Jolt preventing generator interaction

IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 77

Played as Elodie on Badham. PC. Was working on the last generator (boiler room), and the very instance that I finished the gen, the Killer (Spirit) downed a Survivor (Kate) with the generator in Jolt range. Jolt hit the generator, and I was unable to interact with it, from that point, forward - my game seemed to register the gen as having been completed, despite exit gates not being powered, and the game still displaying 1 gen left to go. Another Survivor came to my location, and they were able to interact with and complete the generator, which then powered the exit gates. Yes, I am sure it was Jolt and not Eruption - Elodie did not scream, the Incapacitated status indicator did not pop up, and in the results screen, the Killer had Jolt, but not Eruption.

Log uploaded above. No other relevant factors - none of my perks or items interacted with generators in any way, shape, or form. I was within the range of 4 Boons (CoH/Dark Theory/Exponential/Shadow Step), though I don't foresee that having anything to do with it, either. I am not able to reproduce this due to the precise nature of the timing required + lack of people available with which to test.

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