What's the most effective way of carrying survivors?

I'm still kinda new to the game, and I've started playing killer for the first time a couple days ago. When survivors wiggle it really throws my pathing off, even without boil over. Sometimes when I manage to down two in the same spot, I carry one to the nearest hook, but then I can't make it to the next closest hook. Is there a more efficient way to move with survivors on your shoulder?
Also do different killers have different carry speeds/wiggle resistance?
Best Answers
If you are on PC just hold W and alternate tapping A and D, without boil over it should be relatively straight forward. And to answer your other question all killers have the same carry speeds and wiggle resistance without any perks
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Since the camera swings left and right, how about turning the camera to the right and proceeding diagonally forward to the left when the camera swings to the left, or to the left and proceeding diagonally forward to the right when the camera swings to the right?
I do this, in the console version.
I see ty for the tips.