Wesker still gets very low Brutality points

Wesker's bound attacks grant 3 scoring events - all of them grant deviousness points.

This means Wesker's only way to gain brutality points is to use his M1, which is not efficient point gain. This means that in most games with Wesker, players will struggle to get more than a few thousand brutality points at most.

This could be fixed very easily - Just swap one of the deviousness scoring events to be brutality, or grant an additional brutality event for bound hits.

Currently, the poor point gain makes maining Wesker feel a little frustrating, as we know that we're not being efficient on bloodpoints. Nemesis is extremely efficient for bloodpoint gain, so let's level Wesker up there with him.

Having one of your most fun killers (Wesker) be good for point gain will be extremely healthy for keeping people playing the game.


  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Huh, I didn’t even notice this. And the sad part is even the devious categories must score low, because I was upset with how little devious points I would come out with while playing him - prior to using Distressing.

    Off To The Races could easily be upped to 100 points per charge, and wouldn’t be busted. And yeah, most killers these days get brutality for special attacks; so should he.

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 768

    This is oddly weird as you'd imagine that slamming or throwing a survivor at a wall would grant Wesker quite a bit of brutality