When reporting a bug, please follow the template provided, otherwise the report will be declined. The information requested is vital to allow us to correctly reproduce and then fix what you are reporting.
Unable to use hook on Midwich

Playing on PC as Twins. Was unable to use this hook in the corner of the room, I believe due to the debris on the floor by it, as I am unable to position myself correctly for the hook. Attempted 3 times and never received the prompt to hook. Please see video.
I second this, I am on PC and played Artist. Could not hook.
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I' m sorry to post this because I was curious even though the Report Statuses were already Acknowledged 10 days ago.
I noticed this bug too. It seems that many people have noticed it as well and each one is creating duplicate reports. (The earliest report seems to be ramon46's, but the Acknowledged one is semecury's report, so I' m posting it here to make it more prominent.)
Everyone, why don't we all just wait for the fixes instead of making duplicate reports in the future?
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It's not for me to write, but I felt that there have been so many duplicate reports lately that it might be difficult for the developers to check and tally them.
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I think many people including myself are simply to lazy to look up if a post about this hook spot had been made already, that's why so many duplicates exists 😅
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Yeah I'm not scrolling through pages of bug reports...
BHVR get paid to do it while i dont, at least I'm submitting reports for them with detailed text and/or images
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I agree with you.
I think it is difficult to locate "How to report a bug". I think anyone who reads it can see that it is better to vote up or reply to the same report than to make a duplicate report, so that the devs can check it as ASAP. And maybe because the 'Search' function is difficult to understand.
I believe everyone is reporting a lot to make Dead by Daylight better, so I don't criticize them for that.
I just think that with a little help from players, the devs might be able to fix more bugs and faster.
FYI, I searched this way this time. It might be better to pin " How to report a bug", search instructions, etc. to the top of the thread. Please forgive me for replying to semercury's report with a different content.
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I'm pretty sure I at least glanced quickly at the reports before making this one. I will admit to not searching very hard before making this report though, and that is definitely my error. I then did come across the older one after a while, but at that point mine had already been changed to acknowledged, or I would have deleted my report (if that's an option. I'm extremely new to the forums so I am unsure.) to avoid so many duplicates.
I agree with you though. I think the instructions on how to report and search instructions should absolutely be pinned to the top of the bug report thread. I can't help but wonder if people might be thinking that volume of reports means the devs are more likely to see the bugs, when really it's the opposite.
Regardless, I will definitely search harder in the future before making bug reports, and I sincerely hope that everyone who comes across these replies will as well.
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@semercury Only 30 minutes after your last comment, someone else reported another duplicate...
Maybe it's not that the search is too cumbersome or confusing, but that many people simply think it's better to duplicate.
I'm wondering if I should start a thread in the FEEDBACK category...