Show survivors perk icons under their name or avatar in the lobby?

I was just thinking about how one of the benefits of being in a swf is knowing what perks your friends are running. So maybe one way to help solo survivors out would be to show the icons of the perks all the survivors are using in the lobby to the survivor side (not the killer side obviously). That a solo survivor has more of an opportunity to switch up their loadout a bit if they want based on the other perks they see.
(P.S. I’m not really a fan of the visible lobby to be honest, I’d just as soon the game simply pair people up silently in the background who hit Read and then just send them all to a match right away once the group is formed. It would cut out a lot of pointless delays and lobby dodging which can much up matchmaking a bit. But since we’re kind of stuck with a visible lobby before the match we may as well maybe take advantage of it to give solo survivors a small boost.)
here's a problem. what if you see your teammate running a troll perk. people would lobby dodge because they see their teammate running joke-level perks.
for example, if you see your teammate is running wake up+sole survivor+self-care+smash hit. would you play with that player who is not running the perceived perks that you believe they should run?
What happens if you see your teammate is running no mither? people would just lobby dodge you. If you give the option for the player hide a specific perk, then it is peaking interests that your running a perk that has perceived bad reputation.
For example, suppose the perk loadout is kindred, windows of opportunity, dead hard and 4th perk is blanked out. the 4th perk is self-care but your not showing self-care. people might stereotype the blank perk into a bad perk.
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Which gets to what I said in my PS about why I don’t like visible lobbies in the first place. So a question is would the benefit solo survivors get outweigh maybe some more people lobby dodging?
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personally i think the game should move more in the direction of needing teamwork to defeat killers and knowing your teammate perks is good direction for encouraging smart perk synergy. killer's should be challenging to escape from and matches should be intense and close. Its just that historically, dbd has been marketed more as a game where you can 1vs1 the killer with whatever survivor perks. Survivor generally just escape through their own individual gameplay merit so many matches in my experience with survivor are usually just... I don't know, ######### shows where your usually just stomping the killer really hard.
I assume its reverse for players at middle and lower MMR's where they end up getting stomped by killers repetitively instead leading to high-kill rate.
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I think instead of showing it in the lobby, it should be shown in match in some way - like if you get close to a survivor, it'll show you their perks, or if perks get shown to the team in relevant situations. Like a hooked survivor shows Kinship and Deliverance to the team, a downed survivor shows Unbreakable/Soul Guard/No Mither, a survivor interacting with a totem shows Counterforce/Small Game/Inner Healing/Overzealous/Clairvoyance/any boon perks, a survivor interacting with a chest shows Pharmacy/Ace In The Hole/Plunderer's Instinct/Appraisal/Residual Manifest, going next to an injured survivor displays all healing perks. Et cetera.
It'd prevent dodging on behalf of perks (because let's be fair... you show me that stuff in advance and I'm totally dodging newbie builds, Left Behind/Sole Survivor, and full stealth builds) and also not require everyone to memorize each others' loadouts at the start.
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I would only show perks which are important or do it once you load in to counter lobby dodging bad perks.
Important perks could be: Deliverance, Autodidact, Renewal, Boons, Inner Healing, Adrenaline etc.
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Should show once you load into the match. Sure you can't build around what others bring like you see several aura perks so you become a true gamer and put on Open Handed for the gang, but you'll still know immediately that the guy going for the first save rather aggressively has Deliverance, that slugged player has Unbreakable or that the person on second stage on the hook has Kinship and someone should go proc it.
I'd love to have it pre-game but considering all the wacky things players on both sides dodge for (and the absolutely awful effects backfilled lobbies have on matchmaking a lot of the time) it's probably the best approach.
A button you could press to print your loadout in the chat no matter your platform would be cool though. Sure, some might assume anyone not sharing their loadout is someone that should be dodged, but I believe that'd be a very tiny minority.
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If not showing all perks outright of the team, I'd at lease have a somewhat discretion feature you can toggle where you can tell people what type of build you're running. Say if you're going for head-on stuns and have a flashlight equipped you can select "Aggressive" as your perk style. Put down "Supportive" if you're running Wiretap, CoH, Reassurance and have a "For Fun"/Testing" selection for people experimenting and "Adept" for people trying to get their achievements.
It'd give people a subtle idea about what perks may be going in, those going for adepts may be given a hand in survival by the team, and you'd have an idea of your team's playstyle that match.
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I don't see why not. Even with the downsides, I'd say sure why not. I doubt I'd pay attention to them most of the time anyways.
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I mean I'd much rather lobby dodge a Self-Care user than leave them to die on hook.