/deaf players know they are within 24m of any bone. Additionally the Shattered Hope break boon is an optional basekit feature with a Loud Noise if done perkless. To help with colorblind issues, there will be an additional Triangle above Hexes, Square above Dulls, and Circle above Boons, for anyone able to see a Totem’s aura and know the type from color or context clues. Note that the Triangle is typically only visible for killers, to differentiate their own Hexes from other Totems, or Pentimento dead Totem spots. Survivors currently would only be shown the triangle for Hex: Plaything for their own totem, and Hex: No one Escapes Death when each are revealed from within the short distance.

Corresponding Perk Changes:

Counterforce now reactivates the aura once for 2/3/4s when walking within 16m of the totem with a corresponding sound cue and the perk cycles for the timer.

Small Game now additionally increases the ambient sound of totems by 50%, and an arrow if standing still when the perk activates will show over the buff icon for being within 24m.

Shattered Hope is buffed to reveal all dull totems in pink, and booned totems in blue when snuffing or smashing a boon, in addition to the old survivor aura reveal benefit for the current snuffed boon. You also may smash a dull totem to reveal all other dull totems and boon totems for 5s. If you do so then you create a loud noise notification for the Survivors and the location is revealed for 5s. This only applies to smashing a dull totem.