My garbage idea to dissuade tunneling

Add a new status effect, Blood Drenched.

"When the killer downs a survivor that has been recently unhooked(30-45 seconds) they become Blood Drenched, the killers view is filled with dripping blood and a red hue for a time(1:30 to 2 minutes is ideal). 

The survivor being healed or performing conspicuous actions will cause the killer to not be blood drenched."

This mechanic would put anti-tunneling out of the hands of the survivor, giving no way for them to abuse it. A killer can still tunnel if they want to, but they will suffer when it comes to visually tracking survivors, it could also be tuned to make scratch marks harder to see,

Eventually tunnelers will learn that they don't want to be annoying by a red screen, training them to play more fairly.


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Solving these issues will take a re-coding the game

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    So if a survivor body blocks aggressively after being unhooked and I rightfully down them, I just don't get to see for the next few minutes?

    "Tunneling" is fine. Survivors have a buffed base kit version of one of their best perks now and the original perk is heavily buffed.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    I don't think BHVR is listening to us on this.They destroyed the anti-tunnel perk buffed the camp with perks.They brought a stupid perk to silence the survivors.Area camp hunterrs billys bubbas tricksters there is no possibility to use.but BHVR wants to keep these stupid mechanics more prominent in the game

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Camping, tunnelling, early kills. All things that are not consistent in play or by definition.

    If the game goes into the direction of not letting killers be able to have flexibility in how they play in order to win or have fun then what's the reason to play killer if a lot of what makes killer killer is countered, basekit changed, or hard nerfed.

    Now I surely can't really explain it good enoguh, but changes to eliminate vague things such as camping and tunneling would only make the game worse. I.e basekit unbreakable and the Mori mechanic.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    Camping, or sitting near the hook merely to wait for action to occur, is too rewarded for the effort put in. Similarly hard tunneling off of hook, or chasing the survivor who was just rescued, ignoring others even when they try to bodyblock, is also too rewarded for the effort put in. I would prefer those to be high risk high reward strategies, rather than some of the more optimal with a low to medium risk (perk dependent) high reward. I don't have a problem when the reward matches the risk, but they are grossly disproportionate at the moment. I also don't have a problem when those people take a risk by tapping a gen or a totem after unhook, telling the Killer they are fair game once again. Personally I wouldn't consider healing yourself to be a conspicuous action until the heal is completed. Killers have plenty of flexibility in how to down survivors, and restricting the worst case scenarios, or rebalancing the risk reward structure, wouldn't be negative at all.

    I personally consider an early 1st kill when the Survivor dies as a result of 5 hook actions or fewer, and an early 2nd kill at 6 hook actions or fewer. While there also can be fair early kills, like the above example of tapping a gen immediately after unhook, most of them are unfair. When an early kill is completed it typically snowballs the game into a Killer victory. When the Killer uses those low risk high reward strategies they didn't win in a skilled manner. (See facecamping Bubba perked out for it.) When skill is the primary vector from which Killers get kills, then BHVR can adjust Killers further to reach their desired 60% kill rate. Basically, cheesy methods to artificially inflate kill counts are keeping Killers from getting the buffs they deserve. If those abuse cases were removed, then the bad Killers who rely on that will have more accurate kill counts. Once the numbers are recalculated, then BHVR can look into another 6.1.0 styled patch that would further help Killers.

    Curtailing abuse cases already happens with the mechanics. When a Survivor is in chase they can only vault a window 3 times. This is to prevent the abuse case of a god-tier loop. Similarly, if we get camp/tunnel/early kill curtailing mechanics then it will result in a net positive in the long run. If you want to say Killers should have the flexibility in how they play with these type of abusive mechanics, then I would expect you to stay consistent in that opinion and allow Survivors infinite window vaults in chase. That way all players can have flexibility in how the play to win. Survivors prevented from abusing windows can only vault three times, just as an anti-tunnel mechanic might be something like Spirit styled invisibility+collision loss for 10s after the unhook (ended short on conspicuous actions). That way if the Killer wants to tunnel they have to actually seek out the Survivor again, and aren't just gifted the rescued Survivor on a silver platter.

    Overall my message is I want the reward to be proportionate to the risk. I also want weaker Killers to be buffed to compete better against the best Survivors or even closer to their fellow Killers, and people padding the stats with low risk high reward strategies are preventing that from happening. Feel free to let people camp and tunnel, just have it be sub-optimal and poorly rewarded forms of gameplay. Reward interaction with everyone, instead of only 1 or 2.

  • By your logic, gen repairs and healing others should only be possible by 1 survivor at a time. Reward interaction with the whole map.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    I know this post is mostly a meme as per your title but I feel like this highlights the big issue with anti tunnelling changes.

    Say for instance tunnelling made the killer lose the match (as in all survs still alive automatically escaped lets say). Now this is obvs wayyy too much but lets say we could add this as a change. The big issue is survs would just aggressively body block etc to force the killer to "tunnel" and then in this instance he loses the game.

    This is just an extreme example of why when a new anti tunnelling measure is added we be careful, (like how old ds was used aggressively).

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Problem with all of that. It happens, but in a smart way.

    My last game, Plague had me second hooked. Had her blood vomit.

    Knew survivors were nearby or would come back. Feng came back didn't hook trade even though she hasn't been hooked. I died on hook. Sure, plague camped, but it was completely fair as she had all the reason. Skilled enough to know she could run my timer.

    Another game, my own. Was able 2 early hooks on a Rebecca. First time regular down. Second time a punished the unhook, not particularly bad, but I wasn't in chase and was close by. She was in the open. Woulda gotten the third hook, but I wasnt enough when I saw Zarina's scratch marks, still tried missed the saw though (Cannibal). Most woulda called that tunnelling. Well, it was fair. Rebecca dc'd when i caught her again. Wasn't even going for her. Yoichi ran me to them. Hooked him she was close by. Ran right past a Yui to her since she was still injured.

    Point is, can't look at the bad. Abusable isn't the word I'd use. Sometimes killers are out in the situation where whatever their doing works. Doesn't mean there abusing anything. Another game Legion slugged someone and went for another chase. Maybe it was because she was in the Lampkin house or he has seen the survivor so he left the slug to chase.

    Survivors can't infinite loop for good reason. Being able to stall for that chase is lame. They don't even need they 3 jumps as they can just go to the next loop guilt free already.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    fully agreed on everything but 60%. That is unfair. 50% is what they should strife for. Same way as their MMR balancing is made for 50% (1 win and 0 loose is 0 MMR).

    So survivor abusing vaults is bad but killer abusing tunnel is not? Let me give you same example - you can outplay survivor at shack. It's hard, but it is doable + it can pose high risk from basement. So it's not abuse to use shack, because it's legitimate play that should get high reward for low effort (no need to change tiles). Or looking at it from different perspective - this is problem and killer being able to easily snowball the game from 3v1 (and unsafe unhook is mistake that survivors can make, but killer can force it by campingand then tunneling to finish the deed - where survivors don't have a way how to prevent this) is also problem that should be addressed. Pick one, but be consistent.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    Actually as I said I like rewarding riskier plays. The riskier play for Survivors is grouping up. I would reverse gen efficiency (except on solo gens). That way it would less efficient solo, same efficiency duo (as current solo per person), and more efficient trio/quad. When the Killer is able to disrupt a gen, they now get rewarded with disrupting multiple people off of gens, and the Survivors get normal/more gen speed. High risk high reward. Since 2 people is the minimum for the current efficiency this would naturally slow gen speeds also.

    Similarly I would decrease solo medkit speeds (to 66%) and increase altruistic medkit speeds (doubling all altruistic bonuses on medkits, or providing an equal altruistic boost as the universal boost) such that using a medkit on an ally is more time efficient than using it on yourself (travel time not included). I would also have an additional bonus for co-op healing, giving a 33% multiplicitive boost so a duo basekit heal takes 6s from the current 8s. Again, if the Killer can disrupt the heal then they disrupt 3 people, providing massive value. With my changes the basic brown medkit would take 24s solo, 10.66s altruistic (or 21.32 Surv seconds when accounting for the 2 people).

    The Plague game is a perfect example of bad design. She knew she could get away with camping (or facecamping, I don't know the degree for you) rather than chasing the first Survivor in the area, or even toggling. Since you didn't say she got anyone else that leads me to believe she cheesed your timer for the kill rather than used skill to down the other Survivors allegedly swarming hook. She was rewarded for being bad enough to not get a follow up down, not good for getting 1 or 2 more. Similarly Bubba knows he can get away with facecamping out entire hook states. Preventing unhooks for the entire duration of a stage shouldn't be the default or the go to strategy. A surgical 15s punish for a late rescue, sure. But not waiting out the full 60s.

    In the Rebecca Bubba example I don't know the timeframe, but the 2nd hook on her sounds like the fruits of camping, and the 3rd hook (if the DC didn't prevent it) was a bad teammate. The third was fair, but how were you close enough to not find someone and returned to hook just in time to chase the Rebecca? That in the vast majority of circumstances isn't "punishing the unhook" that is camping then tunneling the Rebecca. You could fairly punish the unhook if that weren't the case by getting an easy down on the rescuer.

    I am confused how you think Survivors "stall(ing) for that chase is lame", but you don't think the same of the abusive scenarios of tunneling or camping. It most certainly is lame being camped out an entire hook state (or 2). It most certainly is lame being immediately chased once rescued off of hook. Both vaulting to evade the killer in chase and camping/tunneling are players accomplishing their goals, that is Survivors surviving and Killers killing, but there should be better checks in place to prevent those worst case scenarios like window blocks/camping/tunneling.

    For proper MMR, 50/50 is what you are supposed to go for, with each side being lumped together (aka team MMR), but this 60% is probably meant to account for noob Survivors padding those kill counts. Also for Killers being able to facecamp a 1k minimum if done correctly, padding the kill count despite being a net loss. If the game used team based MMR, averaging the Survivors then adjusting their individual MMR after the win/draw/loss came in (based on the total kills, not individualized), then I think it would work much better. I think the main reason we have this flawed MMR is because part of the advertising is something to the effect of "Survive together or don't". So to accommodate a solo victory or selfish gameplay they have to not actually commit to calling the Survivors a team in the MMR, even though they need to in order for it to work properly.

  • catkillsmouse
    catkillsmouse Member Posts: 244

    It's a better idea then unbreakable basekit lol

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,728

    While thematically I like the idea, practically I don't think it works.

    The problem with penalizing tunneling is that, even we say a killer should avoid it for whatever reason, some times it just happens. Sometimes I just happen to run into a survivor again and again without seeing others, sometimes one survivor is just considerably worse than the others (that's not even taking into account suicide rushers). Being forced to intentionally avoid a survivor seems like a bad mechanic.

    I think that if tunneling is too powerful/ruining the game, there's an easier solution: Increase the haste effect power/duration. Want to target a specific survivor? You can, but they are likely to take a good deal longer to catch.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    At this point, I will take anything that counters deliberate camp+tunnel. The odds of being camped or tunneled are now higher then having regular game - which is sad TBH

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Im fairly consistent. The maps and how the loops are a bigger problem. That's just in stone. Change that, then we could see whats up.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Plague was able to stall since she ran a survivor away and saw the Feng run over. Plague got to hook fist and Feng didn't want to risk the down or hook trade despite 2 gens left and she hadn't been hooked and was injured. It was a logical choice, not abuse.

    As for Rebecca. A gen popped behind me, but when I ran over I didn't see anyone and Rebecca was u hooked behind me. The hook was close to a corner and she had ran into the open. An easy down.

    Survivors can loop all they want, but being able to loop for so long and be able to go to other loops all at once is pretty lame.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    Plague prevented a hook rescue and didn't chase the Feng, that is abuse of bad mechanics.

    Rebecca still was the first to be downed after being hooked. That has some fault in her teammates for potentially hiding, some fault in her for her pathing, and some fault in you for not seeking her rescuer. The fact you said she DC-ed on her third down without you saying you downed anyone else makes it seem far more malicious from her perspective than you are making it out to be, but at the same time some people DC at the drop of a hat.

    This current entity window block mechanic forces Survivors to go to other loops instead of stay at one loop. I'm confused how you think a Survivor staying in one area to loop is lame, but a Killer camping and/or staying near hook in one area is not. Both are the same core problem, and one is basekit addressed while the other is not.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Tunneling and Camping are in absolutely no way "vague". Sure, post-game chat you get salty survivors saying the killer camped but that's not really an issue if you didn't camp.

    To outright eliminate tunneling, off the record can be buffed to provide a 150% haste bonus for 5 seconds but the survivor loses collision so they can't bodyblock.

    Being tunneled out of the game at 5 gens by a killer with mobility is just salt in the wound.

  • 90% of people that get "tunneled" will run like 10 meters after their unhook and crouch in a bush, with cries of pain heard from a mile away.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    It is definitely vague. You can throw out a single scenario and have 5 people say different answers.

    Its like a said, it truly is tunnelling if you aren't specifically targeting that survivor. Punishing a bad unhook with a re-down and re-hook isn't tunnelling.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833
    edited September 2022

    It's still tunneling. The unhooked survivor has no choice, the unhooker is likely to do it again because they aren't being punished for it. People just tend to overlook that, since it's the unhooker's fault.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Maybe your definition accounts for punishing a bad hook, but mine doesn't.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Nah. Maps are totally fine. Camp and tunnel is THE problem that is mentioned here all the time MUCH MORE then maps and for way longer time. Maps are way lower prio then camp/tunnel solution

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    It is tunneling. And it will happen 100% of times when killer facecamps or proxy camps. The alternative is to leave that survivor to die on the hook. Again - survivor has no way how to "safely unhook". Killer gave 0 opportunity to do so. And I will agree that facecamp is rare. But proxy camp is not. 70% of games killer proxies (keeping himself inside terror radius distance of hook, not patroling gens, only waiting for unhook to happen and zoning out survivors trying to go for said unhook) - so that he can tunnel efficiently (droping any chase that he gained by proxy camping survivor).

    That is just plain wrong at least at my MMR range. Killers returning to the hook is so common, that I see the behavior you mentioned like in 10% of games instead of 90%. It's much more likely killer is waiting for unhook in close vicinity so that he can efficiently tunnel that survivor out of game.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Our definition of tunnelling are definitely different. Sparing the lengthy paragraph I had typed. It just isn't a good representation of it.

    If the killer is in the position to go back over and re-hook re-down, that's just the killer playing killer. Saying it's unfair is ridiculous. Can't expect special treatment so you can have fun in a pvp game by not being attacked when your an easy target.

    It might come as a surprise, but not all killers are facecamping and tunnelling entrepreneurs (it just so happens I am, but that's a coincidence) and not all of them are camping and tunnelling just because they are in the proximity of a hooked survivor.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited September 2022

    I never said all of them. But I will insist, that most of them ARE. At least in my MMR range. For this reason going for the safe unhook is not possible. There is no time given by the killer to unhook safely. Killer will never leave hooked survivor to create such an opportunity.

    And I agree that this is killer playing killer. Because camping and tunneling is so easy, yet so beneficial. But that is also not fair. Something boring and easy should not be also optimal way how to play the game. The design of game that makes it all of these 3 things easy, beneficial and boring makes it bad design that needs to be addressed by developers (not by killers. But by developers). So again. There needs to be something done to make the tactics risky or hard to pull off (because making it low reward is not really possible under base premise of this game), so that this tactics is NOT OPTIMAL way to play killer...

    So to restate it for N-th time... Developers should hard nerf camping and tunneling. One way how to do this is to give much better tools to defend from camping and tunneling (to address camping - make more perks like reinsurence and buff it. To address tunneling give 10s 150% speed to unhooked person without any collision or anything until conspicuous action is done - that way survivor makes it hard to tunnel him right of hook, but said survivor can't abuse it in any way because he can't do gens or bodyblock for teammates).

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    The definition of tunneling accounts for all instances in which a recently unhooked survivor is downed and placed back on the hook. The situation you're talking about is called "Survivor-induced tunneling", and the blame, more often than not, falls on the teammate.

    We all know what tunneling actually is at this point, and killers know if they tunneled or if they didn't. There's no need for any mental gymnastics to justify it. If you tunneled, there's no need to justify it. If you didn't, there's no need to defend yourself against baseless accusations from salty survivors.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Thats a strong ideal and a near delusion on some of the reasonings, which I guess boils down to it being too easy and beneficial and so therefore it should be hard nerfed.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258


    The specifics are open to discussions. But the idea should be clear. If it's easy and not risky, then it should not win you the game.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    As I said, your definition defines it that way. Mine does not.

    If I re-down a recently unhooked. I did that because it was what I thought was a good or best play in the situation...

    (It isn't the hard tunneling I'll attribute to any complaints or issues. For the most part at least.)

    ...Not because I wanted to get them out of the game or ruin their game, which is what I'd account to tunneling.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    The logic to that is flawed. Either easy or risky both can be legitimate ways to win. The same logic can be applied to both sides.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I respectfully disagree. Imagine survivor could hold 1 specific button to freeze himself and after say 5s of using it, he would transform into stone. And after 5s of holding it again, he would revert. If this was possible - how many survivors would try to loop killer? And how much fun would be in playing the game? If somebody didn't (ab)use this mechanics, he would loose way more. But where is the fun in using this thing? And do you thing forum would have less or more threads like camping/tunneling to remove this from the game?

    I mean this example is extreme. But it illustrates the point nicely. I think.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I don't think we need extreme, but simple and common. Maybe a little extreme to even it out, but ya know.

    Makes things easier.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Why you did it is irrelevant. You can dress up tunneling however you want, but at the end of the day it's still tunneling.

    It's very clear what tunneling is. Any deliberate choice to target the recently unhooked survivor is tunneling, regardless of the why.

    Whether it's to get someone out early, or to ruin someone's game, or because of some larger strategy, or because of a mistake another survivor made, or because they bodyblocked with Endurance.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Yeah sure, we can say that I won't deny it, but if we talk it being an issue then it just ain't it.