Normal Skillchecks should work the same as Overcharge when getting off of a Gen


How overcharge works: If you the touch gen and leave, you can still attempt the skillcheck.

Normal Skillchecks: They will blow up if you leave the gen during the sound, giving you no chance. This often happens when the killer is coming, when you want to go rescue, heal a teammate, etc and you have no way to really counter this besides hope it doesn't happen or wait for an skillcheck first before getting off which is RNG.

This would be a very nice QoL tweak that I don't really see any downside to. It's complete RNG if it happens and is a very "Oh come on game!" feeling.


  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    Yes, of course. If you can do that, it's better than not being able to do that.

    By the way, if you take your hand off the generator at the moment you hear the skill check occur, sometimes the skill check appears and explodes, and sometimes the skill check itself does not occur and no explosion occurs. Is this due to lucky timing?

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    I agree. I once made a suggestion about this and had an overly biased killer main say NOOOO SKILL CHECKS ARE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT. He was annoying.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    If you let go very early in the warning noise, it won’t appear.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250
  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,526

    I think the opposite should happen... but that's just me

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    The fact that you get to make the Overcharge check even after getting off the gen is exactly WHY nobody ran overcharge before. The whole point of the thing was "punish survivors for tapping gens" and then it was built to be MORE forgiving than normal, everyday skill checks! Mindboggling.

    And then they buffed Overcharge, but then nerfed it immediately after. Now, taking the perk is worse than not taking it, unless you ALSO bring Call of Brine (one of the few regression perks not nerfed because... tadah! It's on Sadako, the worst IP killer they've released to date, which nobody wants to buy, but now they have to because she has the only decent regression perk left)

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 208

    I'm just waiting for Sadako to go on sale. THEN I'll buy her. I swear this time

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,239

    OC is best regression. But you need to make sure nobody (capable of hitting the skillcheck) touches the gen during that time. It (potentially) provides more regression the CoB.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    It rewards you for camping a gen, which gives the survivor team plenty of time to do all the others. The only time where it's useful is when there is one gen with a ton of progress and zero other gens that have been worked on.

    Its biggest weakness, ironically, is survivors tapping the gen to stop the regression. Because the skillcheck doesn't stop or punish tapping in the slightest.

    Because the perk was made incorrectly

    Which brings us back to the thread's topic

    To which the answer is: no.

    Regular checks shouldn't work like Overcharge.

    Overcharge should work like regular checks.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,659

    Well, why not just switch effects then?

    Buff Overcharge so it instantly blows up if someone tries to tap it and have normal skillchecks persist after letting go. Now people can't tap and run and on other end, people don't blow up gens when they leave to do something else.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,239
    edited October 2022

    Giving by pure random chance -10% progress is NOT fair. Given OC, it can be at least something to debate, because it's not random. But regular skillcheck blowing up when you stop working on a gen is pure BS and totally random buff for killer that he did not earn in any way.

    But changing OC skillchecks to work at same random would be game breaking. Consider 3gen and any killer that can rapidly move thru the map. You would be able to choose between free hit (and maybe still failed skillcheck because of hit), or OC regression.

    At the current state of regression - this would mean killer can decide to give as a freebie 4 gens to survivors from the very beginning of the game. All he needs to do is to guard his 3gen. And there would be nothing survivors can do. And with eruption, OC, CoB + any random 4th perk, it would be enough to win the game.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    If skill checks actually increased in difficulty according to your skill, I would agree with you.

    As it stands, skill checks are exactly the same difficulty on your first game as your 10,000th one. Once a survivor has learned how they work, they will never miss another check in their lives. It's a considerable portion of your gameplay experience and it both does not involve the killer player AND never gets any harder.

    Having the random chance to maybe clip you right as you let go is about the only time a survivor with even a moderate amount of experience will ever fail a check. It they changed it so people with low-to-no MMR got easier checks and people with high-to-max MMR got WAYYYYYYY harder checks, I would agree: don't let the random chance screw you out of a check.

    But it doesn't. So that portion of the game doesn't need to get any easier.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Actually I wouldn't be surprised the skill check failing if you get off when it appears is somewhat intentional by the devs in order to encourage survivors to stay on gens for more continuous stretches of time rather than hopping on and off them in little spurts. That's just pure speculation though, it could be unintentional for all I know. 🤷‍♂️

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 510

    How could anyone say "this mechanics that is 100% based on RNG should stay".

    Winning a game juste due to randomness doesnt feel very fulfilling.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    Self unhook exists LOL. But it's not nearly as much of an issue as random skill check failures.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 510

    Skill checks aren't designed to be difficult though.

    They only exist to make repairing generator interactive rather than just pushing a button.

    They really are not difficult for anyone.

  • DrewpyCheekz
    DrewpyCheekz Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2022

    Dragon's Grip is that 4th perk, punishing survivors for not letting the gen regress or punishing them for letting it regress.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Isn't that a problem, though? A game is supposed to be a challenge, right? Every part of a killer's gameplay is challenged by the survivors, from finding them across the map, to chasing them off gens or off healing, to hunting them down, to successfully hooking them, to finding and snuffing their boons and so on.

    Why should the gameplay that is occupying the majority of survivor time (since the killer can only ever chase one person at a time), be unengagingly simply? If people were actually focused on the task at hand, you'd have survivor less 100% aware of their surroundings at all times, perhaps. If there was a legit chance that they'd fail skill checks if they mess up even slightly, gen rush would be diffused organically rather than requiring 10 more seconds on each gen.

    The point of the skill checks was to divide attention enough to make the presence of a killer something of a spook and give players a task that is supposed to be difficult, even in the absence of the killer actively adding challenge to your gameplay. I'm pretty sure they didn't put it in just to be 'less boring' alone. If that's the case, why not just remove skill checks from everything? If survivors can 100% every check every time, what's even the point?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,239

    Because most of us can't do that reliably all the time. Otherwise every survivor would bring hyperfocus without stakeout. Overcharge would be useless across whole MMR. Flash saves and locker saves would be easy for everyone and killer would always loose on most loops and always get hit by pallet and nobody would even know what huntress lullaby was supposed to do. Doctor's antiheal build would also not be a thing (all of these things are about reaction times).

    It should be pretty clear that is not the case. And I see 0 reason why random chance skillcheck with 0 counterplay is still part of the game. What is the real purpose of it? Forcing survivors to stay on a gen if they touch one? Why?

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    It feels like you read the last sentence of my post and ignored everything else.

    I'm not seriously advocating for removing skill checks. I'm saying that they should be SKILL Checks, not merely Checks. The "just remove them" was a position of absurdity by way of illustrating how pointless they are if they aren't actually a challenge, as the poster I was quoting indicated when he said "Skill checks aren't designed to be difficult though."

    I'm all for removing random failures outside of all survivor control. But ONLY if they actually, dynamically scale the difficulty. They have this MMR success number for you and they ought to be using it for something other than an extremely loose interpretation of matchmaking. If you're top MMR, the non-killer part of the game should be harder and that's as much a fact as how new players and low MMR players need a leg up with way easier skill checks that they are struggling with.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 510

    It's really not a problem, that's how they designed the game, it just simply can never be changed, because that's the Core basis of Dead By Daylight, if you change this, it becomes an entirely different game.

    Generators have never been designed to be a difficult task. They could half the time generators take to be made, and in return, make them extremely difficult to complete. That would entirely shatter the balance of the game to the point they'd have to redo the game from scratch.

    The skill level in DbD as survivor is in many other things though. The challenge isn't doing gens. It's looping, knowing when to stay on a gen, when to leave, which generators to complete first, etc...

    Generators represent a simple task because it takes a long time to complete. It can't be difficult AND long, it would just be too exhausting to play survivor.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,239

    Oh but it's already part of the game and part of survivors skill expression (and number of tools available for survivor to successfully escape)

    A, simple regular skillchecks.

    B, unnerving presence.

    C, huntress lullaby

    D, doctor

    E, BNP/OC/DS

    F, coulorphobia/hyperfocus

    And you can also get combinations. That's pretty huge scale of skillcheck difficulty. And I am very sure there are very few people (if anybody), that can hit combo of B+C+D+F+F.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    edited October 2022

    So, if it makes the game more challenging for survivors, the answer is "the game wasn't built that way so they shouldn't make the change."

    But when there's a random chance of botching a check built into the game, it's "they should change the game to remove this thing."

    Yep. I see how this works.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 510

    What you don't understand is that making generators more challenging would require to heavily reduce the time to make generators, it would require destroying all existing maps and making all maps smaller to make it possible to win as a high rank killer.

    This is just one consequence of that suggestion. It requires so much change.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,217

    I think letting go before the skillcheck shows up visually should cause incapacitated for 4 seconds.

    Or like mentioned, the skillcheck persists after you let go.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,659
    edited October 2022

    ----------------------------------------------------------[WARNING IT's AN OTZ VIDEO]----------------------------------------------------------

    Figured I'd post this here since it's relevant. It's nice to see people talking about this more and most of the comments seem to like the Overcharge idea.

    Hopefully with more people talking about, it'll get changed in someway or another.