Various Killer Perk Ideas Part 3

Hope everyone is enjoying the event! I know I am simply due to the OG Halloween music making a comeback!!!!
*Hex:Final Trick
If any dull totems are left after all generators are repaired, the Hex will light up and activate.
If the totem stays lit, any exit gate that is opened will reclose 1 time when opened and reset back to 55%/50%/45% progress.
End Game Collapse will not Activate when a Gate is reclosed.
Reveal the aura of the Totem to any survivors within 10m.
(imagine it slams shut after half way opening, entity will block survivors who try to exit thru the gap)
-Maybe no totem reveal?
If any dull totems are left after all generators are repaired, the Hex will light up and activate.
While the totem stays lit, all remaining survivors suffer a 5%/6%/7% Hindered Status.
Anytime a survivor cleanses a Hex totem, they retain the effect (if effected) for 60/65/70 seconds.
Survivors who cleanse any Totem scream and reveal their location for 4 seconds.
-Maybe no scream and reveal, but worried itll have too little effect then, and just be a lesser Undying.
*Hex: Blood Fiend
As long as the Hex totem stays lit you gain the following effects:
You will no longer lose bloodlust after breaking a pallet. You can no longer reach BL 2 or 3.
When in bloodlust 1, Increase pallet break, window vault, and pallet stun recovery
speed by 30%/35%/40%.
Injuring a survivor from Healthy will apply the perk to them for 120 Seconds. During this time the Survivor's movement speed while
Walking or Crouching will be reduced by 20%/25%/30%. Survivor's Grunts of Pain reduction while Crouching is reduced to 0%.
Effect ends early if the Injured survivor is Healed to Healthy.
-Grunts of pain is only canceling base crouch sound reduction
*Gen Kickin beast
Kick Generators 50% faster. Kicked generators regress 15%/20%/25% faster.
If you come into the area effect of any boon, the perk activates. Gain 5% Haste and increase FoV by 12 degrees.
Increase snuffing speed by 10%/20%/30%.
After the killer stays inside the basement for at least 8/7/6 seconds, the perk activates. While active, all survivors
repairing generators will have their aura revealed. Survivors revealed repair 5% slower. Repair debuff
lingers for 10 seconds after the killer leaves the basement.
-aura stops after leaving the basement
*Death's Touch
Chasing survivors for a total of 240/225/210 seconds will activate the perk. While active, survivors are inflicted with
Exposed status effect. Death's Touch will deactivate after a survivor enters the dying state in any way.
-wack, dunno what to do with this
*Scourge Hook: Speed Modifier
4 Hooks blah blah
After hooking a survivor on a sHook, the killer gains a 8%/9%/10% Haste effect for 15 seconds.
Any survivor that rescues another survivor from a sHook will be inflicted with a 8% Hindered status for 15 seconds.