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General Discussions

Is there anyone who really thinks the ''basekit unbreakable'' is a good idea? Please explain.

It's one of the worst idea's from BHVR I've seen in a while. But that's my personal opinion. I just want to know if and how anyone thinks this update is going to be healthy for the game. Please let me know your thoughts.

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  • Member Posts: 1,065

    If the new mori system goes live with the current slugging, every killet with good slugging potential will be A or S tier inmediately.

    Any consistent starstruck build will be broken.

    Nurse and blight would be even stronger.

    Unbreakable would be a must like pre 6.1.0 borrowed time

  • Member Posts: 17

    A much needed change to an outdated mechanic that was exploited by certain players, although I think that a more efficient counter would be to allow people to instantly bleed out after the 45s, as otherwise someone who's really determined to keep a survivor slugged for the whole 4 minutes is just going to stand on top of them and slap them the second they get up. Overall though I'm glad that they're addressing what is, in my opinion, the game's biggest remaining core issue.

  • Member Posts: 803

    it seems ok, 45 seconds is a long enough time it'd very rarely have effect outside some slugging for the 4k situations but we'll have to wait and test it first to form opinions.

    however the 45 seconds being affected by unbreakable should not be a thing it's easily abusable they should definitely reconsider that change to unbreakable.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    How fast unbreakable is currently though? Is it that bad? 45s is pretry long but well if it's too short they can make it longer I think it's good change overall.

  • Member Posts: 194

    The idea behind it isn't awful but I feel like unbreakable is going to make it absolutely busted. If a survivor goes down and you cannot pick them up at the moment (under a pallet or in the open while a flashlight user is nearby) you are basically in a lose lose situation where you have just lost a down.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I am against cheesy methods of gaining value, be it camping, 59s unhooks/genb4fren, tunneling, BT bodyblocking, and slugging. Each of those other issues I mentioned have their direct counterparts, so they need to be dealt with in concert, but slugging does not have a counterpart. Typically it is only utilized by the worst cases of BM, like 4 minute slug Killers. Any counter to BM is a good change.

    Normal Killers will not be affected by the 45s timer. Doomsayers like to say everyone will bring UB since they will basekit the feature, but I ask how many more or less BTs have you seen since that was made basekit? I personally only find value in BT for lategame saves when hooked far from the gate against a Killer that can't facecamp well. Since STBFL is more meta than ever, most Killers are better at facecamping. Not enough value imo to consistently run.

    Another Doomsayer claim is it will be impossible to snowball as Oni or using Starstruck, but you have more than enough time to hook in sequence. In those cases if you knock all 4 Survivors down you hard win, so the best case scenario is 3 hooked or slugged, and 1 standing. With Oni the power lasts 45s basekit, and you lose 7s of power per down. That means if you got 3 downs it happened in the span of 24s, and you have that remaining 21s to pick up the first Survivor you downed. After that hooking the downed Survivors in sequence is quite easy.

    Similarly with Starstruck you have a 30s timer that is typically started on hooking Surv 1. In the same best case scenario you down 2 Survivors so 1 can remain standing preventing an insta-win. The worst case scenario for slug timers is the 1st person being downed at 0s, and the 2nd person being downed at 29s. That still gives you 15s to pick up the 1st slug, and the 2nd slug has a fresh timer so no problems hooking there.

    Yet another Doomsayer claim is Survivors will both genn b4 fren, and also be ready sitting for the clicky/pallet save. They can only be doing one thing at a time, so lets take the gen claim first. If they are genning b4 frenning then you bought yourself an extra 15s to dink around before picking up in most cases. They are still effectively incapacitated on the floor, and now it takes 45s instead of 30s to reach standable status. If they are attempting a save and you didn't know they were there, nothing has changed. If they are attempting a save and you did know they are there, if they were close enough to pallet save they typically were close enough to get a free injury. Then you can take a 50/50 on a pallet save risking 2 downs or 2 injuries. If they were using a flashlight you can just pick up looking at the wall, again nothing different from normal. This actually is a Killer buff since they need the 45s timer instead of a 30s timer to pallet drop into heal back up.

    The last Doomsayer complaint I can think of to address is sabo squads/natural hook deadzones. The natural hook deadzones are either Killer created or a map flaw. The map flaw variety are like old RPD library. That was addressed quite quickly with the Boil Over buff and they also threw the baby Boil Over out with the bathwater. Killer created deadzones are like corner hooks, which I call a macro failing on the Killer's end. Part of the macro skill of Killer is utilizing future potentials, which includes hook states, gens, and the location of death hooks. I know to avoid death hooking near an exit gate in case I need it later, that may take me 5 more seconds to hook in the different spot, but it can save my bacon in the long run. I would say another map flaw would be on Badham Preschool, and if the basement doesn't spawn in main then there should be a guaranteed hook in that basement stairwell corner.

    Now as far as sabo squads I can understand not wanting a longer match, but that is more of an inconvenience than a reason to gut the idea entirely. Many of the Killers face sabo squads too rarely and have never attempted it themselves to understand the counterplay. If someone sabos a hook on pickup then the Killer has more than enough time to reach a different hook, and that same saboteur can't beat the Killer to the new hook. That means the best time to sabo is right before the Killer reaches the hook, so they don't have time to reach a new hook. That means there is a very real risk if they drop before 12s of wiggling. The saboteur is usually in a not so great spot since they are that close to the Killer without a useful loop. If multiple people are sabo-ing that means 1 person doing gens, and their toolboxes will run out of juice sooner than later. I love saboteurs in my Killer games because I know when to drop, and when to go to a different hook. That means they are gifting me an easier win since they aren't sitting on gens. You can't buy 33% or even 66% gen slowdown with perks, that is solid gold.

    My final reason is because I like the meme of making a lesser version of all of Bill's perks basekit, and we just need 12m Left Behind basekit next. That is a joke though, the rest of the reasons above are serious.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I really don’t understand why Moris needed to be reworked in the first place! They were nerfed plenty and the only way killers could punish someone for bringing in a key. Granted, keys were nerfed, but the latest iteration of both perks cancelled out each other.

    Im just chalking it up to BHVR being BHVR. These are the same people who nerfed Wraith when he was in a good spot, made Freddy super boring to play as it against, gave us the horrible Twins chapter and made sure to make them so frustrating to use that you’ll start asking “who are the Twins” and thought the Boil Over buff was a good idea. Let’s not forget how they nerfed Moris out of nowhere so killers couldn’t use them up but left keys alone for a long time.

    I really think this is all so new players don’t get frustrated and continue to play in hopes they’d spend some money. At least they’re doing the right thing and announced it early and are willing to test it. I’m going to give them the benefit of a doubt and hope they’d at least not introduce the new Mori system and leave the basekit UnbreakaBill. They just need to rework the perk to only work once during a match and not unlimited 22s self pickups.

  • Member Posts: 171

    Your "reason" was that every well thought argument was "doomsaying". You told all the reasons that are breaking the game for yourself, I could just repeat them, without trying to labeling them.

  • Member Posts: 2,184
    edited September 2022

    Bhvr straight up making problems by introducing mechanics that no one asked for.

    I would have rathered a ping tool to help coordinate picks ups than just be given it for free. But I guess if they are introducing an auto ending that can potentially have some weird situations if you are the last and only one with unbreakable.

  • Member Posts: 699

    Its not a good idea its a terrible idea!

  • Member Posts: 2,257
    edited September 2022

    They were not well thought out because it took me seconds to dismantle each claim as false. That makes me believe them to be "Doomsaying", as something that is nothing is falsely claimed to be "doom". I have heard hyperbolic claims that this will remove all Killers from the game, and they utilize those false arguments as the basis.

    I gave a counter for all of those examples that are easy to either utilize or work around. That means those complaints have no merit. The issue they are claiming "exists", simply does not. There are only two reasons I can think of. The first is they lack the desire to come up with those counters on their own. The second is they maliciously want to continue 4 minute bleedouts, and will create false arguments to force people like myself to address them, otherwise their lies be treated as the truth.

    Since you did not counter my counters then they are either accurate, or you cannot disprove them. Maybe someone else will come along and prove me wrong, but you are basically saying "you wrong" and providing no evidence for your claim. Just as some people like to use the math meme of 1+1=3, based on faulty logic, maybe one of us is making that false claim. I believe myself to be the one saying 1+1=2 however.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 171

    I do not need to write with a person who doubts my brainpower. You can see the logic in that, yes or no? You are such a ( I stop myself being polite).

  • Member Posts: 699
    edited September 2022

    Its already bad enough with built in bt because no ones running BT the perk anymore and killers are just waiting out the 10 seconds and tunneling players out the game because most people dont run ds!

    No there absolutely "does not" need to be a basekit Unbreakable stop it people!

    Post edited by Edilibs on
  • Member Posts: 503

    Slugging as a tactic should have a disadvantage, it currently does not and that doesn't flow with how the entity wants people to play. The game's manual and tutorial enforce the "hit, carry, hook" technique to please the entity. Also, bleeding people out is just lame gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Of course slugging has a disadvantage, the myriad ways survivors can already recover from the dying state.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    You also never even attempted to prove any of my claims wrong, or your claims right.

  • Member Posts: 158

    As much as I would like to speculate on the matter, I don't think we'll really know how this will play out until people have had a chance to break it. I don't think that they intend to just drop it into the game as-is, given the whole host of problems that would cause. However, if it prompts the developrs to change the ways that survivors can prevent the killer from picking up, then that might be a nice consequence. If the killer does not have to fear picking someone up, or killers are given a better ability to snowball, it could serve as an interesting alternate win condition for killers while ensuring that survivors are kept from being inactive for 5 minutes.

    Now that I think about it, this is a similar system to that of the Evil Dead game, to some extent. There, the survivors have multiple chances to be picked up or resurrected by others if they are downed or killed, and the demon has to incapacitate all 4 in order to win. It becomes a war of attrition as the demon throws everything it has until the team eventually collapses, piece by piece or all at once. It keeps the survivors playing for longer, as they are not out until the game is over.

    That's just my 2 cents, though. As it stands, only a few killers have any snowballing potential (especially with a 45-second time window), and forcing pickups can become easily abusable. I am glad that the developers are experimenting with drastic new gameplay changes, but I understand the concern. All I can do is hope.

  • Member Posts: 427

    All I would do is increase the recovery time to 60 seconds & nerf unbreakable to "reduces time it takes to recover by 50%" (30s recovery)

  • Member Posts: 5,762
    edited September 2022

    No, with or without mori change everyone being slugged is already a loss for survivors, if UB becomes necessary after the rework, it has to be necessary before rework.

    Their excuse is simply flawed and incorrect.

    No killer will be better because if they can slug all survivors they are already winning before or after the mori rework, that is just wrong.

  • Member Posts: 1,192
    edited September 2022

    I think it's less about whether the pick-up is a good idea and more about whether the mori rework was even necessary, to begin with. If they do implement this silly change that nobody asked for, then yes, I'm sorry but you cannot stand there and tell me with a straight face that the majority of killers wouldn't just get slap happy and go for the slug nearly every game, not with the camping and tunneling numbers I've seen in the last few months. And I mean actually camping and tunneling, not the "Entitled surv main calling everything camping and tunneling" type.

    Without this stupid idea. survivors would not need to have the ability to pick themselves up. I've always been of the opinion, that unless the killer is an EXCEPTIONAL high mobile killer, no team should be getting 4 man slugged, it's no different than a NOED camp or regular camp, you don't feed it and slam gens till an opportunity arises. But now? If this mori change gets implemented, killers will be leaping for the opportunity to run slugging builds and solo will become even more unbearable. So they came up with the pick yourself up plan.

    So while I would never advocate for survivors getting themselves up without perks under normal circumstances, with this mori change, yes it will become nigh on necessary fo the game to be even playable for solos.

    Remove the mori change, and you remove the reason for survivors needing to pick themselves up.

    Edited to add: I wouldn't blame killers for trying an easy slug 4k either at this point.

  • Member Posts: 1,596


    "No killer will be better because if they can slug all survivors they are already winning before or after the mori rework, that is just wrong."

    I had multiple games as a killer where I had all downed or hooked, but the survivors were able to pull of an insane save by utilitzing unbreakable / deliverance / 4% unhook created. There were certainly also games which I ultimately did NOT win at the end. With the mori rework, I would have won them on the spot. There definitely is a difference before or after the rework in such situations.

  • Member Posts: 505

    i think something shouldve happened but this idea is stupid

    an idea i had was the obsession gets a 1 time use self pickup thats only activatable if another survivor is downed. gives the killer options for counterplay, makes slugging less unbearable, and brings more importance to the role of the obsession since currently its just funny squiggly lines that wiggle

    but perma unbreakable on all 4 survivors removes slugging completely, so killers cant make comebacks anymore - thats bad

    and the fact youll be able to run unbreakable power struggle flip flop, go down in a pallet, and be half way to completely denying the killer a hook by the time he finishes his weapon wipe (that combo will have power struggle ready in 6 seconds, the weapon wipe is 3 seconds), thats ridiculous

    also the mori change is stupid

  • Member Posts: 236

    Current UB is 24 seconds. Using it as on the PTB makes it 22.5 seconds, but unlimited pick ups.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    It's honestly not that bad of an idea

    Let's face it getting slugged for 4 minutes isn't fun. With 45 seconds the killer can still get vallue out of slugging without taking away the ability to play.

    Survivors are going to often be mistaken if they leave slugs to recover for themself and suddenly 30 seconds later the killer has 2 survivors on hook. The safe bet will still be to go and pick them up yourself.

    The one and only real bad part of this is the perk unbreakable. It really doesn't need to be buffed to 3 times it's original vallue. There should never be a passive equip and forget perk in this game that shaves 22.5 seconds of any action by itself

    Also there is no reason to remove the mories from perks i don't see how they can't coexist.

    The idea isn't bad per se. It just needs some tweaks

  • Member Posts: 137

    I still don't really understand how the mori change makes slugging any better. If you down every survivor you'd win in the live game, this doesn't change that.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2022

    Except you wouldn't necessarily win that. If a survivor has any perk that allows them to pick themselves up, or a hooked survivor has Deliverance, or a survivor on the floor still has DS, or they just flat out Kobe, etc. then the survivors have an opportunity to make a comeback even after all four have been downed/hooked. That does happen, quite a bit, but it will no longer be the case if this mori system goes live.

    Now slugging all survivors at once comes with the bonus of instantly ending the game no matter the circumstances, which while riskier, provides a much bigger payoff, you can bypass multiple hook states, and is likely the only way to secure a Mori finisher which will be required for Mori offerings, challenges or simply the desire for a 4K.

    Plus, if a killer merely decides to prevent survivors from picking themselves up, all they have to do is not slug at all. Now survivors won't get an opportunity to use their basekit Unbreakable, or their Soul Guard, No Mither, Boon: Exponential, or to rescue downed survivors, etc. So in exchange for basekit Unbreakable, you lose every opportunity to actually use it.

    It's like back when there was only an Obsession if someone brought DS, telegraphing to the killer that they had DS, so they knew to slug them. Now everyone has Unbreakable, the killer can just not slug at all. At least until they've tunnelled out two of the survivors and can easily slug the remaining two.

    A much healthier alternative would be a feature where one survivor gets a free Unbreakable when all survivors are downed. This adds a final chance in a 'everyone slugged' scenario to make that comeback, and guarantees that the killer can't get a 4K simply by slugging everyone and bypassing hook states.

    This would be a legitimate anti-slugging mechanic, instead of what we're getting, which is merely an encouragement to slug for the 4K with a handicap.


    Last Standing: When no survivors are 'standing' (not in the hooked or dying state), the Last Standing mechanic activates, with an audible indicator for all players. A survivor who has fully recovered can pick themselves up without the use of any perks. The Last Standing effect is disabled when a survivor becomes 'standing' again.

    If there is only one survivor in the Dying state when the Last Standing phase activates (only one survivor left in the trial or the others are on hooks) the killer will have the option to Kill that survivor by their own hand without the use of perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,559

    I think it's a great idea. Slugging for the 4k is completely unnecessary and boring. This forces killers to just hook the second to last player and then go find the last remaining survivor. If you killers were doing that in the first place, this wouldn't even be a thing. But here we are.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2022

    Someone's not paying attention:

    The finisher Mori is now even more desirable, which requires killers to secure a 4K, so you can't risk the final survivor getting the hatch.

    Slugging is still entirely possible, 45s is a fairly long time in DBD.

    You will see even more "slugging for the 4K" which is the 'toxic' form of slugging. but you will see less general slugging throughout the early-middle of the game, which is where it's actually a valid mechanic and allows survivors to go to each others aid and prevent unnecessary hooks.

    As always, shortsighted survivor mains cackling in glee at an upcoming buff, cannot see that anything that makes the killers objective harder will simply funnel them into more camping and tunnelling. We're all playing an arms race that's progressively leading to a much more toxic game.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Personally, I think it's a good idea. I've been involved in those kind of matches where the killer leaves everyone slugged for 4min, and it's the worst kind of match to be involved in. The only thing that tops it is a hacker.

    Having said that, what does concern me are SWF abusing the mechanic with builds that all but guarantees that the killer can not safely pick up a survivor. If this becomes permanent, then we'll start seeing many a team all running anti-slugging builds, which will be more effective than it ever has before. BHVR will need to be very careful with how they go about balancing this, because the odds of everything going south is rather high.

  • Member Posts: 1,559

    I don't care. I've played maybe 30 games (being generous) since 6.1. I still think it's a good change. Again, why do killers need extend game length for a 4k? A 3k is a win. They need to really really win. That's on them.

  • Member Posts: 545

    As a survivor main? Yeah I think it's a great idea.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Anyone justifying Unbreakable basekit saying it is necessary because of the mori changes is missing a very important point...

    The mori changes are also bad and unnecessary.

  • Member Posts: 819

    I think this update will actually be beneficial and healthy for the game.

    Unbreakable, or other perks alike it were FAR too situational - and were some of the only perks in the game that demanded a killer to play a certain way for the perk to even be usable. I don't think this will impact games nearly as much as others think, especially the naysers in the crowd.

    The biggest impact the change will have is on killers that rely on slugging - which isn't healthy or helpful to themselves.

  • Member Posts: 233
    edited September 2022

    I really don't understand why exactly having Unbreakable base-kit would be the worst thing that could ever happen. There's those occasional games where someone will either sweat their hardest/Survivors get a little TOO altruistic at 5 gens and then woops, everyone is dead! GG. There should be something baseline to give those who want an actual game, and if those players want to give up then they just don't have to recover or struggle at all. Simple as that. It helps out solo players get their own second chance to play the game while their teammates are doing who-knows-what.

    If a killer slugs one player, then chooses to chase after another too long then that is on the killer for not coming back to hook them in time. Keep track of that 22-45 seconds, or just scare away anyone trying to get the save. Secure the hook. Just pretend that everyone may be running Unbreakable, same way you pretend that everyone is running DH.

    Something like this would've been perfect in one game I had weeks ago vs a Plague, where all she did was puke and slug. No hook states at all, she just kept 3/4 bleeding out and kept coming back to down them again. All the fountains were used by two people, and she chose to not go for her damage puke, with 4 gens left... its not a consistent thing thankfully, but you cannot deny that these games will happen and sometimes you just can't do anything about it. I'd rather try to crawl to a corner to pick myself up after a minute, rather than someone bringing the killer back to me or be further penalized by DCing.

    Even if it becomes a thing where only the first 1-2 Survivors can recovery by themselves if everyone is down, or it becomes a 1 time use self recovery at base (And Unbreakable adds a 2nd charge to get up alone or something), I'd be fine. Otherwise, I'm not a fan of the changes to Mori's and Mori perks, when they're mostly fine as is.

    EDIT: I still feel the same about having a 1 time use of getting yourself up base-kit. BUT, it is insane that Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Flip-flop, and Boil Over can be abused together for an anti-slug build. The combo is strong in a dead zone, and annoying for killers. For this change to happen, there needs to be a lot of balancing to just more than perks that allow you to recover quickly.

    Post edited by Hex_iButt on
  • Member Posts: 2,342
    edited September 2022

    I feel on its own its a good change and it's necessary to improve the game. I also agree with the change that if all 4 survivors go down the game ends. This creates an opt out situation which some may think it's unfair but if a player isn't recovering and just wants the game to end do you really want to continue playing with an early handicap?

    As for the actual pickup - I feel the change is fine but I strongly feel it should also scale with hooks. Discourage slugging early on but it should be more powerful as the game goes on and survivors accumulate more hooks. Without that though I do feel on paper some of the perks are overtuned but at least the changes aren't live yet so we'll see.

    No Mither is still garbage though lol

    The main takeaway from this - BHVR is taking a huge step and adding a base game mechanic where a perk isn't solving a game issue. This on its own is great and they should keep taking this approach for other perks that should be basekit or partially turned basekit.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I think it’s all going to be a ######### fest. I’ve been out the door for a bit. Been poking my head in now and then. Don’t see a reunion if this all goes through. 🫠

  • Member Posts: 810

    so many people misunderstand the god awful basekit unbreakable would only be implemented because of a god awful mori rework that noone asked for. (killers be prevented for 4k early killslugging which without that change they wouldnt be able to)

    So if you are soloQ or Killer make sure to voice your opinion after you see what a hardcore sweatfest the new system and ub basekit will be.

    congrats to swf and nurse, you get yet another clutch in your hands, as if there wernt enough. also basement bubbas will be more frequent, aswell as tunneling and camping.

  • Member Posts: 2,300

    On the one hand:

    • Slugging for the 4k and unnecessary slugging will be gone
    • BHVR is showing a willingness to change base things on both sides that doesn't involve perks
    • We get unobstructed moris
    • Tenacity somehow got effectively buffed

    On the other hand:

    • Alot of snowball killers are going to be getting quick matches (for better or worse)
    • SWF bully squads just got alot more power to them
    • Giving hatch is now alot harder
    • Exciting last minute plays will be gone
    • Certain perks getting nerfed (Rancor and Devour are sore ones personally)

    Basically baskit unbreakable will make the matches more tolerable for survivors, especially when the killer wants to be a prick and 4 man slug at the start. However, as above, bully squads are gona be having a blast if everything shown goes live. Overall, while I like the idea, I dont think they thoroughly thought it through. I really hope they change some details before everything hits the fan.

  • Member Posts: 1,667
  • Member Posts: 2,437

    it would be fine if they gave the same level strength upgrade to both sides.

    Right now Unbreakable is so strong that it takes a perk to let you use it once per game. Being able to use it indefinitely when slugged requires you to play the entire game broken with no mither.

    This would be an "ok" change if blood favor became a base game mechanic with no hex required - something that just happened on hit. That would be such a huge and revolutionary change to the game - and it would allow the killer to almost always pick up with no harassment possible.

  • Member Posts: 341

    I feel i've already talked the basekit unbreakable to death, but I also think the fact that this is all tied to moris is also annoying. It's making moris so much more bland, generic, and unfun. Everyone saying that "well if you 4 man slug you win!" and yes okay but why do moris need to be ruined because of it? All they had to do was an insta bleed out when it happens. "But that's not very interesting!" then why did you do it? Slugging is not exactly fun or engaging gameplay for either side and if you wanna 4 man why do you wanna play hide and seek with them now to end the game? Moris are the "reward" for hooking people twice, and you can have fun with it. Now we'll have no more goofy photobombs or teabagging the dying survivor, no more cool mori angles on maps, it's all going to be the same. Oh also better ruin rancor and devour hope because of it, because you can't have fun outside of our predetermined mori system. Rumor has it this is all to sell mori animations, get ready for more FOMO content everyone. Moris are going to become more rare for your weaker c tier mains in order to make those purchased or rift obtained mori animations feel more "special." What a garbage system. Go back to the drawing board behavior.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2022

    Oh I agree, I play for a 3K, I let someone get the hatch most games.

    But this new system gives even more reason to go for the 4K, which is why it's terrible.

    Like I said, you're not paying attention.

    "I think survivors should win, which is why I think the "buff killers" change is good!"

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