Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Pig or her traps need to be reworked

The fact that it gives her free license to tunnel someone to death is extremely unhealthy and unfun for the game. It doesn't matter if the killer only gets 1 or 2 kills because of it, the fact that the Pig can down you, place a trap and then camp/tunnel you while gens get done means the trap is going to be active. By this point the survivor can no longer escape the match. Hatch is the only option a survivor has, and that's going to depend on whether the other survivors choose to leave the match. In solo queue, that's especially unreliable. It's not even possible to break line of sight and stealth because the trap is constantly beeping because "you're no longer in chase".

The entire Pig trap mechanic is flawed and really enables very unfair and unfun playstyles. Honestly, with her power being generally really weak, and then being able to tunnel so effortlessly, I think she needs a total and complete rework.

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  • Member Posts: 49

    You saw it here fokes people are honestly complaining about pig after the afk gimmick was removed

  • Member Posts: 3,589

    Even if you get tunneled with a trap on, it isnt the optimal way to play Pig. You typically just use the traps for pressure, only going after people if they search nearby you so they have to waste their time going elsewhere and/or healing to search the same box again; this basically hinges on how good your teammates are as well as more or less how aware you are of your surroundings.

  • Member Posts: 326

    If you're camping and tunneling, you're not playing optimally in the first place, y'know? I'm just saying Pig has the potential to be one of the most toxic killers in the game because of the way her traps allow her to just tunnel you out of the game with zero counterplay besides "don't go down ever". Once you get that trap on your head, if the Pig decides she wants to throw the match to tunnel you out of the game and ensure you die, she can do it effortlessly by just following you. She doesnt ever even have to down you again to do it.

  • Member Posts: 6,226
    edited September 2022

    Except if you're tunneling someone out of the game, you are playing optimally. Not optimal fun, but optimal chance of victory. It's why tunneling is so prevalent. It's effective and efficient.

    However, that's not the main purpose Pig traps serve. Their job is to take a survivor out of the game for a while so you can focus on other players without gens flying.

    Pig tunneling you to death with a trap on isn't that much different from Pig tunneling you to death period. Any killer can do it. Pig's not even the most effective because her chasing kit is pretty terrible and time in chase pauses the trap anyway - she'll waste the match hounding one person, when a Blight or a Nurse could speedrun killing you and move onto the next victim with days to spare.

  • Member Posts: 237

    That is the first time, that someone complain about tunnel capabilities without putting Pyramid Head in the question.

    Sometimes this forum have a lot of crazy stuff to see.

  • Member Posts: 337

    You're asking for a Pig nerf, and apparently you aren't joking.


    This is why no one can win in solo queue. Buddy, if you can't escape a Pig I have some bad news for you.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Have you tried booping the snoot?

  • Member Posts: 326

    But people aren’t using Pig traps the way they are meant to be used. I don’t see what I’m not making clear here. If a pig downs you and puts a trap on you, a gen gets done, if she wants you dead, all she has to do is follow you around and prevent you from getting the trap off. She’ll have to throw the match to do it, but I keep seeing pigs doing this in increasing numbers. There’s no counter to it. Your team escapes, but you die with absolutely no counterplay

  • Member Posts: 326

    Did you read the last sentence where I say pig needs a total rework? I didn’t ask for a NERF. At no point did I ever say “PIG OP NEED NERF”. I’m saying if she puts a trap on you and follows you around in the match, you can NEVER ESCAPE. What exactly is fair about that?

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    Any killer can do that it isnt a special power that pig has, lol.

  • Member Posts: 456
    edited September 2022

    if she is only doing this for Boop the Snoot , then this match will have a high chance of ending with 3 escapes, which is a positive, not a negative scenario for survivors, where she trolled herself or will see she is doing some quest.

    ps: there's killers that doesn't even let you off the hook with the powers (doctor shocks) and much more unfair situations (bubba, PH, trickster, NURSE, etc)


  • Member Posts: 326

    No other killer can do this. She downs you, puts a trap, trap activates after a gen. If she camps you and then follows you when you’re unhooked, even if the doors are open, you need to get the trap off or you die. For every other killer, you can body block, take hits, and leave through the door, but it doesn’t matter against pig. She will prevent you from taking off the trap, which prevents you from ever leaving unless your teammates all leave and you happen to find hatch.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    How is this different from me tunneling you with the killer of my choice? Most games I tunnel one person out and then play a "normal" game 3v1 to have a fair match.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    First of all, let's nerf the Pig.

  • Member Posts: 326

    I’m not talking about stupid memes, I’m talking about people who just want to say “f—- you in particular” every match, guaranteed.

    All killers have counterplay for face camping if you have a coordinated team, but I’m not even talking about getting face camped, I’m talking about being tunneled. At least with camping you can trade hooks. The camping Pig would do is only so she knows where you’re going the moment you get unhooked. She doesn’t have to hit you, down you, nothing. She just has to follow you and make sure you never get your trap off. You are dead if that happens.

    I’m not saying pig is OP or that she needs nerfs, I’m saying a specific part of her power is highly abusable and because there’s no good way to fix it, just give her a total rework with an entirely different power that doesn’t allow her to screw over a survivor of her choosing with no counterplay.

  • Member Posts: 456
    edited September 2022

    I just listed worse things in the game and that don't actually have real counterplay, because while the pig that doesn't have speed and no power to stop you from getting off the hook has to accompany you crouched all over the map with RBT after you've been saved from the hook to explode your head , Bubba won't even let you off the hook (there's no hook trade even with coordinated team), Nurse can both tunnel and pressure the generators, and Myers might as well wait for you to come off the hook and kill you with Judith's Tombstone.

    Anyway, you have the right to think what you want from the pig, but its power is far from being something without any counterplay (hatch and generators) with these things I mentioned, and it still generates a positive scenario of 3 escapes most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 326

    The afk pig strat resulted in only 1 kill and also had no counterplay, just like what I'm describing, but BHVR added a box to prevent it from happening because it was unfair and unfun. This is the same thing except she's following you instead of camping a box and hoping it's the one you need. I really don't see how people can't realize this is a problem?

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Might be because this is already much better situation. Your team (and this happens in soloQ too, just less) can take hits for you and make her loose you.

    If this happens, then there are at minimum 2 boxes in game from which you need to do 1 - so you have some chance to get it out.

    While your chances might not be stellar, they are far better in opposition to pig going in front of single box and litterally waiting for match to end while having the game minimalized (and still possibly getting a kill).

  • Member Posts: 271

    Tunneling is and will always be the optimal way to play the game. It's pretty indisputable, even with the "anti-tunneling changes" that have been implemented. Camping is a weak strat and does nothing but secure one kill at best.

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