All stuns/blinds activate Smash Hit

Fixed the perk. It goes from being one of the weakest exhaustion perks to being at the power level of all the other exhaustion perks. Still fits the theme of the perk. Makes it more useful.
Combo Smash Hit with Decisive, Blast Mine, Flashbang or any Flashlight for some crazy results. No need to nerf the 4 second duration either cause all the blinds and stun requirements have setup time or a skill requirement.
Asides from flashlight I would be ok with it, imagine u preedrop a paleta killer brakes u blind him, now he's blind, on the other side of the pallet and u are getting a 4 seconds sprint, not fair. But other than this it's ok.
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I would still argue that's in line with other exhaustion perks though. You can walk to a pallet and camp it with Sprint Burst ready or predrop and Lithe over it.
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Lithe u need to vault, and sprint is stoping to do it mid chase, unless u 99 it. It's basically "gain a sprint burst every time u drop a pallet."
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Kind of but the Killer has to choose to break the pallet, so it's only gonna be unavoidable at god pallets. And the perk is weak against Killers like Nurse, Hag, Spirit and Artist who generally ignore pallets in a way all other exhaustion perks aren't
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Buffs decisive strike and removes nerf it to its original form. This has same problem as Hillbilly enduring perk that reduces decisive strike stun.
Survivors might OPT to run Smash hit+DS on all their builds to get a powerful effect. I think you should focus on making individual perks viable to run alone instead buffing another perk to make this perk relevant. I think smash hit is bad because killers can respect pallets on reaction so you will never stun a killer unless their power forces them to commit to certain gameplay to disrespect pallets.
I think that smash-hit should increase stun hitbox of a dropped pallet by 20%. This create mindgame where the killer cannot respect pallets on reaction, so he is forced to guess whether the survivor will do another loop or drop the pallet but risk getting stun hence triggering the perk. There is little tech you can do with smash-hit which allows you to walk past pallet but vacuum back to the pallet by hitting the prompt late to get smash hits, but I look for that as killer player, so I don't get stunned. this PSTD towards pallet stuns... comes from the days where survivor could pallet vacuum stun killers from super far away.
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Decisive Strike nerfs were 100 percent needed for game health.
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How is killers being able to straight up tunnel someone and only get "punished" with a measly 2-second stun at all healthy for the game?
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I'm curious too. I agree with the removal in endgame, but saying the duration was healthy for the game is weird, since now it's just a minor inconvenience for most non M1 killers
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Because survivors were using it as a weapon not as a defense against tunneling.
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Ok, sure. And now killers don't even respect DS or play around it anymore because they know that nobody runs it cus it's so 💩
Reeeeaal healthy.
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They are sort of art, using as a weapon; by jumping into lockers in front of the Killer's face (especially when pairing it with Head On); body blocking the Rescuer and make the killer eat their Borrowed Time and endurance, etc. You may call it tunnelling, we like to call it Aggressive passively killers by forcing them to "tunnel" you.
And yess, I am happy with the nerf yet I do agree it is bit overboard of a nerf, they should have kept the 5 second stun or reduced to just 4; keep the Endgame removal nerf (as it should be not a "get out of hook for free" perk). Alternatively, I would have kept the new nerf the same, if only... it makes stronger killers like nurse not too stronger. (Like maybe male them loose their charges when they eat a DS, so they cannot immediately blink afterwards)