New flashlight cooldown issues

Luceus Member Posts: 76
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

When I played the ptb I quickly noticed that the new cooldown brought 3 issues:

The first one being that when doing a click to prepare to aim the cooldown was way too long and could easly break your timing

The second one was that even if you manage to time the clicks, the flashlight would deplete way too fast compared to before since it's forced to stay on

The third are the click spins that became impossible since you stay 30 minutes shinning your light in the distance while being slown down

I think they should straight up delete the cooldown applied to when it's ON since it would straight up fix all issues in one go

I thought it would be fixed before going live so I didn't mention it but since it did here I am


  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2022

    All this was pointed out in the discussions, all the techs that would stop working and the difficulty curve for using the flashlight that would increase unnecessarily without being able to correct the angle, in addition to the battery that drains faster.

    A suggested middle ground to help people with disabilities and to stop macros was to remove the delay when turning on the flashlight and just put it after 3/4 clicks to activate the delay/cd.

    But guess what? The devs didn't give a damn again and to solve the problem, they left flashlights nerfed. That way the bonus in the survivors' role will never come out, in addition to the winrate dropping.

    ps: and now has the aim bug, further down the center of the screen.