Sharing offerings and items/add-ons
I've asked before, but it makes even more sense with the prestige/perk rework to have all items and offerings on both sides in a pool.
Just to add to this: this will become an incentive to actually play different characters. My friend is a perfect example. He had no other reason than to play Nea because he didn't care for any of the other cosmetics. He didn't bother to buy any other character with real money because she just had so much stuff, he wouldn't play them anyways. When Felix got the RE outfit, he liked it and bought it, but is just stuck playing Nea until he's done using up all the bloodpoint offerings on her, while spending BP on Felix. Again, just an example, but I'm sure there are more people out there in similar situations.
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I think the current separate inventories are actually meant to incentivize playing different characters. In the above case, once Nea runs out of bp offerings, then Felix will have enough stuff to play with him.
I'd definitely support the idea of a shared pool because I'm currently grinding the Survivor roster to P3, then I'll go to P6, and then P9 with all of them. I'd have to use the character I'm currently leveling to avoid spending all of their items. Meanwhile, I feel like I can't play with my main (Dwight) because I don't want to use up all his items and don't want to spend bp on him while I'm leveling other characters. With a shared pool, I can keep using Dwight while leveling everyone else.