Can we get better distribution of event items?

Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Title. Earlier this year, we made a big improvement to event bloodwebs by guaranteeing level 50 bloodwebs would have at least one of each event item in them. It was really great and expedited the whole experience of collecting event stuff massively, especially on survivors who always have more unique items to gather.

Issue is, the new prestige system obsoleted that, because you only get the permanent level 50 bloodwebs at P100 and not prestiging isn't an option.

I'm getting many bloodwebs that don't contain event items at all. Levels 1-15 are duds more often than not, and past then, I'm still getting webs that don't contain any event nodes. And when they do, hunting down specific items is a pain. I literally just sank a whole prestige level into Haddie trying to get a single broken bulb addon.


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    The new prestige is more frustrating when it comes to events. Not only do I have to waste 20k BP that could've gone to getting more nodes but they barely have any event stuff on them, especially the lower levels. I only got 24 event offerings on a survivor I leveled up from 1-50 and then a total of 30 items/add ons. 54 event nodes out of 50 levels is just sad. There should be atleast a guaranteed offering, item and add on for each level of the blood web.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Yeah, I hope you can fix that for christmas and lunar new year (although christmas is easier because it's just the cracker).

    I think it took the Devs 2 years to fix this for the old prestige system.....