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Nurse Special attack.



  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Survivors make mistakes all the time, even good ones and especially when under pressure from a good killer like a good Nurse.

    What is your point? I am starting to think you're out of good arguments to defend your precious main. I'd love to see some since I love deconstructing them.

    Well get uploading then. You're just making up statistics to defend your point to make it not seem anecdotal.

    If the Nurse is within 20 metres of a survivor she has the opportunity to hit them in 1 blink. Survivors can make it hard but not impossible. That is a statement of fact. This is where the fun is, it becomes mindgames on mindgames. If you can never land a 1 hit blink in those spots, maybe you're not as good as you think you are bro. You've never actually had to try to get those 1 blink hits because you've always had your crutch second blink anyway.

    Why does everyone always circle back to Nurse needing some or all of her blink attacks needing to be special? Because aside from having to wait for her blinks to recharge she always has her power on demand and can blink 30 metres hit someone with a "basic attack." That's straight up BS and no one but Nurse mains care what your defense of it is.

    If they bumped up her walking speed a little bit as a trade off for making her second and third attacks special could that placate you at all?

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited September 2022

    If you can’t avoid a one blink hit, that is literally on you for misplaying. A killer should not have to rely on the other player being bad to use a perk LMAO. If a killer is in range and cannot attempt to attack you at all, that is what is bad design. That’s how you end up with nonsense like M1 killers who have no option except to run around in ovals until they catch up, then finally get the pallet out, then catch up again. If you are close to the killer, you should always be in potential danger. Using the second blink is literally part of mindgaming. That’s like calling walking backwards to pallet stun a killer a crutch LMAO.

    If Nurse is slower than survivors, the movespeed is useless. If she’s as fast or faster, it completely removes mindgaming because she just walks at you to a pallet or window. If you want advice on playing against Nurse, you can just ask you know. It’s not rocket science. It just requires player skill and not relying on map RNG to save or screw you. If you can’t win mindgames, you deserve to be getting hit. The worse player doing better in chase would be stupid.

    There’s a reason good survivors will do actually fine in chase against an equally good Nurse, regardless of Exposed.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    You're just repeating yourself now.

    Nurses can and do use aura perks to get wallhacks and consistently land 1 blink attacks on survivors who have no chance to dodge. Is that on survivors for misplaying?

    Nurses have never even had to try to hit survivors with 1 blink unless they fail to let their 2nd blink charge up or they use the Matchbox without the Bookmark. They've never actually had to get good at 1 blink hits, they've almost always had their 2nd blink available.

    Any bump up of Nurse's speed will make her as fast or faster than survivors as she already moves at 96.25%. (Thanks @Shroompy.) I wouldn't complain if she got bumped up to say 105%, same as Tier 1 Myers, as a trade off for making her 2nd and later blink attacks special. But she would need a nerfing addon pass as well.

    I am willing to compromise.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited September 2022

    Aura reveals don’t make it impossible to mindgame. If that was the case, mindgaming her in the open would be impossible. Using the second blink is part of mindgaming.

    My bad, worded it wrong earlier. 110/115% would be busted. Less than 110 is basically the same as being 96.25% because it would be utterly useless for walking and she’d still have to blink everywhere. Have you tried chasing someone as a M1 Huntress/T1 Myers before? Nurse has zero reason to walk unless she’s at least 110, but making her 110+ would break her.

    Nurse’s basekit is perfectly balanced and designed. Only range and 3 blink addons need changes.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited September 2022

    I don’t know why people are bringing up the Pig example. Pig is 115 and attacks WITH her power like Blight does. It’s just Ambush is garbage. Nurse’s power is like Wraith or Spirit’s. It is purely movement. The attack is done separately after moving. Despite Ambush being garbage, it is on-demand Undetectable that can do huge curves around objects with no cooldown the way powers like Nurse/Blight/Spirit/etc recharge work.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    This youtuber makes more than 10 one hit blink in this video and he has hundreds of video with Nurse only.

    Otz proving that a sub average nurse player have an easy time with 3 blink nurse.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited September 2022
    1. YouTube content will be inherently for views.
    2. Landing one hit blinks on terrible survivors means literally nothing.
    3. He also has literally 7200+h and is a semi-comp player Nurse main which means his very existence throws a monkey wrench in matchmaking.
    4. 3 blink is busted and needs a rework. Basekit is perfectly fine.
  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    In many instance you don't want to blink right away but move Nurse slightly to see where the survivor is going. If making her 105 or something like that mean she can waste less blink because she has a better picture of the situation it would make her better.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Aura reveals don't make it impossible to midgame but they do make it much more difficult to mindgame. If the survivor doesn't know you have an aura reveal it might as well be a free hit, for example the first aura revealed by I'm All Ears. Even if the survivor knows the Nurse sees their aura they don't always know the Nurse's position which again makes effective mindgaming harder.

    I have tried chasing people down as Scratched Mirror Myers and as Nurse. One clearly is possible (it just takes way too long) while the other clearly is not. Assuming the survivor is looping something low and big enough to not be mindgame-able.

    Wraith and Spirit don't get a blink after using their power and they can't go through walls.

    This is why I continue to argue that Nurse's 2nd and later blinks be considered special attacks.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555
    1. How is that a counter argument? Why your personal experiance would count but not the experiance of youtuber?
    2. You didn't watch the video from how fast you answered. It goes to show how full of ######### you are.
    3. So? Do we balance game around noob or what good player can do? Or is it we balance everything but the things I play?
    4. oof, for a second I was scared you'd say something else with the way you answer.
  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited September 2022

    I fail to see the problem with something being harder. If a survivor really is worried about aura perks, they can run Distortion/Object and counter that back.

    Spirit’s exact location is completely invisible unless there’s grass or whatever, and she makes the entire line she runs past a threat range where said line can be anywhere in a circle of where she can run, because she can swing out of it at any moment. Nurse threat range is limited to lunge range around first blink destination + lunge range around second blink destination. She can’t hit everything along the way. Spirit’s power also doesn’t require committing to a specific location and she can run back at hyper speed if she wants. Furthermore, Spirit covers more raw distance than Nurse (7.04x5s vs 20+12m blink). Lastly, Nurse has windows of safety in the travel time between the blink the survivor can use to reposition. Spirit will run that entire distance, so the moment her power charge fully finishes, everywhere near her is a threat.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Spirit has her own problems for sure but this is not the thread for that discussion.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    So Spirit has potential of 35.2m while Nurse will always be able to traverse 32m. Nurse doesn't give a ######### about obstacle while Spirit does. Nurse recharge is 6s at most basekit while Spirit is 15s. I mean yeah if you go on an open map and the place you are have 0 obstacle with your desired location you'll have a longer distance with Spirit but that's rarely gonna happen.

    With those number Nurse can leave the hook to activate Devour/MYC and leave a 6s window to come back from then she sees where survivor have gone to and can walk 23.1m waiting for her next two blinks. . Spirit will have to wait the entire 15s before she can use her power or walk 8s to come back and she still doesn't have her power for an other 7s. Distance wise Nuse can almost have 4 blinks+ recharge while Spirit will get 1use of her power.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    It's almost as if they're changing subject, talk about something else because they don't have any good argument to add.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    you dropped too many w's in hree. moving the goal posts was the only option!

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    DBD players understand comparisons (impossible)

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Lots of people still malding over Nurse, I see.

    Or rather, their poor comprehension of game balance. Some things never change.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,476

    Saying Spirit has better movement than Nurse is just wrong as thats just taking into account running in a straight line (which btw, even then its not that big of a difference) because you're not taking into account the fact that Nurse literally ignores obstacles while Spirit still needs to walk around them.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Nurses blinks definitely should be special attacks. Only nurse mains will speak against that sadly.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    It's true. They don’t have a single solid argument.

    The fact is, they think nurse is fine because they've spent years playing her, being conditioned to think they deserve the easy wins her OP mechanics give. That's it. I've seen the gameplay of one of these nurse defenders. It makes me understand why they defend her so much.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    Otz opinion: Strong power + strong add-ons. Nurse is one of the rare killer that has a. a strong power and b. strongs add-ons

    Strong power + always available (in his words) and he's not wrong, he cooldowns is 3s per blink and it start at the same time as the fatigue.

    funny this is that we ain't even complaining about that, merely about the fact she abuse 1hit perk like no other can't. If she was nerf in that sense I'd welcome a buff to pretty much all of them so they ain't too trash on other killer.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    If Spirit moves from point A to point B, that entire line is a threat. If Nurse moves from point A to point B, only the lunge range around A and B is a threat. Spirit can also move wherever in those 5 seconds she feels like, in case she feels like scrapping her original target location. Once Nurse picks a destination, she's stuck going there and can only readjust after another charge and blink (assuming the earlier was her first blink).

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,232

    Yeah I mean Nurse only moves at 13.33m/s while blinking, nowhere near Wesker's 14m/s Virulent Bound and Blights 9.2m/s Lethal Rush.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Nurse's basekit will never ever end up in a situation where she lands an attack without blinking unless a survivor misplays to hell and back. Blight and Wesker can play without using their power a single time at all and still score hits by virtue of being 4.6m/s.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,232

    Nurse cornering a survivor from blink corraling and lunging at them, Nurse carrying a survivor with Agitation (with or without Starstruck), Spasmodic Breath add-on, Matchbox add-on. Those are 4 methods I could think of off the top of my head. A Nurse cornering someone isn't the survivor misplaying if their only choice is to not run into her. She is more than strong enough without basic attack blinks. You don't need to misplay to hell and back as survivor, just a tiny bit.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Cornering a survivor from blink corraling takes an extended period of time unless the survivor was already out of position in the first place which is on them. If they were there because they chose to do a gen in said risky location, that is still on them and a risk they voluntarily chose to take.

    Spasmodic is a meme. People shouldn't be that close to a Nurse to be in Agitation carry-attack range in the first place regardless of her build. She's a hyper-snowbally killer. It would be like grouping up against an Oni in Blood Fury. Matchbox is utter garbage, 105% is a joke.

  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761

    The most common choice in the fandom is to have every blink after the first count as a special attack while the first counts as a basic. So thats probably the best you're ever going to get.

    However, lets say that the Devs actually make all blinks special attacks. That's not the type of nerf The Nurse can get without some kind of buff to compensate for that shes losing: the ability to hit any basic attack outside of incredibly rare circumstances.

    SO, I want to hear this. If you have your way and all blinks count as special attacks, what buff are you willing to give the Nurse in return? Because if your answer is "none", then the answer to this Nurse nerf is smiply "no"

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,232

    If you are going to make the claim that cornering takes so long, then I will match that claim. Assuming that supposition of full counterplay is true against Nurse, a survivor has to never touch a gen within Terror Radius, never do a corner gen, and never be within Bond distance of another survivor. Since there are typically 4 corners of the map and at least 2 of them typically have a gen if not all 4, that means Survivors need to complete the (hopefully) 5 middle gens while never entering the Nurse's terror radius and also never bumping into another Survivor's Bond radius in order to actually play against Nurse. That also is assuming that you don't have a permanent source of Exposed such as Devour Hope or NOED.

    Spasmodic is a meme, but that is a valid source of basic attacks within the Nurse's potential since you don't even need other Killer's perks to access it, unlike most forms of Exposed. Also Agitation carry range can be the Nurse hitting a hiding survivor, which would be a Survivor misplay, but not a "to hell and back" level of misplay. Matchbox is still a source, as people can get a blink close enough to not swing, and close the distance walking instead of blinking, since the survivor likely won't be near any pallets or windows.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    It being good against survivors misplaying or a complete gimmick build does not make something busted. I'm not sure why you came up with those sets of parameters. Why couldn't a survivor be in the TR? Just keep distance from the others and make distance from a downed survivor. You can do a corner gen just fine, it's just obviously a risk that you have to choose to take, much like how cornering yourself to do a gen is dangerous against basically every single killer in this game and especially any mobile one.

  • JacobiusWick
    JacobiusWick Member Posts: 161

    I've been seeing this for a while and I'm curious. Why is everyone asking for her attack to be special, and what exactly would that mean for her anyways?

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,232
    edited September 2022

    It being so excessively good does make it busted, and if Exposed was only utilized on the 4 conditions I laid out it would not be excessive.

    A survivor can't be within TR from your defenses of Nurse across multiple threads. Typically in defense of Starstruck and/or Awakened Awareness. The majority of times someone was within TR that was a massive misplay on the survivor's part, as opposed to a natural and unavoidable result of the match.

    Doing a corner gen is not a risk a survivor chooses to take when the game requires 5 out of 7 generators to be completed. I would say an average of 3 spawn in corners, forcing a minimum of one gen to be 100% forced upon the survivors if they wish to complete the match instead of wait out the death of their allies and risk hatch instead.

    Edit: Every time -> The majority of times

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    There are people of the mindset Nurse's synergy with Exposed perks which allows her to instantly down a healthy survivor after blinking is overpowered. By making her attack a Special Attack, it would mean she is no longer able to grab by default unless the devs recode it in specifically (like how Wesker's ability handles it) which would also break the associated challenge (3 blinks into a grab), and it would mean she cannot use Exposed perks or any other perk that requires a basic attack. For example, Sloppy Butcher.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    Nurse has 100% control on when she release her first blink and where she goes. Her second blink is 3/5 the distance of the first one. If you miss so badly your first blink that you can't correct it with the second than you're just garbage at Nurse and shouldn't play her.

    Nurse has full control of where she goes and when, especially on first blink. She can also cover more distance with two blink and completely ignore obstables.

    A good Nurse can very well land a hit after a single blink. If you can't you're just not good enough with her. I've already shown a Nurse main who can do it. Oh and if need be, go take aura reading perk, if you can't land a 1blink hit with those it just proove that you haven't mastered Nurse.

    So a survivor hiding in a room in The Game is "out of position" or "bad" or what ever, right? What about the fact gen will sometime spawn in a dead zone? What you do then? You tell your friend sorry it's too unsafe? What about Hex:Retribution? Your location is given to the killer for 15s. And you can't tell me to always run a build just for Nurse.

    Also did you just compared Nurse to Blood Fury Ony in how snowbally they are? You know that Blood Fury Ony that last a maximum of 45.45s with -7s for each downed survivor while Nurse's blink take each 3s to charge with no other penality. Ma men you just said Nurse is comparable to a killer's ability that need to be charged & last 45s, or basically saying she's way stronger than Ony which is already a quite decent killer.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Survivors misplaying proves nothing.

    Badly designed maps are a map issue.

    You can run perks that help counter great perks on multiple killers, like Distortion, which is anti-aura. Every single mobile killer in this game can use aura perks well. Even Spirit, who loses sight after, can still use things like Lethal/BBQ to get an immediate sense where to go initially.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    Bro you're so full of ######### that you say everyone that get hit by Nurse is either dog ######### or misplaced. I guess it suck being you: So bad at nurse you can't get 1 blink hit and so full of yourself to think you can't get 1hit blink without a major misplay by survivor.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    Oh and by the way just look at this:

    You really find normal that good player like him can just destroy everyone like there's no tomorrow? xD

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    This guy: "survivors misplaying proves nothing."

    What he means: "survivors exisiting means I deserve a 4k for playing nurse."

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    A 7200h comp player Nurse main who almost always uses strong builds and plays to win in public lobby matchmaking games is dominating almost every game? Gee whiz, I could've never guessed!

  • JacobiusWick
    JacobiusWick Member Posts: 161

    So, basically just for exposed stuff then. That makes sense, given how fast she can move through the map.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    So? Does those number hurt your feelings? In no way this negate the fact that you can reach a pretty good level on Nurse after dozens to few hundreds hours... And anyway even if it took 5k hours to reach his level that still doesn't negate the fact that Nurse is too strong with some perks. The game doesn't revolve around you being trash at Nurse.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    The devs & good Nurse player would argue that both Aura reading & perks that apply the Exposed status effect are too strong on Nurse and/or force the devs put them in a state where they aren't op on Nurse but that mean they're quite trash for other killer.

    And finally devs fixing a Nurse bug... That turn out to buff her xD

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited September 2022

    Most of the community is in favour of making blink attacks special attacks to help make up for the fact that Nurse is the strongest killer and doesn't need access to expose perks, but the usual suspects on the forums will come in and try to argue how Nurse is perfectly fine and doesn't need any nerfs.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,476

    which is why you use your first blink to eliminate the majority if not all of the Survivors options and then you have a 2nd blink to correct yourself and react to what the Survivor did

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,476
    edited September 2022

    "There are people of the mindset Nurse's synergy with Exposed perks which allows her to instantly down a healthy survivor after blinking is overpowered."

    Because it is.

    She has the best chase ability in the game without a doubt, ignoring literally every single resource available to Survivors. Normally killers are weaker in the early game because of all the available resources survivors have and later on this becomes a bit less of a problem because pallets and breakable walls are used up, making most loops unsafe and a lot easier to deal with. Nurse on the other hand? She plays her own game. As no matter what stage the game is in she remains at her full potential.

    Not being able to grab is fine as I can count on one hand the amount of times I've gotten an interrupt after a Blink. Also there is absolutely nothing stopping the devs from changing 'From the void she kills'. In fact we know they don't have an issue with changing achievements, take Deranged Pursuit for example. An achievement which used to be VERY difficult made easy as hell when Legion got their first minor rework.

    Not being able to use Exposed Perks or anything else that requires a Basic Attack is something the majority of killers who rely on their M2 to get hits have been dealing with already, don't know why this is a problem all of a sudden for Nurse as pretty much every killer except Nurse doesn't have synergy with so many things on top of having such a powerful ability.

    There is absolutely no reason as to why she can be so perfect in pretty much everything, she NEEDS changes. She's the only thing that's remained basically unchanged from an era where basically everything was busted.

    Post edited by Shroompy on
  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,232

    The speed of the killer when using their power is quite relevant to whether or not they got a hit from its use. It was a tongue in cheek response to everyone saying how "slow" she is, when the use case is far from it. She still has access to basic attacks from the 4 conditions I laid out previously in this thread, as well as potentially more. The overwhelming power of Nurse should be enough justification to make Blink Attacks as Special Attacks. It would just need an extra qualifier to allow for grabs if that was the reason it wasn't swapped according to the poster who allegedly quoted a dev.