Your thoughts on The Trickster

Personally my least favorite to play against as it's super boring to get unlimited blades thrown at you with almost no cool down, an ultimate that is literally unlimited blades for a long duration and no movement speed penalty, blades that bounce so avoiding them seems next to impossible unless you get lucky. He can shred through multiple health states very quickly.
I would suggest removing the ricochet of the knives as it doesn't even make sense for knives to ricochet and either increase how many it takes to injure you, decrease how many he can hold significantly and keep the damage, or remove the "ultimate". There's just too much going on.
He's balanced imo, certain maps with no low walls absolutely destroy him, not to mention he is a 110% killer with a lullaby.
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He’s boring and borderline unhealthy, while also not being able to do much at certain stronger tiles with high walls.
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"Get unlimited blades thrown at you" But they're not unlimited, there is a set number: 44. Then he has to reload.
"Unlimited blades for a long duration and no movement speed penalty" Main Event lasts for 10 seconds and his movement speed is the same as his initial throwing speed: 3.86 m/s
And the ricochet knives is an addon, a purple addon and one of the better ones. That's not something basekit.
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Somethings I forgot: When he was first introduced he had 60 total knives and it took 8 knives for a single state, some time after a midchapter: his total was reduced to 44 and the knives required reduced to 6. We should also remember that upon dealing a health state of damage with the knives: survivors get the speed boost too. So losing several health states back to back is on you or the map.
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So with all of this: do you still the same opinion?
Post edited by HeehoRacketeer on9 -
He's good in very specific situations and horrible outside of those areas. Fairly balanced overall. He has 44 knives base before he has to reload, and he has a movement speed penalty on Main Event.
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There's no real good reason for trickster to be nerfed from how bad he already is. His aiming is still horrible but at least its not his old one where he had 2x the recoil and had spread. Either way I think you wouldn't be complaining about trickster now if you had experience PTB ricochet knives or crack trickster (both of which could down you in 4 knives).
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He is fine, very annoying but whatever he cant hit at every loop but can destroy at certain loops. just like huntress and death slinger
he does have more loops that he can work around then those 2 but he still needs 6 hits to injure
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He's tricky
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The speed boost does nothing while you're still getting pelted with knives. He only needs 12 hits out of 44 knives to down and you think that's balanced? Then he gets a 10 second infinite knife ultimate after a few successful hits increasing the amount he gets in one go.
Didn't know ricochet was an addon since everyone I play against has them on.
Same opinion.
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He has no lullaby. His terror radius is super hard to hear as well.
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he has a lullaby lol
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Yes he does, same as every other ranged killer, i've even attached a video and screenshot from the DBD wiki
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I don't think death slinger or artist have one but close
but Huntress, Trickster, Freddy, twins and Sad-ako(not ranged) have one.
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Uh-oh, someone got destroyed by a good Trickster.
Honestly, you're complaining about one of the more balanced killers in DbD. He has the same weaknesses as Huntress, and like her is very map dependant.
Trickster is a low mobility killer and struggles with gen pressure on large maps, even more so with indoor maps or maps that have high walls.
Trickster's knives aren't unlimited, in total he can carry 44, 48 Max with add-ons. His movement speed also plummets when throwing his knives, again without add-ons. During "Main Event" Trickster drops to his slowest movement speed, even with add-ons to make up for the loss of speed, he gains accuracy. To counter this, just break his line of sight. The "ricochet" you're talking about is a purple add-on called "trick knives", as you noticed, they bounce, hence why theyre called "trick knives". 😉
Honestly all your complaints are just "he's a faster version of Huntress!" Which is the point, Trickster is DbD's version of an SMG, while Huntress is a Sniper
Now for some tips on how to best Trickster: Tricksters lullaby is one of the easiest to hear comming, next to Huntress so if you're having trouble hearing him, use headphones/headset, perks that show the killers aura. If youre still having trouble, you might need to get your hearing checked irl. I had to do that recently, there's no shame in it.
Tricksters knives are very easy to dodge, main event even more so. Always try to loop him around tall structures or lead him into buildings where it's easy to beak line of sight, once out of sight and if you're lacerated try to hide don't just hold W and hope for the best, because the laceration meter won't decay until you stop moving.
Again, Trickster is very map dependant. Take advantage of your surroundings.
Honestly, all the people complaining that he's "unhealthy" for the game and complaining about how spamable his power is, have never held or thrown throwing knives irl. They are much lighter than hatches.
And let's face it, if Huntress had less of a wind-up to her throws. People would be complaining about her power too. But because there's the wind-up she's somehow "less" of an issue. SMH.
Edit 2:
After reading many of the comments here, it's becoming very clear who has and has not played Trickster.
Post edited by BrightWolf on3 -
Horrible killer that is only good at camping and deadzone gameplay. He is also probably the best at tunneling right off hook because you injure the rescuer and still have more than enough knives to melt through endurance and then the second health state before they get to safety (most of the time and assuming you're already on the scene when the rescue happened)
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Lmao and a camping Huntress, Legion, Bubba, Doctor, Nurse or Blight doesn't do the same?
Wake up, all killers have the potential to be toxic campers or tunnelers off hook. It's up to the individual player to decide if that's what they want to do.
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I think you got the wrong tone from my post. Idc if a trickster players camps or tunnels, really it's just the smart gameplay because that's without a doubt his strongest aspect. There's nothing toxic about it, it's a gameplay strat. Yes he can injure extremely fast in some situations like deadzones or unsafe loops but in common tiles and strutctures, he's not much different than other killers with mediocre chase powers. In fact I'd argue he's actually worse than the other ranged killers because he takes so many knives.
Most of the time survivors simply run away before actually being in danger and you generally can't snipe them like deathslinger or huntress can, which is devastating because he's 110%. Furthermore if you get maps with too many god loops or obstacles you have lost the coinflip and most likely the game. That's why i think he's relatively garbage, although he is still not the absolute worst.
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Never thought we would get a "Trickster OP" thread discussion
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its actually 56 with add ons
He has a green add on (+8) and a brown (+4)
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Ooooh my bad! Sorry about that, I got a little too defensive. But yeah I agree. Trickster is strong in that he can counter/punish EGC greedy saves, in that he can stop survivors going in for a save. Ive been in that position a few times and have always been "roasted" in the post game for stopping a save camp, like I know you're hiding behind that loop Nea, I'm not going to chase you so Leon can save Dwight. 😉
I'm not the biggest fan of how map dependant Trickster is, because I love playing him. His play style is extremely fun to me, in the way how an SMG is fun in shooters. I think Trickster needs a bit of a buff just so he can be more relevant and have pressure on larger maps, but I feel the same way for all low mobility killers.
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I always forget the percentage for Bloody Boa for some reason. Guess I'm just too used to using Knife Pouch.
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very clear who's played as trickster.. ( runs out of knives very quickly)
he's not my least favorite, but not favorite either. he's a solid middleground. i think alot of his hate is unfounded tbh... in the 10 or so trickster matches i've faced i dont remember a single one camping or tunneling, i could be just lucky though..
least favorite are those that are generally boring, or have kits that promote really boring playstyles; Twins. Twins, are literally 2x M1 killers who's kit makes it stronger to slug, tunnel and camp.... i dont see how this is even a debate
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Same! The games I've played against Trickster, none of them have camped or what would be considered face camping. Ive seen patrolling, but nothing more than that.
And when I play Trickster I actively avoid tunneling and camping, as much as it can be helped.
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He's annoying and very unhealthy for the game. He needs a complete rework.
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most brain numbingly boring killer to verse, i love holding W for a full minute because they're a 110 killer then i just either die on short wall tiles, or i just hold W on a tile and they hit 1-2 knives every loop around until i go down then there's 1-2 gens left
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No you see if you play on PC and practice he can get some insane downs. He's way harder to play on console.
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Try playing on PC with a controller, you will know true mastery of Trickster.
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When you lose a health state, you also lose collision for a few seconds while also speed boosted, use that time to GET OUT OF THE RAGNED KILLER'S SIGHT. If you know that you're against a ranged killer, you should be trying to avoid being within their range. Yes, he needs 12 to down you, but it is very much impossible to land all 12 back to back. Each throw has recoil and spread which leads to inaccuracy. Also guess about that ultimate fact:
That too is an addon.
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Play huntress, she is just better in every way other than camping.
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I can't say much, but how about going into a locker against Ultimate?
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He needs to be playable on console.
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won't ever be comfortable with the decision of his power... knives? On a kpop killer?
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I wonder if slightly making the spread and or the thing where ur blades get less accurate after a few throws less on console would help
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He already had recoil that causes him to become less acurite, it's a constant struggle to stop the camera from shooting upwards.
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That's what I mean, lower that on console
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Ok, then I suppose that means that DbD needs better controller support to make their game less clunky for the console/switch or for those PC players who use a controller because they don't like the KB&M controls. :-/
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He never should've been added. He feels like a poor cash-grab attempt.
Likewise, his gameplay is bad. He is either extremely oppressive and basically uncounterable or FAR too easy to counter.
He's completely unplayable for the majority of players.
Post edited by Pulsar on2 -
I absolutely despise Trickster, it is one of the cases where I pretty much go next as I find him extremely irritating to play against. It isn't that he is OP, it is that his spamming knives is very irritating, much like the chains on Pinhead are very annoying imo
I feel he is a bad design that was only made to cynically pander to the Korean market
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Kinda weak but really not fun to go against I don't really like playing him either though.
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All Kill was when DBD had reached the bottom of the pit (Binding of kin) and started digging
Disgusting killer
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Ever since he came on the scene, I've wondered why the sights keep moving up when he keeps throwing knives?
Yes, I understand that you want to produce the recoil of a machine gun in a shooting game. But that's just the atmosphere.
If I kept throwing knives, I would get tired and the sights would move down.
The muscles that keep the Huntress from being able to throw the hatchet accurately are very convincing. But the trickster looks slender... Or does he have a habit of throwing upwards when he gets tired?
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Why is there recoil in the first place? It's so dumb.
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The thing about that is, that in comparison to hatchets, knives are a lot lighter to throw. So it makes sense that Trickster can throw many more knives before feeling the effects of fatigue, and given that he's also DbD's version of an SMG it kind of makes thematic sense that his recoil goes up instead of down. Though from a realistic standpoint it doesn't make sense, unless he's aiming deliberately upwards to counter his fatigue.
As for if he has the physique to know knives continuously, have you seen the type of training that K-Pop stars/Idols go through? They train for hours at a time for many days in a row to perfect their physical performances, on top of vocals as well, while promoting their music with talk shows, advertisements, meet and greets etc. It's a lot of work and even on top of that, you need to maintain your "look". Idols, be they K-Pop, C-Pop or even J-Pop aren't allowed to do certain things, like eating too much junk food, drinking alcohol, gaining anything above or losing anything beyond a certain weight limit, being in a romantic relationship, even their medications can be strictly controlled by their agents. Because these idols aren't supposed to be seen as people, but as "objects" meant to be admired and viewed from afar that also produce money for their labels.
So yeah, as for Ji-Woon being able to throw knives the way he does in the game, even before being welcomed into the Fog by the Entity. I find it very believable that he has the physique to be able to do so and he clearly did for a while. Sure he had to resort to drugging some of his victims, but that was more out of necessity than not being able to overpower a victim.
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fun to play when chasing, boring to vs, and hes still super weak since 0 map pressure
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I'd there was not recoil trickster would legit just be no skill.
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He is frustraiting.
On the one side you have the ability sometimes storm Survivors and eat their health states fast, that is fun and feels good when it happends.
On the other side you can be looped for a long time and it feels boring, tedious and frustraiting. Some buildings and loops destroys him. It's annoying to hit them with 1-2 knifes per loop when you have no other option. Also I hate when they are 1 blade off and I run out of ammo or they manage to put behind themselfs 100 objects.
Also most Survivors hate him since he can have 0 counterplay in some cases.
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Idk what to say man. The ricochet blades require an add-on and the blades that bounce only do 1/2 damage. And Main Event just gets wasted like half the time. Try playing Trickster yourself, and you'll quickly realize how many weaknesses he has.
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I think he need a rework, he is too weak or too powerfull depending on the map/structure you are playing, all the killers have bad maps and good maps for them at some extent, but in the case of trickster it happen to the extreme.
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I like playing him, he has personality and spamming a ranged projectile just feels fun. I don't mind going against him as well tbh, never really had a problem with him.
I just think the ricochet blades should be basekit.
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Quite balanced
Rare to play against
Can be fun to face
Awful aesthetically
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It is interesting to see the perspective of not being fatigued by rigorous training. Thanks also for sharing why the perspective moves up.
I had also forgotten that he had been throwing knives for a purpose long before he came to the Foggy Forest. But then I guess I'd want him to keep throwing it straight, SMG I can understand.
Post edited by fake on1