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Playing As Wesker Consistently Crashes My Game

Drag0n100 Member Posts: 40

I literally do not have this problem with any other Killer. But for some reason, whenever I play Wesker, there's a chance the game will just crash out of nowhere. Of course, it only happens on the games I'm doing really well in, which is highly frustrating. I don't know if anyone else is even experiencing this, but it's consistent for me. It feels like it happens the first match I play Wesker that day (which again is usually my best match of the night), and happens almost always in the middle of the match, right as I start to snowball some downs.

It's gotten to the point where I barely play him anymore for the sole reason of that I'm afraid the game will just crash and that entire match won't count. It has never happened with another Killer, it is ALWAYS Wesker for some reason.

I wish I could be more descriptive and helpful here but like... I don't have any idea why it happens. I just submit the UE4 Crash Report that pops up, and honestly, just stop playing for the night, because all the momentum is killed in that one moment. I don't know if its his power, the perks, etc. I have no idea. But again, its always Wesker.

I like his kit, I wish I could play him more without the fear of the game just randomly crashing halfway through.

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