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Endgame Suggestion

When there is only 2 Survivors left and the Killers downs one of them, they are automatically killed / moried. This will make it so the Killer can not slug for 4k. Its insanly annoying for both survivors having to wait endlessly and even more so if the killer decides to pick the survivor up and let them go in the hopes of them snitching the teammates position.


  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    What about if anytime all the other survivors are down hooked or dying when the last person gets downed all survivors are automatically killed.

    In exchange survivors get a basekit 45 second unbreakable.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    This does not solve the issue OP is talking about. If killer decides downed survivor will not bleed out (picking him up and down them after + immediate pickup) and the other one does not do gens but hides... You are looking for an 1hour game. Or DC. Or snitching on the other survivor.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710
    edited October 2022

    Sure it does they can get back up if the killer camps the survivor the other one can get a whole gen done in 2 slugs, if the other one doesnt do gens you crawl to them to get picked up with that mechanic the other person has no excuse to be hiding instead of doing gens and deserves to be caught because they are griefing their teammate on the ground

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    Why pretend to have an idea when you're just taking BHVR's insta mori idea and making it shittier for one of the two survivors ?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    No. The killer will camp you. It's last 2 ppl and killer will not stop hunting you. If you are not hard smurfing, killer will not loose you. So it all ends up in you being constantly downed/picked up/in a futile chase, while killer camps/tunnels you and the other survivor is hiding.

    The game gets boring quickly, but you don't have any good option to quit. You can DC for penalty, wait an hour to finally bleed out (picking up after hit takes a short time during which you bleed), snitch on the other survivor or go afk watching youtube or something (in hopes someone looses his temper from the 2 other people and ends the match for you)

    Btw very similiar thing can happen to killer if last 2 survivors decide to hide until the other one is caught and dies. Killer's version is tiny bit better, because you at least have some chance to find one survivor (they have to move to dodge crows). But it's not much better situation.

    And I have been in this exact situation both as survivor and killer - being held hostage like this. I hated it from both sides (as survivor I snitched after like 30 minutes and got hatch for it and as killer I found one survivor after 10 minutes). Horrible experience in both cases. I would gladly "loose" on a spot to move to next game quicker.

  • VaporLion
    VaporLion Member Posts: 386
    edited October 2022

    i think their idea is bad but mine is good. its fine that everyone dies when they are all on hook but not when downed in my opinion. also seeing the mori all the time will make it boring.

    Post edited by VaporLion on
  • Palevox
    Palevox Member Posts: 18

    I have an issue being the last surviving member in the 1st state... And not getting either my 3 attempts to get off the hook or worse: having a deliverance perk active and getting no "100 percent" chance off that hook. Hooks are OP.

    How about using the almost useless keys to increase your percent chance to slip off the hook?

  • VaporLion
    VaporLion Member Posts: 386

    thats like the 1 argument against that change but honestly even getting off the hook when there is only 2 survivors left will most likely either end in your death or in this stupid both hide in lockers situation which im trying to get rid off. just not fun to be forced in this playstyle. its like waysting your own time willingly.