Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

Has DBD gotten harder to run?

I played uncapped with stable and smooth 120 fps on medium/high from 2016-*2018-19*

I started with GTX 1070 and a 4 thread? **Intel i7 4770k- if remember correctly**. I had lower spec 32 gb ram

In October 2019, I upgraded to a different computer with an AMD Ryzen 7 2700 and GTX 1080. After awhile, I noticed that my game was somewhat less smooth and I swapped the GPU's and didn't notice much of a difference. So don't think it was the GPU. I kind of just dealed with it. Followed some DBD optimization guides and overclocked my CPU and messed around with Aorus engine to GPU overclock.

I am no expert in any of this and awhile later I bought 2 more exact same RAM sticks. They didn't seem to work all together because **I should have bought them together to be sure they had synchronous timings?** Trying to get highest speed on them, I would turn my PC off and on and eventually it would boot correctly. This mysteriously just stopped happening and have had no issue a few weeks later. With slightly less than the highest speed, ~3100mhz

I've resorted to: lowering my resolution to 1600x900 and playing on 90 hz and fps. My CPU and GPU usage and temps are good always below 50% usage but it still feels choppy. 99% of my fps are above ~50 frames in Nvidia overlay. To combat this I blast my GPU's fan and overclock it.. I've even decreased my resolution.

In 2021, I took a screenshot with Nvidia overlay and made post where people thought my CPU could be throttling because my CPU usage was only 10% (see imgur link)..


I wrote this about it:

"The game is using 20-30% gpu and ~20% cpu. I have low and uncapped 60 fps. fps always stays near the target. But feels very choppy with a regular stutter. the 99% fps on nvidia overlay has it dipping down to sometimes to the 40s 30s and 20s? When I am in menu lobby why does my 99% fps stutter down to 40 fps, why does it feel choppy not even in a match? When I play at 100 fps I 99% of my frames only hitting the 60s (sometimes even worse) when turning my head and doing some animations"


FPS charts, When I tab in and out of game my fps goes to 20 so you can actually see when I am in a match.

I've cleaned dust and reapplied thermal paste to both my CPU and GPU. **Am I going crazy? Has anyone else experienced this on similar hardware?** Does it sound like I should tinker with my CPU overclock? Try and run DBD on the old PC? I've not been crashing and everything is good in other games and benchmarks.

GTA-V stable 70+ fps, Rocket League 120 fps. etc

Now that I think about it, Rust has also gotten harder to run maybe it's just me and a combination of changes, engine, and graphics updates.


TLDR: Sometime between June 2020 and 2021 the game has gotten harder for me to run. I don't think I could get smooth 60 fps on low. I had smooth 120 fps for years.

If I can't get similar performance, I might have to go capped fps which probably won't fare too much better because it's not like my PC was sweating trying to crank out fps.

I feels more fps to necessary for high level nurse, blight. It's just better for most killers imo.