Playing As Sadako Feels Horrible

TheGentlemen Member Posts: 198
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I main Sadako, and have her to prestige 15 right now, and I see a lot of people uploading videos that are showing off the morri playstyle, and because of this, the playstyle is now being adapted to, due to it's hype that streamers and other good Sadako players are showing off.

And it's good that survivors are adapting to the playstyle and all, but now that more people are adapting to it, there's so little you can do as this killer anymore, you feel so powerless in trials as her and it's absolutely nuts.

I am in no way the best Sadako on the planet, and I wouldn't say I'm very good as her, but I'm being serious when I say playing Freddy, feels better than playing Sadako at this point.

That is, insane, isn't it?

The literal only reason I play this killer is because I have a huge passion for Ringu and Sadako as a killer, I always have since I was younger, and it feels so bad knowing that I have to rely on addons and a playstyle that is just promoting insane sweat and energy for such little payoff.

I've made these huge, 182 IQ PLAYS!!!, and every single time that I make one, I sit there and go,

Well that was cool and all, I enjoyed myself, but if I devoted half the amount of time I put into Sadako into someone like Huntress, Nurse, Blight or Artist, I could've relaxed and got this down/hit/injure without any mind gaming at all really.

It's just a pitiful display really, she's even worse than Myers, cause at least with him you have some busted addons that just break the game practically.

I recall the devs saying they're going to look at Sadako and try to make her better, but seriously, this is just pitiful, her current state.

You know it's bad when literally pallet Freddy feels better to play than her in my opinion.


  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited September 2022

    Using Freddy to say Sadako is weak implements that everyone knows how terrible he is.

    We D-Tier-Killers need us.

    For Sadako: I enjoy her, but i know she is weak, but Freddy is weaker. Sadako at least has some nice addons.

    Have u tried Terminus/No Way Out ob her? stbfl is also absolutely good on her.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    They need to flesh out condemned to make the condemn mori build less good and make her overall vanilla playstyle much better. Tbh they should have probably given her a chase power since no killer can be good without a chasing power. Overall I can agree I played her a lil bit when she came out and I immediately went and played nurse/blight.