It would be fun if the Nemesis could switch to control a zombie


After witnessing another dumb zombie stuck on a stone, I had this idea. What if we let the player be able to control the zombie and move it out of the spot? Not only would it solve the problem of AI stuck on things, it would also add a bit more fun interactivity with the zombies. The zombie moving speed add-ons would also receive more popularity.


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,092

    Why not just play twins?

  • staffilokokk
    staffilokokk Member Posts: 17

    No, having fun moving 1.0m.s, hell no

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    On a tangent I thought a fun way to do Legion would be to have bot killers running around that you can swap between. With the custom match bots coming soon that’s something that could possibly be done if the bots work well.

  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232

    I've been wanting them to use a similar idea if they'd ever add the duo of Pumpkinhead and Ed Harley as a killer. I suggested having Ed be mobile like Nemesis' zombies but unlike them he would be unkillable and the player would be able to switch between the 2. Also pallet stunning him would stun Pumpkinhead much like it does in the films since they are psychically linked. It would be a hybrid of Nemesis and the Twins.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    Yeah that would be way cooler than how that Perk is now. What's so helpful about changing the obsession?

  • FrodoTbaggins
    FrodoTbaggins Member Posts: 55

    I'd go for a secondary power that allows you to speed up the zombies by 200% for 5 seconds. See a zombie with outstretched arms and chasing? Pop your zombie bloodlust we'll call it.