Cheaters is really become a huge problem and getting worse and worse since 2020


Even that level of steamers who definitely have more ways to connect with BHVR, still get surrounded by cheaters ... What about all other regular players? ok, I do not only play DBD but every game I played that has EAC, is all BULLSH*T FOR ANTI CHEAT.


  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    When DBD moved to server hosting years ago instead of Peer to peer they had they opportunity to incorporate server side checks. Imagine for example if the server looked at someone in a chase that moved faster than normal. It could check for : damage hits, sprint burst, break out, dark theory, etc. If none of those checks are "true" then the server could flag the account. If this account gets flagged for similar events in X period of time then it gets suspended or banned automatically.

    It would have been an easy way to stop 95% of the cheating. But they didn't do that because that would have cost more money. You could have similar checks on generators, hook sabotages, healing, and every time based event. The game would know that you don't have 4 stacks of botany knowledge so your heal speed of 1 second is not legit. You wouldn't even necessarily know that you got flagged as it would be an invisible event that the game server logged.

    Locks keep honest people out not dedicated thieves. EAC is one of the weakest "protection services" I have ever seen. Every game protected by EAC is always full of cheaters because that service is essentially not good. EAC may as well be a padlock you got from the dollar store.