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Your thoughts on The Trickster



  • Member Posts: 6,030

    while i think his default cosmetic is ugly they did about everything else visually and sound wise correctly

  • Member Posts: 439
    edited October 2022

    Awesome design, finally a handsome killer.. But, poorly executed design of his power!

    If he catches you in the open, you're getting downed.. Kinda like Bubba's chainsaw, but much less effective and punishing with little to no punishment for missed daggers and absolutely no counterplay on the survivor side, unless there are objects to hide behind.. That's right, I do see them as daggers, not knives.

    Anyway, he's, both, boring to face and play with.. And weak at the same time.

    The only credit I can give to him is the laughing of a truly insane person.. And his design visual-wise. That's all he has going for him at nearly the top level, even higher than Mr. Jeffrey's laugh after successful hits, whenever he gets stunned.. That's where Amanda dominates, but whatever..

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Delete him, and any memory of him, from the game.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    How so? No skill from aiming good, like you would with Huntress and Deathslinger?

  • Member Posts: 444

    No problem! :) IIRC it's even stated in his lore that he's been throwing knives since childhood, so his gimmick as an Idol and later as a killer makes sense. Not to mention he was put into an idol program at a young age, so he's essentially Korea's version of a child star or at least since his late teens.

    Anyway, tangent aside, its just easier to explain his playstyle and kit when you compare it with shooters or fantasy RPG's he's fast and annoying because he's an SMG or an assassin. Hence why his aim goes up, instead of down.

  • Member Posts: 71

    Well I like hime both play as and play against, is he OP not realy counter him is easy, however not in a way most victoms? prey? AH! FANS play

    1: hide, this is basic and not porfect, but can work out just fine

    2: The corner is your freind, all the cornes so keep them close

    3: WHY so much hat against a killer who is from a chapter that is just a better version of Leatherface? (I mean in what you get not how they play)

    Should point out I make this post after play 4 games as trickster and had fun, so did the other also so it look like

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    He is usually boring to face as trikcters always facecamp or tunnel. Last time I faced him he facecamped me to second stage and tunneled me out with main event immediatelly once I was unhooked. My teammates misplayed but still they always play this way.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    Funny enough he was more viable on console BEFORE his buffs. Those 44 knives are killer

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    I haven’t seen him in so long I honestly forgot that he was in this game

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    I never liked the knife count nerf. It feels like the devs just saw a baby survivor complaining, "60 knives?! That's OP!" and then nerfed that part of him. My own friends were saying stuff like that. It's kind of embarrassing considering the leap in logic. It's not 60 Huntress hatchets. It's 60 knives which, at the time, you needed to land 8 of to get an injure, and they could 'decay' over time for some reason, and the killer would obviously miss loads of shots, especially considering the slowdown when you start to throw knives and the recoil.

  • Member Posts: 465

    trash, remove him, bad korean rep

  • Member Posts: 367

    hes both bad, unhealthy, bad design (IMO) hes like my least fav killer

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    completely agree with your post. he's a killer that lesser skilled survivors complain about because they're out in the open walking in straight line getting pebble by knives and then they see that they lost 2 health-states in 10 seconds. The average player do wiggle but their wiggle movement is so obvious that it might as well be like shooting fish in a barrel. The survivors that are really good at playing against ranged killers with their movement are very difficult to down. personally, I think his movement speed when throwing knives should be increased to 105% m/s so that survivor gameplay is more about dodging knives instead of being completely untouchable with line of sight at high-wall loops. Overall, I think if this change happened, he would be pretty balanced killer. This change would also improve his main event because main event is near joke ability right now. For his current state, he's on the weaker end of killers. He requires a lot of aim and precision to hit survivor with good wiggle movement but the pay-off for playing him is not worth it. its difficult killer to play with low rewards. If my team is strong, its usually free win against him. He is better though in comparison to his released state.

  • Member Posts: 444

    I hate that people don't understand this, he runs out of knives way too quickly, especially if he goes against survivors who know how to dodge properly.

  • Member Posts: 651

    He still sucks, especially on console. I do just fine with Huntress and Deathslinger but I can't hit a survivor directly in front of me with Trickster because of the unnecessary recoil.

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