Camping and Tunneling is actually skillful
The more developers attack hook defence (reassurance) and singling out (basic borrowed time), the more skilful these tactics become.
Now, though, they are going not just to attack killer's tactic of snowballing, but to destroy it with basic unbreakable for survivors.
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this is literally an excuse for camping and tunneling, like we didnt make generators to be like that and most survivors tend to take chases rather then staying on gens cus everyone agrees that holding m1 for a minute and a half is crap, also camping anf tunneling is unfun so just dont do it
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What a funny joke, good one
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"Camping and tunneling is unfun so just dont do it"
Holding M1 on a gen is unfun too, so don't do it either. Thanks.
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Tunnelling and camping at the correct time does have some skill to it, because if you don't do it at the correct time you are going to lose. Face camping or hard tunnelling resulting in you throwing the match is where it becomes brain dead.
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i meant its not fun gameplay for both sides, not saying that dbd is a fun game on any side because jesus christ i hate it but at least dont try to make it more miserable since survivors already get head aches from solo que and im pretty sure i specified that its not survivors who made generators be a hold left click simulator
also im not trying to hold the survivor mains side, im not a survivor main since i play both sides equally but ive played enough to know how painful this game is