im starting to understand why everyone camps and tunnels



  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    that is friendly advice ty and don't get mad tbh, and yes sometimes some survivors get the SWF synergy but most of the players i played against were friends on steam

    and sometimes no matter how hard u try its impossible to win against a SWF unless u running 4 gen regression perks lol

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2022

    i play killer 95% of time. I dont have problems with SWF. I did not have probmels with deadhard as well. tbaging is case of losing is what drives me mad. Even if there are 4 players SWF and the match is tough there is always a weak link in chain. They are rarely all top tier players.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,542

    What is it with saying... "oh you are low MMR... that's why you won" or "you played X Killer... that's why you won"

    So a low MMR Killer player can play Nurse for the first time have all 4 Survivors escape to then run into "LOL... you played the best Killer in the game and still lost"

    Does MMR really matter??? Does Killer matter???

    Cause it doesn't matter to the Devs... they haven't showed us (hypocritical community) the stats behind all of this

    The game has issues... but they haven't come up with a solution as of right now

    Does anyone remember when Mr. Cote said 'This game is meant to be frustrating' (paraphrase)

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169
    edited September 2022

    So im back again this time with a Sadako match, curiously on the same Swamp Map. I'll say they weren't the strongest team but they brought builds with specific roles for each other.

    Clearly not as strong as the previous team on my previous post. Maybe i got higher MMR on Spirit idk, i play Spirit less but i do pretty decently with her. Most likely the less matches and better results just end up giving her an higher MMR.

    Anyway, as you can see Yoichi was clearly filling the healer role. Meg with Stakeout and Hyperfocus. Ada as the bait looper and Ace as the sneaky one and rescue one. Plus the Prove Thyself on Ace. He'd sneak his way around with his quietness, rescue and heal with We'll make it and then jump on a gen with the surv he rescued to make use of Prove Thyself.

    As you can see from my build, it consists on alot of information. That is to make the most out of Teleports, precise Teleports are a must. And to compliment that i have the green add-on that extends the speed boost from Teleporting and the brown add-on to get my TV's back on faster after i Teleport so i can Teleport more frequently. As was the case with the last game the most valuable Perk ends up being Sloppy Butcher, get them injured asap and as frequently as possible and make them burn through the medkits. Have Discordance to scare them of being together and you end up with a team that needs to heal but can't cause they have to stay scattered.

    I've tried the Condemned playstyle for Mori's but it just isn't for me. Hit & Run works better for my personal liking and skill. I'm not as well versed in Manifest and Demanifest Mindgames either so i generally don't spend much time in chases. WIth the info of Call of Brine and Discordance i'll prioritize that info over spending 30 seconds trying to chase a guy in a loop. I can be near the gen quicker and get 1 or 2 injures faster than i'd probably down and hook the guy i was chasing, plus i might be spreading Condmned and pressuring a gen so that's alot more valuable than getting that 1 guy in that 1 loop.

    The kill Order was Yoichi, Ada, Ace and Meg. I ended the match with 2 gens still up to be repaired. Let me go ahead and say i got pretty decent RNG, they only had 1 filler pallet in the middle and the entrances to both of the buildings, the big one and the smaller one were in not very good spots so i was pretty lucky with the RNG but that's something i can't control , i can only play the best i can in any scenario, so if i had been dealt a crap RNG then we'd probably be having a different discussion.

    They had a plan, assigned roles. Wether they technically are a SWF or not i can't tell you 100% but i honestly believe they were.

    At one Point Yoichi was on second hook and Ace was on second hook, Meg and Ada rescued Ace they triple healed. I reinjured Ace and Ada, Meg went for Yoichi, who made a FATAL MISTAKE, Yoichi touched a gen right next to me, leading to down and is death. Then followed by Ada, Meg failed the rescue on Ada i slugged her and quickly dealt with Ace and hooked the final two.

    If Yoichi had run away instead of touching the gen i'd have to find Meg or Ace, at that time i didn't know where Ace was so i'd have to search for Meg. With Yoichi dead BBQ told me where to go, i injured Meg, caught Ada in the middle and hooked Ada.

    The end game chat was silly. I have no idea if that was towards me or not i am assuming it was but i can answer that. I do have a few games on my PC, i don't play them much, the thing i've played the most on PC aside from DbD is Football Manager, Witcher 3 and Fianl Fantasy 15 so my library is pretty small and i don't have that manny friends or a high level on Steam, i've created the account in like 2019 when i bought this PC. If that small library and lack of notable things on my profile makes me sus then ok, weird but sure i can understand the logic behind it but i'm not hidding anything. Not even using anonymous mode from DbD or private profile from Steam, i got nothing to hide.

    And they've never answered me, just called me sus and left...

    To finalize this long post, a trademark of mine lol, i just wanna emphasize that it's a matter of knowledge experience and focus, and this applies to everything in life. I'm knowledgeable about DbD, i do have plenty of experience with DbD, my hours on DbD on Steam are not the full reflect of my DbD experience, i've played DbD for a year on Ps4 so as a console gamer, which further helps to justify my poor profile on Steam, i spent most of my time as an M1 killer, mainly on Ghostface and Legion, so i have plenty of knowledge and experience about playing M1 killers, wich Sadako and Spirit are aswell, hence why i can do decent with them frequently. I enjoy playing Pyramid Head but my issue with Pyramid Head is that when you use M2 you start controlling the character with the mouse instead of WASD which means i still have to adapt my movement since i can't go left or right by pressing A or D. If his M2 was a press to activate and deactivate instead of a hold, then i suppose i'd do better. Imagine it like the Aiming option which you have Hold to aim or Toggle, where you press aim to aim and press again to stop aiming. Maybe DbD has that option idk i'll check later.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Pretty much every single killer player tunnels and camps, be it in high mmr, low mmr, against people that just started playing and against survivors who are literally worse than a bot on easy mode. High MMR and SWF really make no difference in killers being toxic tryhards, although I would gladly have SWF limited to just 2 people, followed by multiple nerfs to killers.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358
    edited September 2022

    I mean, me and my friend are no where near tryhard level, which is why I hate when people say SWF make it difficult, I can tell you, the comms are nice, and do feel like it's cheating sometimes, but most of the time only one of us escape, not every SWF is out to ruin a killers time, they just want to chat about random stuff and play the game together

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,649

    Is definitely they time your playing. It's pretty brutal out there for a killer at that time.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,649

    Or try to play a a different time if possible or just tough it out it's only like 50% of the matches

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    welcome, your a part of the true killer mains now.. look up king wolfe on youtube, its a channel that might speak to you. Personally im not deticated enough to learn his footwork but i enjoy his videos so much and he makes M1 killers look like they are super blink nurse.

  • ElodieSimp
    ElodieSimp Member Posts: 354

    It's actually pretty comical. Killers answer to beat up survivors "just SWF it, stop complaining". Then you have OP.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    BHVR and many players will tell you that voice comms are totally fine and totally don’t give an advantage 🙄

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    yes because this community is so advanced, that are still saying git gud or skill issue, and personally i never say or said swf it mainly because nobody should be forced to play with others just to have a chance

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,528
    edited September 2022

    Sounds like "skill issue" to me if you need a premade to win as survivor honestly...

    Post edited by Tostapane on
  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    So why you are not sharing your solo survivor games with us, so everyone can see your skills. No?

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,528

    Why should I? Playing survivor doesn't even require much skill nowadays, especially when the maps are so survivor side. I don't even care about what will happen when play solo because it's just a matter of brain and luck most of the times: luck cause you must have good teammates if you want have some chances to escape in a "normal" way, brain because you must "read" how a match will go by simply seeing your team (if you see that you have a team of claudette who hide all the times and aren't able to kept busy the killer for more than 30 seconds for example... the outcome is simple in that case, you have 2 options left since "skills" won't aid you in any case: rush the gens as fast as you can or simply do more points as possible by doing saves, repair generators and generally speaking avoid the killer until only you and him will remain... At this point play for the hatch)

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    If you can't prove your point, why you are coming with claims then? If you are saying survivor is easy, prove it. If you can't, stop bother me.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,528

    I already proved it with a valid example... If you don't understand what I Said it's not my problem,but since I don't want to create misunderstandings I'll tell you again in a simpler way: as solo survivor skills matter until a certain point, mainly because it won't be the main reason that will decrete your fate in the match. You can be the most skilled survivor in the universe, but if your team won't cooperate and do gens, you won't get out alive, unless you play for the hatch. Said that read what I wrote in my 1st sentence... Did you get it now? Escaping and skills are 2 different things, period.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I am asking for actual proves, like video records. I can give you a million examples which will make killers looks op. So what's point if you can't bring real proves?

    Anyway i can't see talking with you will make us go to anywhere. Pointless discussion with you sadly, so i will stop here. Have a good day.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,528

    did you want proves where i took the hatch most of the times while my random team get slaughtered because of their incompetence/they are trolling around/they are doing stupid tome challenges? it's not a rare sight nowdays... or you want see me looping the killer and ended up dying on the hook because no one did generators? As i said this is pointless... i'll say again then i won't reply again because i'm tired to talk to people who doesn't understand: escaping and skill are 2 different things: skill can aid you in your games only IF you have good survivors, escaping is easy when you don't have to answer to the other teammates (like a premade)... it's only a matter of being smart knowing when you can play for the team and when you shouldn't in order to escape