im starting to understand why everyone camps and tunnels

AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012
edited September 2022 in General Discussions


every game. EVERY SINGLE ONE THEM, and all with borderline 2k 3k hours on dbd

like seriously what type of game am i suppose to play when i don't even get the chance, no wonder nurse is being spammed, seriously can u play a single game without 4 gen regression perks?

im sorry but im gonna start tunneling too, yes im casual but to wait 4 mins just to face swf every time is really not worth playing nicely, and yes just because i play casually doesn't mean i don't wanna win (something this community will NEVER understand)

MMR was probably the worst idea to ever grace dbd, mmr works for pvp games with balance things, this game is far from balanced AND ITS 4 V 1 yes i wanna play against a bit of competent survivors but to get punished for playing GOOD is something beyond my understanding

wanna know the worst part, TTVS are actually streaming with their cheater friends...yes i've seen it im not gonna name any because i already reported them (no answer so far) but seriously we reached the point of people streaming cheaters and not getting banned, that's something i've never seen

and honestly soloQ players are just the victims of this, swf is seriously seriously a giant problem in this game and when people say just limit it only duo

yOu gOnNa pUnIsH PlAyErS FoR HaViNg fRiEnDs?

so u enjoy going against a nurse and getting camped and tunneled every game? (clearly not since everyone is complaining about it)

i've always played nicely since i started playing this game, always saying that survivors need to play the game too, but honestly, what's the point, yes they are playing the game but what's the point of letting them play if they are just gonna end the game in 5 mins and go wait for 10 seconds in queue while i wait another 4 mins

PS : keep the "skill issue" or "git gud" to yourself, ty

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • WorthlessBeing
    WorthlessBeing Member Posts: 377

    To be clear, I'm not judging you. I do the same sometimes - although I try to minimize it by not caring whether I "win" or "lose" and more fooling around.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    SWF, especially when they want to be a pain, is... a pain.

    However, I'm entirely on the side of "don't punish people for having friends".

    Honestly, I would just make it so that SWFs are given "Virtual MMR". Every person in the group increases their collective MMR by a set amount. This would make it so they get paired with harder and harder killers based on how many people are in the group. If the SWF is low-mid range, they wouldn't be dealing with the top killers online at the moment, but they would have a bit more of a challenge to deal with. Higher MMR groups would be paired up against the sweatiest killers available at the time.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    A full SWF is the minority of all possible configurations.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    my dude i get SWF 100% of the time and only people 1k and 2k hours, and i know im high mmr because i don't struggle against survivors but since yesterday something really screwed my games, and i know my mmr on sadako is ultra high is become i used to her to climb to iri last reset always getting 4ks and 3ks even against the hardest survivors, but what's confusing is the fact after reaching iri 1 i started messing around and get baby survivors which makes NO SENSE

  • Yogerman1997
    Yogerman1997 Member Posts: 374

    But we can't play killer with friends, not even with the twins or legion, we have to play one of them at time

    Would be fun, if atleast the twins can be played with a friend, and one using charlotte while the other victor.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,100

    It’s only as easy as the survivor lets it be. It’s not so easy to tunnel, and then camp, a survivor who knows what they’re doing.

  • Bloodraven
    Bloodraven Member Posts: 55

    It wouldn't be all that bad if when in the pre lobby it would show that the survivors are in group play because let me tell you, being a trapper main and going against SWF is nigh impossible to win or even 2k.

    It just gives people who wanna play killers that are inherently bad Vs this kind of play a chance to dip out of the game and let a nurse main hop in and ruin their day hehe.

    That or let the killer actually be able to switch killers during pre lobby to fit the possibility of a SWF team.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,185
    edited September 2022

    For me, it goes like this.

    Me having skill of 5 playing casual with meme perks, either matched with people who has skill of 3 but try hard, or matched with equal skill.

    Players who have skill of 5 but use high Tier addon, tunneling....probably will stomp me extremely hard. But then matched with players with skill of 7-8. And then we have something like this post.

    I usually only kill once I have 7-8 hooks. If I still able to 3-4K, survivors surely have much lower skill than me, which certainly I gain MMR due to 3-4K. If not, means they're good enough, Im either stay or gain MMR.

    That way I can keep my game fun, still tense enough, not to be too bored vs low MMR

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Dont forget to do the survey, you gonna love it.

    Overall, nice post. It has high mmr, playing against 4man swf every single game, well done

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,408

    Swf is the main sole reason all those players are in 'High MMR'

    Lot of them would drop to middle card at best without the mic'd advantage.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,214

    You should just do what the pro streamers do.

    Derank offstream.

    Just start a killer match, do something else, and restart the match if finished. At one point you reach a level of comfort again where you get potatoes, and you can crush them all.

    Since i have seen some of the matches those streamers play, and see the quality of their opponents, i belive thats exactly what they do.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    Bet you already tunneled and camped before.

    You cant proof that every game is SWF's. Also you will fall down and settle if you would continue to play nice. If you tunnel, you get higher MMR, maybe fall down a little?

    Untill you ask or can proof otherwise, there is 0 indicator that survivors are SWF's. The game was designed for SWF's, it just baffles me that Solo Q doesnt have the changes to make it more to SWF's, like aura readings and information. This way you can balance some things better out.

    And killers dont have it the worst right now, they got some buffs. Its time that solo q get some buffs.

    And since its a forum, skill issue, git gud blahblah. You cant prevent opinions just because you dont like them.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    Oh and dont forget, how do you know you are high MMR?

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,047

    I have no doubt that every game in high MMR is SWF. I mean, soloQ players dont have the tools to reach the top in MMR, and bhvr really demolished the soloQ playerbase with patch 6.1.0 so you are guaranteed to find 4-man SWF or 3-man with an incredibly skilled soloQ random.

    The thing is that i like to point is that it is not that killers camps or tunnel out of necessity, i must be mid-low mmr and still killer camps and tunnel with 5 gens.

    I had bubbas facecamp me for the entire timer, ending the match with 7-8k bp. So they are not because of swf, it is because it is easy to tunnel someone out of the game early and guarantee a 4k with slowdown perks.

    Why would you encounter soloQ players if they are being stomped by over opressive nurses and blights? And the devs stating that this is the correct state of the game with survs having 39% chance of escape?

    Of course you would only face sweaty swf in hig mmr.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 632

    Ok but, after 2 months since 6.1.0, now, people are using a lot os toolboxes, BNP, prove thyself adn whatever, now, different than 6.1 release gens be flying. I like play Trickster and Deathslinger, 4.4 killers, you think these meta gens kick perk works fine with these killers? This game seems like championship every game. If you try other perks out of meta, you literally will be destroy and its not fun. I this week come back to use corrupt, because every single game i have 2 prove thyselfs. gens arent slow than before. at the mean time, if you try play as survivor, you will be destroied by the killer, because your teammates doesnt do gens or whatever, just healing in the corner

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    SWF doesn't give any advantages!! Killers only lose to them because they played bad!!

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    Let's say we accept that mistakes are the cause of losing at a hundred paces.

    So what if the minimum for a killer to fight a survivor decently is to not make a single mistake in ability or judgment?

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    Mikalea MY DEAR MIKAELA i specifically said i wanna play against competent survivors in my post i do not want baby survivors neither do i want sweaty tryhards, i don't tryhard unless i know that survivors are, if they are chilling i am chilling okie?

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012
    edited September 2022

    you know there is something called steam and when u check a certain profile u might or might not see the fact that they are friends on Steam, and yes i did tunnel before im not perfect, camping on the other hand im not sure how people find standing around doing nothing fun so no i don't

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    ah yes and you know that its soft capped how?

    and im losing because they are running 4 prove thyself yes that's my mistake for letting them run 4 prove thyself right and im losing because they are on voice chat that's my fault right ?

    tbh yes its my fault didn't dodge to begin with

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    honestly im not even sure anymore, these guys made me pretty sus since they kept disappearing, i thought they had some sneaky build on but then i saw that and i was like what ? (they are all friends on steam so)

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    not i can't blame them, we are both don't know what we are expecting, you either could get a really nice killer or get a sweaty tryhard and same for survivors, but the fact that the 3% of nice survivors and killers are getting punished is really dumb

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    Bro you just made up a person to get mad about. I'm saying that you're not going up against SWFs every game and even when you do,90% of the time you lose because you played badly.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,435

    Haha. Every single time I go against a comp team, which to be fair is rare. No matter how well I do all I get is salt even though they running the sweatiest builds possible and I'm running bbq, shadowborne and ring/crow. Just makes me sad because I like going against good teams.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    I don’t understand why people think that just because you got stomped it means they are SWF.

    Lately I’ve been playing more solo queue and while yes a lot have been trrrible, there is also those people who KNOW what is up. By that I mean they aren’t scared to take a hit or even a down. Needless to say first things killers say is “nice SWF”…

    Like I just wanna know at this point what equation are people using to assume “omg another SWF” because doing things that they should be (solo or SWF) isn’t it. I’m starting to think killers like solo bc of how unreliable they are.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    If you're at high MMR, you're playing almost nothing but SWF because solos can't push high MMR because they're held back by bad teammates. I'm routinely matched with 30 to 75 prestige players, 3+ dead hards a lobby, and 1 discordance proc a game. These games are unwinnable. And this is on weak killers like Onryo

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090
  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    If I see a lobby with no aura perks and like 1 CoH, 2 PTs it's obviously a SWF. They always deny though "We ArE SoLo" cause it's baby mode. That's not even getting into obvious giveaways like matching cosmetics or names

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    That's still speculation though. Which is exactly what I am referring to.

  • scenicpickle
    scenicpickle Member Posts: 265
    edited September 2022

    its how it goes friend. survivors have always had the stronger end of the stick since game launch go watch some 2017 gameplay and see, its been getting better but slowly but survivors bite and claw at every killer buff. I play both sides equally and i know survivor is easy to win stats get dragged down by low mmr and solo players but any competent player will have no problem escaping. Go watch popular streamers they all play both sides and its funny cause they rarely root for survivor buffs cause they know the games survivor sided. the reason all you see is complaining about broken killer stuff is 2 reasons:

    1. survivor players outnumber killers in terms of voices online its the nature of the game and community being a 4v1 and all there are going to be more survivors to complain that they didn't loop the killer for 5 minutes straight
    2. most survivors play by themselves and are casual players so they will always think the killers are busted.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 632
    edited September 2022

    you know when is SWF because u are killer u can "read" the match and you realize how survivor do thing in the same time, who theirs will do that thing now, u think hmm " now, that nea will go to save, because she doesnt hook yet" its difficult to explain here, but, you knows when are solos, because everything is discordinate. In a SWF hex totens, gens, healings, everything happen in a perfect synchrony, solos do not repair gens if TR coming, but SWF will do, because their friend tell him "oohh killer is on me" .And selfish playstyle, none SWF you can see selfishes, 90% solos are selfishes

    i play solo and i can see cleary difference on my solo matches compere to my killer matches, i never have matches as killer agaisnt the same experience survivors i have when i play survivor.

    its obviously not 100% of time, but certainly is the major percentage. And of course you can solos super coordinates on match, but, this is to much rare.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Well I can't search profiles if they're cross platform cause console, so that's what I go off of. Solo lobbies you see kindred, bond, alert, empathy, 3+ PTs 3 CoH etc