Flashlights feel insanely clunky

theboyitachi Member Posts: 57
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I’m glad the devs made flashlights more accessible for people with epilepsy but they way they went an changed them to do so made them feel so insanely clunky especially for me a console player i can no longer use them to try to mimic pc movement the beam bug for male survivors is on all survivors now an i know they said they would continue to monitor them which is why i have hope but flashlights do not feel right now especially seeing as they were always the weakest item in the game again i’m not saying clicking should return just the way they tried to limit clicking for flashlights is not very good


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,999

    They should of legit just changed the visual and sound of flashlights nothing else.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I'm not quite sure what you're on about as I haven't used them recently.

    It theres an issue with the aiming and angles the yes that definitely needs to be fixed.

    If you're on about how you cant click it fast or even click it to try do a silly spin then that doesnt need to be fixed. Neither of those are necessary nor add anything to the game.

    I think it's a good change, admittedly I'd be funnier if the flashlight blow up and injured them but the ability to actually click served no purpose other than trying to be toxic so I'm all for that removal.

    If you miss time the flashlight save and would normally click to adjust the timing but now cant all you need to do is quickly aim the beam away and then back resulting in the same effect :)

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    Because they are bugged, it was stated in patch notes.

  • rinnai
    rinnai Member Posts: 50

    Survivor items that are garbage

    Flashlight / Flashbang




    Basically forces toolbox . medkit run

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,755

    There is no reason for keys and maps being so bad but flashlights are on a different page. They can't be really good because there effect is already really good

  • rinnai
    rinnai Member Posts: 50

    sure but what is the end of the discussion - currently a lot of killer mains are asking for a complete nerf to Brand New Parts

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,245

    Tbh that would be good change. BNP can be as unfair as alchemist ring or double range for nurse, etc.

    On the other hand - I would appreciate some noob-friendly addon on flashlight that would help with timing. RN it's insanely hard to learn the timing if you can't ask friends into customs. All I ask for is addon that will widen time-window by 0.1s. maybe in can also have some negative like wide lense with making the effective distance half the original.

  • rinnai
    rinnai Member Posts: 50

    what do you suggest in regards to its replacement? My issue with all of these killer favoured sanctions is that while there are more survivors there is much less diversity of itemisation. New survivors bring perks not items and If the killer win rate is 61% as an average, imo you're limiting a teams availability to have agency within a game.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,245

    It's hard. I don't know what should be the change. I know, that the main reason for killer complaints is, that killer is MUCH easier to pick up, but has much harder top. As a survivor if you don't learn skillchecks and loops, you will go down every time. If killer "finds" OC and notices that there exists 3gen, he will stomp all other newbs. It's pretty natural to pick up on camping (less so on tunneling, but still quite straightforward) - but it is quite hard to counter it. Killer has to learn killer ability and survivors. Survivors need to learn each and every killer where all of them are totally different and have different playstyle.

    What I am getting at is, that for beginners killer is HELL OF A MUCH easier then survivor. Getting 4k after 4k is pretty easy. On the other hand survivors have hyperfocus (highest MMR stuff) and perfect looping (again the higher you go, the better for survivor - especially in regards to M1 killers). Meaning the game is fundamentally unfair.

    The way to tackle it from devs is bad - just nerf everyone until top 1% (or 5% or 10% - doesn't really matter) players can enjoy the game on both sides. That's just wrong. Most of the people will suffer. And the very top will still have bad games, because camp & tunnel & stacked slowdowns is now mandatory AND boring. On the other hand survivors just hold M1 and try to get their skillcheck to rush the gens as quickly as possible (again boring).

    So to actually fix the game. We need to outright remove camp & tunnel. Make it loosing tactics for every killer on every MMR (still possible, but you need to throw the game), remove possibility to finish all gens within 3-4 minutes, but don't regress the game to boring slowdown meta for 30min holding M1. On the other hand we need to introduce some generic, but hard to do stuff that killers can pull off as compensation for camp/tunnel hard nerf. This way high MMR will not need to camp/tunnel to at least stay competitive and mid/low MMR will actually get to play the game without being slaughtered in most/all of their games if killer decides to play nasty.

    The actual things that would make killer express his skill? Well. I don't know. Maybe somebody can think of something.