When are we getting an FOV changer?

Literally the title. some survivors can just crouch next to bigger killers like nemesis and won't be seen unless the killer is looking down...
Shadowborn base kit and rework Shadowborn! Lets gooo!
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Shadowborn basekit would be amazing thing... why not to be honest, I prefer better feeling in the game than sweaty perks at base kit...
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FOV is one of tools survivors have to get away from killer.
What will be next? Remove windows a d pallets, because otherwise I can't catch survivor quick enough?
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The only problem is that increasing FOV also increases flashlight angles, I do agree that Shadowborn is a really lame perk and needs to be reworked though
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But most people that want a fov slider don't want it for advantage reasons but because they suffer from motionsickness and basicly need to run shadowborn to play wich is not ok
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Probably never. Going from a game with 90+ FoV to this one is very disorienting for a few games.
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I am totally OK with giving shadowborn an option to change FOV between 0 and 120 degrees or even giving it weak secondary ability. Or even 150 degrees. It's perk after all. But giving free advantage for one of few things survivors have is just not cool.
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Killer being prohibited to kick gens does not prohibit him from chasing survivor.
Both are true. Both are shortsided. Both ignore strong aspect of the game. I hope you understand now
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Most people wouldn't just increase FOV because they can apparently see the survivors on screen more often. In fact, this doesn't even make sense because if you have more objects that you can see on screen, they will appear less clear, especially for farther objects. This is due to the fish-eye effect and it may make a killer miss a distant visual cue or get hit by a pallet that they think they aren't in range of. Of course, increasing FOV also makes a killer more susceptible to flashlight blinds. If you use Shadowborn, you will experience all of this.
Sure, it may help a miniscule amount in chases for the one time a player tries to hide under your character when you vault a window, but that's really it. If a survivor hides well, chances are that an increased FOV won't change that because seeing more on screen won't make you more likely to see a character hiding in a bush or behind a wall. In fact, due to decreased clarity from objects looking more distant, you might even miss it more often.
People simply want an FOV slider so they can tune it to their liking for what feels better for them in terms of motion comfort and motion sickness. If increasing FOV were really that game-changing for killers, you would see it used way more often. Instead, you rarely ever see it used except for those that really need it to play the game. Therefore, I think an FOV slider should be an accessibility option.
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I know people do use shadowborn (specifically I know person that uses it on blight) even if motion sickness has 0 things with it. It very much helps with all the dash-type killers quickly spot survivor that is close-by.
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Just use those other things then, which is more than enough. Not just abuse the killer having a mole's fov, which was a nonsensical design decision.
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It's only a "free" advantage because of how you're looking at it. It's not some radical thing that'll get added to killer for no reason. It's an essential thing in other games that has been withheld from killer in this game for whatever reason.
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So you are ok with the antislugging PTB we had back then? "Just don't slug and use those other things then". What other things? There are very few things already. The game is designed around killer's worse visibility range - that's why he is in 1st person mode instead of 3rd person. Why do you think your camera is locked during animations? So that killer immediately sees everything around him all the time?
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i already get blinded by being hit by a flasilight while the survivor is not in my FOV...
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I don't think changing the FOV will lead to them removing windows and pallets.
Every time this is suggested, the people against it come up with dumb slippery-slope BS like this. They don't have any actual concrete objections to it. If they did, they'd share it without having to be shamed for their stupidity, first.
They believe BHVR will remove pallets. Think about who we're arguing against
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Ok. So removal of window tech is not specific objection. Removal of hiding before rushing killer (nurse, blight, oni, spirit, ...) is not specific objection. FOV tech is also not specific objection. 360 is also not specific objection. All of these things will suffer greatly by removing restricted FOV killers currently have.
So once again. How easy you want the game to become? What when will you stop? 60% kill rate is really not enough? Do you really need to remove EVERYTHING survivors currently have? Didn't the patch 6.1 do enough already?
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I believe the range to be blinded is outside of your FOV, however using Shadow Born does widen the actual blindness range further