Blast mine buff (new mechanic)

Although the reduced requirement of 50% to activate blast mine is nice, it is nevertheless not enough as it is still quite rare for a killer to kick a gen and even rarer that he kicks a gen during the 50 sec that blast mine lasts. To remedy that i suggest adding a "remote detonate" ability that the survivor could activate at anytime once the blastmine has been placed. Detonating the blastmine remotely would have the following effects (the values i suggest could always be changed for balance) :
- if the killer is within 5 meters of the gen , the killer gets stunned for 2 seconds (a smaller stun duration is adequate as the killer isn't right next to the gen)
- if the killer or any survivor is looking towards the gen within 12.5 meters of it, they are blinded for 4 seconds (nothing new here, the values for the blind are from the wiki)
- blastmine deactivates after being detonated remotely
With this change it will be easier to get value from blastmine. This creates a new synergy with wiretap which can be useful to detonate blastmine at the right time as you are able to see the killer's aura with wiretap.
12 meters of the killer is looking at the gen? That's very far.
A remote stun? If a survivor can get away with it they can do the gen and then easily get away as if it was sprint burst. Add this stun with sprint and that's a lot of not catching up the killer is doing.
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Well 12 meters is the current range of the blastmine blind if you look on the wiki, I don't think that it's too big of a issue and if it is then the value can be adjusted accordingly for balance, maybe 5 meters like the stun.
Well yes a remote stun can be useful but the range requirement i suggested is still extremely small, it's 1 meter shorter than the reassurance range which is already quite short. If the stun is too long it can always be made shorter like say 1 sec or even 0.5sec and if that's not enough then maybe the progress requirement could be increased again to 66% as the perk is a bit stronger.