
He just needs some buff to him. What is the point of playing him when you have free killer that is better at everything than him? (If you live under the rock im talking about Huntress)
Seriously, give me one thing that Slinger does better than Huntress. (Ignoring the fact that he can reload everywhere, anytime becouse his addonless reload is so slow and it reloads only one bullet.)
I love Deathslinger, his name is badass, he looks badass, his voice lines are AMAZING and the concept of having a GUN in this game is also amazing.
He's fun to play sometimes, but then you play against that team that starts holding W from a mile away as soon as they hear the terror radius and you just want to die immediately (in the video game)
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Yes he does need something... cause being a Killer that has to reel in the target means something to say the least
Have his TR be what his length of chain is... cause then once you hear it it's more of a "oh (word I can't type)" moment
Yes he has range but it only effective in a specific range
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Always thought he should have come with nail grenades or some kind of trip mine.
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He’s a fun killer until you get the team that knows to just hold W as somebody said above. Then it’s just a nightmare.
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He can shoot through tiny cracks in shack and other tiles where huntress cannot shoot through, he has a quicker wind up.
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Deathslinger has a gun. A GUN. That he can shoot people with at the drop of a hat, through the tiniest of holes in any tile, drag them towards him so they make no distance, and get free hits and deep wounds without even having to hit them.
At what point do we as a community need to say "no" to this kind of buff begging? Slinger is fine, squarely above average, he just takes a bit of practice to play. More killers should be around his strength, not less.
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I do agree he needs some sort of buff/rework. Not entirely sure what at this point. I've had a few ideas but honestly his creation might have been mishandled from the beginning. I just hope they do something soon. 28m TR, 4.5 m/s while his redeemer is unloaded would be how I'd start. Another ability entirely (in addition to what he has )would be nice. His addons also need an overhaul.
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Just drop his terror radius a bit, slower speed and larger terror radius is an awful combo. And/or let him hit over pallets. Maybe at a cost of 25% chain durability surv gets dragged over the pallet or something. Animation would look cool.
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He has a GUN a super underpowered GUN. Also cracks are not real advantage. He shoots you over the crack and at best has to break chain to get super long stun and a survivor injured and in a need of mend. At that point you could just get Legion and go on a frenzy stabing others. ,,Buff begging" cmon really? This guy doesnt need a whole REWORK, just a tiny buff that would compensate his ADS time and Bigger terror radius. I can see right thru your eyes that you have this typical survivor main mindset who wants every killer to be trash tier. If you want it so bad, whatever, but remember my words when you face a sweaty nurse and die in the first 3 minutes.
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I honestly think the nerf to his ADS was completely justified as his instant shooting was just really unfun to go against, there was no real interaction either he hits you or he misses, nothing you could have done about it. At least now he gets some kind of downside for his zoning ability. I think the comparison to legion kind of lacks here. You re not always gonna get a down when hitting through cracks, sometimes the tiles is too long to do it that way, but on a healthy survivor you ll get an injure which is quite good already, not many killers that can bascially hit you through a wall.
Most people probably just want to have something to do in chase. Some sort of interaction where they can use their skill as a survivor to outplay the killer, but that should consist of more than just finding a tile with high walls so you cannot get shot over it.
I could however agree on the 28 m Terror Radius, that should be fine, but i wouldn't want to go any lower since then you re back at the meta where he is basically in shooting range when you hear his terror radius... Even at 28 m, with monitor and abuse you ll hear him for half a second until he can shoot you, if it was a straight line and so on...
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If you honestly think that Deathslinger "can shoot people with at the drop of a hat" then you haven't played him since the massive ADS nerf.
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Either deathsliger should be able to down injured people with shots too, or make he a 115% killer, or give him his old 24 meters terror radius back. If none of those make hiss ADS much faster, maybe not a quick scope as he used to have, but MUCH faster. He's a killer that has no map pressure, no map presence, no mobility, with a 32m terror radius and 110%, the only thing he has is his anti loop, that used to be good enough to keep up with other killers, but now he's just worst than average.
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One thing better than Huntress? You joking?
- He can shoot faster than Huntress. Considerably faster. Plus Huntress’s hatchets aren’t reliable unless charged which takes about three seconds.
- He does not have to visit lockers. Huntress often has to break from chases to reload. DS just reloads mid chase.
- Despite what some of yall are saying here, Deathslinger deals with Hold W gamers waaaay better than Huntress. His ADS isn’t the same but still functions as a massive catch up mechanic. Even moving at 80% speed while holding ADS, most survivors will spin/juke in place. So they are moving at 0% during fakeouts.
- DS does not have a lullaby. (His terror radius sucks. No argument; the one area I would buff.) Buuut. This opens his perk kit to undetectable/oblivious perks. He is also naturally quiet.
- He utilizes STBFL way better than most killers. With his difficult chase to deal with mixed with a shorter cooldown, he’s extremely strong in chase.
The only advantage I have to concede to Huntress is she can injure multiple survivors in a shorter span than DS could. There should however be zero argument that DeathsLinger’s chase is one of the strongest in the game. I consider him to have the second best chase after Nurse.
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"Massive ADS nerf"
They slowed down his aim from 0.1 seconds to 0.4 seconds.
0.4 seconds.
If 0.4 seconds isn't fast enough I don't know what to say to you.
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Lol is all I can do at your comment. 😂 Ignorance is bliss I guess.
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They also slowed down his recovery from ADS and his turn speed (essentially nonexistent) so quick-shotting is no longer possible - definitely not "at the drop of a hat".
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The one change I'd like to see for Deathslinger is to let him turn at his normal rate while aiming his rifle. He's the only killer whose turn speed slows way down while aiming his weapon and it feels kind of annoying.
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Which was made easier by the unnecessary terror radius nerf.
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Oh, he has a gun? Big deal. Aesthetics aside, he doesn't have anything going for him gameplay-wise. You can get a crazy shot on a survivor, but even if you get the chain to break and injure, it doesn't guarantee a hit. He's inconsistent in that, because sometimes he reels survivors straight in through 3 obstacles, and sometimes they just get stuck and break out on the first one. Legion can easily injure people too, but only the noobs are still calling him OP, because his ability can almost never down. Deathslinger is the same. "Free hits" but he aimed right on you, through the horribly slow zoom-in, accounted for leading with the shot, accounted for potential survivor wiggling, reeled you in, AND THEN gets a chance to hit you. What's free about that? It wasn't even free before the nerf, where he was almost perfect and still had tons of counterplay. Now he has tons more. The ADS timing, the muscle memory, and knowing what shots you're actually gonna get a hit on takes more than a bit of practice to learn. The average killer needs to be way above this D tier killer, for the sake of the game.
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His ADS nerf was not justified. Survivors, if we actually expect them to have game knowledge to beat their opponents, and not just the killer, should know when he can land a shot on them and when he can't. It's the same counterplay as Huntress and Trickster, just a little faster. Do you apply these same criticisms to those killers? "Huntress, if she aims on you perfectly and lets go, you can't do anything. That's unfair!" No, I didn't think so. The quickscope was a selling point for Deathslinger. Are we next gonna take away Hillbilly's Chainsaw or Freddy's dream world? Not being 100% reactable doesn't mean there's no counterplay, in fact it just shows the stupid amount of counterplay that every other killer has.
With Huntress, Demogorgon, even Wesker, you have to hard commit around corners to get people with your ability, and when you do and you miss you look like a bad killer. It's almost always reactable for the survivors. Deathslinger was the one killer who had it a little easier in that scenario, which the survivors very much put themselves in. It would take some good hand-eye coordination and reaction time, but you could get a lot of those shots around corners just in the nick of time. Now, I can't make those shots when I could have before, so is that me suddenly not being good with the killer, or is it the nerf? You tell me.
He's a ranged killer with a smaller TR. So what? So does Huntress and Trickster, which aren't perfectly reactable either because the lullabies they're paired with are either directional or you can't exactly tell how far they are. Same thing with Deathslinger. God forbid a killer uses M&A on a small TR killer. The devs have made themselves quite clear on that: "Stop figuring out good strategies and perk synergy! It's not allowed!"
He was 110%, had no map mobility, was nowhere near S tier, and couldn't secure a down off of getting crazy shots multiple times on the same survivor. Not exactly my definition of a killer that needed nerfing. Now what we have is a joke killer. Going from one of my favorites, if not my main, to someone I literally never play anymore. Does that not tell you anything either?
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1: Huntress can still throw faster than slinger has time to ADS.. sorry to tell you that,
2: His reload sucks without having reload addons as it's so slow, huntress could reload by the time slinger cocks the gun,
3: Unlike old slinger, he dealt with W gamers alot better than the current kit is atm, You can't really fake a shot without losing distance as much as you did before, (hence the reason to his ADS addons nerf)
4: Ds should get a lullaby to compensate, and or reduce the bs terror radius, nobody asked for this tbh,
5: Well.. you forgot about Mikey.. Demo.. hag.. piggy... wraith.. and a few other killers
also, Him strong in chase? I swear you never versed actual survivors that keep up LoS blockers on you While holding W, atleast with huntress she could bait a hatchet and still had a better chance to injure / down than slinger would in most chases, What slinger can't do, Huntress can do better...
And yes, due to the nerfs, i rate him barely above mid tier, while huntress is just staying a solid A tier,
so uhh.. yeah, Huntress is still better than slinger..
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Yeaah... no... I hate this killer with passion. 99% of them are using save the best for last which works well for him and it just makes him pain in the backside. He makes no sound when he shoots so you have to be running and watching behind you ALL the time. I usually end up dying due to getting stuck to something or running into a tree while making sure im not being shot to the butt.
Like others have said he doesnt need to visit lockers and lose his M2 power. His reload doesnt take all that long and he can shoot from small cracks and he is a very strong antilooper.
If he gets buff i want him to make a grunt or laugh or fart or anything when hes about to shoot so i can sometimes watch infront of me as well!
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he has sound cue when he lift his gun. Its not deathslinger problem that your running into tree's and walls. Why should deathslinger care whether you understand the map layout or not?
no rework required. just revert. nothing more. Once they change a killer, the killer stays the same for about 2-3 years. perhaps he will get wind-up add-on's and terror radius reductions add-on's. he already has add-on called Gold Greek Whiskey that reduces his terror radius by 8, just remove condition of requiring aim down sight. Wanted poster could be wind-up add-on. they weaken add-on m/s increase in his change.
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You can't hear that gun sound as a survivor when theres chase music blasting into your ears. Its so quiet. ALL of the other ranged killers have sounds when they hit you with something. Huntress grunts, tricksters blades makes a loud sounds, nemesis tentacle makes loud sound. What makes deathslinger so special he cant have a proper sound when hes lifting his gun?
Also i said im running into trees while watching behind me. I'm sorry i cant watch 2 ways at once, and i dont know exactly all of the rocks and trees on the map.
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I am just saying he does have sound cue. it sounds like sharp ringing bell. I do not rely on it but I am saying it is there. these killer shouldn't have sound cue. It takes away mindgame and prediction aspect of the power. The ADS is extremely slow. Struggling against under-powered killer is laughable.
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Almost everything you counterpoint is wrong.
- Huntress takes 1.25 seconds to base wind up. Her power is not faster in any sense and her uncharged hatchets are easy to dodge. It takes three seconds to fully charge. Again, Slinger shoots in 0.40 seconds. No charge. It’s the same shot, all the time.
- Huntress has to break chase to reload. Reloading is a big interruption for her. I do like Slingers reload addons on occasion but not a requirement. (His slowdown addons I think are worse for survivors.)
- I agree this is an area that was nerfed for DS. Doesn’t counter my point. He is still effective at faking his shots. This is probably the biggest skill gap for new Slingers. Knowing when not to shoot.
- Yes, it would be ideal to reduce his terror radius. I’d even say reduce his radius back to 24 and nerf M&A instead. He still can utilize Undetectable/Oblivious unlike Huntress.
- I didn’t. My point stands. He is built to back to back M1 very quickly. It’s a part of why his chase is so engrossing.
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Almost everything you counterpoint is wrong.
My old slinger days say otherwise...
Huntress takes 1.25 seconds to base wind up. Her power is not faster in any sense and her uncharged hatchets are easy to dodge. It takes three seconds to fully charge. Again, Slinger shoots in 0.40 seconds. No charge. It’s the same shot, all the time
Key difference, Bun bun can still release And not have to bait to still get a hit / down rather than slinger aim in and wait for the survivor to scurry back and forth to Attempt said shot,
Although both can bait... one does it better than the other..
Huntress has to break chase to reload. Reloading is a big interruption for her. I do like Slingers reload addons on occasion but not a requirement. (His slowdown addons I think are worse for survivors.)
Slinger base reload is 2.75 without addons, the green keys reduce it to 2.50 and the brown reduces it to 2.25... by the time you reloaded, huntress finished her animations W/Iron Maiden,
(fyi, his slowdown addons suck,)
I agree this is an area that was nerfed for DS. Doesn’t counter my point. He is still effective at faking his shots. This is probably the biggest skill gap for new Slingers. Knowing when not to shoot.
Has still a big delay in faking said shot, also still havent fixed a slight issue in which you can't shoot sometimes and having to double click, (this one is a on and off bug... so idk if consoles are affected by this too)
and the Issue with shooting and Not shooting, either you do or you don't, same with bun bun,
Yes, it would be ideal to reduce his terror radius. I’d even say reduce his radius back to 24 and nerf M&A instead. He still can utilize Undetectable/Oblivious unlike Huntress.
We all know bhvr won't do that... =:D
I didn’t. My point stands. He is built to back to back M1 very quickly. It’s a part of why his chase is so engrossing.
He's still default to m1, like every basic boi / girl out there, Yes stbfl is good on him, but even still... some killers do it better than today's slinger..
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huntress has a minimum wind-up time of 1.25 seconds, deathslinger takes 0.4/0.6 seconds to aim and stop aiming.
huntress takes 4 seconds to reload by default and has to go to a locker, deathslinger takes 2.75 seconds to reload and can reload anywhere.
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Was already told this lol,
But 98% of huntresses run Iron Maiden, to negate that 4 seconds and turn it into like 2.50 or sum, so it matches up to slinger,
However they nerfed alot of holes in many spots that i cannot for the life of me shoot through anymore makes slinger less of a choice to play..
and slinger can reload (w/double reload) at 2 seconds, (meant to correct this from earlier post)
Still would rather play huntress over slinger now...
Edit: Tech if huntress took the yellow braid w/ the babushka, she can just bout match slinger, (although for careful aims... that's another story)
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I agree with a lot of your points. It's why I like him so much. But here's the thing, he has advantages over Huntress sure. But overall Huntress is better. 2nd best chase in the game can't POSSIBLY be even close to the truth either.
The Redeemer is solid zoning, anti loop, and even anti-chase by bring a survivor who was MILES away from you right to you, negating the need to catch up first, shortening the chase. But it doesn't come close to the likes of the mobility of Blight, Nurse and even Wesker. I love him to death(slinger) but you're giving his power way too much credit. The hitbox for the barb is TINY, which is good for these amazing hole plays but bad for hitting survivors at range compared to the hatchets. Frankly I don't think any 4.4 killer can even been in the same league as the chase of most of the 4.6 killers.
I think he could use a few more tweaks at least. A full rework to bring him up a tier, although I agree with the idea that not all killers need to be AMAZING.
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-He has stealth potential which huntress doesn't (although nerfed)
-His gun is a lot more accurate than huntress hatchets
-He has good synergy with m1 perks
-He can shoot you at places where huntress can't
-PERSONALLY he's more fun
-He's got way better zoning potential than huntress
-He pulls survivors towards him which is pretty convenient
-Less cooldown for scoping in & out
-Less counterplay than huntress
that's not to say he doesn't need any changes, but he's certainly not just a worse huntress
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I wish he just got his old 24 meter terror radius back, keep the longer ADS, 0.4 seconds with the ringing warning sound is enough to give a Survivor warning when he's about to shoot, but for the love of god just reduce his Terror Radius, it feels awful, if not 24 metres then at least 28 metres.