Make skillchecks larger on small screen res


Small introduction. I'm a main killer even though I play both sides. I, like many, do not like abusers of screen resolutions.

Look at these two screenshots and tell me which skill check window is larger? Before you read the answer, try to answer.

  1. 1280x1024
  2. 1366x768 laptop

Answer options

a. On the first screenshot, the skill check is less

b. They are the same, it visually seems due to screen resolutions

c. The skill check is smaller on the second screenshot

The correct answer is somewhere in the middle between a and b. This is because the black bars create an effect that makes the image appear to be further away from the eye, so the skill check appears smaller, but I decided to make sure completely and as it turned out...

On the left is the skill check from the first screenshot. Skillcheck reduced by ~10%
