Can we get a separate BP bank for rank reset?

Okay. I can sorta understand why there is a bloodpoint cap, not entirely but enough. But rank reset days require you to spend like 30 min to an hour just leveling up before you can even play if you want BP. I mean ideally we would have a faster way of spending bloodpoints I know everyone wants that, but I wouldn't mind just having a separate bank for rank resets.

So the way I would imagine it would be that when Rank Reset happens you have 2 numbers next to your BP. The top being in game earned and the bottom being rank rewards. Top is still capped at 2 mil, but the bottom number is what is always spent first. So if on the 13th you had 1 million BP and gained 2 million for rank you could play games and spend BP during queues, like you probably want to do, without needing to spend over a million BP first to avoid the cap. Like depending on queue length sometimes you cant even spend BP faster than you can earn it without taking breaks. Just curious on peoples thoughts.


At rank reset player has 1,000,000 BP and is Iri 1 in both Killer and survivor.

BP shows as 1,000,000/2,000,000

During queue player spends 50,000 BP

BP shows as 1,000,000/1,950,000

During game player earns 30,000 BP

BP shows as 1,030,000/1,950,000


  • Random_NPC
    Random_NPC Member Posts: 83

    You're getting free stuff. Take it an run.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    The main reason I bring this up is more of a Band-Aid fix to the problem that they are well aware of in it takes way too long to spend bp. That is an issue all the time but becomes overly apparent and frustrating during rank reset. They are trying to incentivize people into getting higher grades, however if every time they do this they are reminded of this frustration, it can have an overall negative effect over the positive one they are trying to do.

    Basically from a development standpoint creating the second bank is a much easier task to accomplish and can alleviate so the BP spending time issue as that gets worked on. Like I said in the first post, ideally the BP spending has a much quicker option, but this would help that issue not feel as apparent.

  • Random_NPC
    Random_NPC Member Posts: 83

    Just cut the rank reset rewards in half.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    I am trying to give a suggestion that the community would see as a positive change to an issue that they are currently having. I get that you're being contrarian here but just to state it cutting the rewards would be seen as a negative by the community. Like I 100% recognize that this is not the best solution but more that it would be an easy to implement solution that treats some of the symptoms while the core issue continues to get worked on. I don't think that BHVR is unaware of the frustration spending BP is in its current state, nor am I attempting to complain about it, but instead trying to present something that would help the community with this frustration but will also be much easier to implement over altering the entire bloodweb.

  • Random_NPC
    Random_NPC Member Posts: 83

    I don't understand the issue at all to be honest.

    You get free stuff and you somehow complain about it because you can't get more stuff?

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    The overall frustration is that it takes a very long time to spend bloodpoints in the current system. It is not a fun or enjoyable process in the game but is required for obtaining perks, items, add-ons and offerings. I would equate this frustration to if an RPG's shopping mechanic took a long time but you had to go back frequently because of the wallet size. Like you are mentioning "free stuff" but you are earning bloodpoints in game to purchase tools that affect the game.

    And my proposed system doesn't get you any more purchasing power, you gain no additional BP with what I am suggesting. Instead it would make it where you are not required to spend an extra long time shopping once a month to allow yourself to earn the in game currency again. It allows you to space out the purchasing between games to alleviate what is generally considered a clunky and frustrating mechanic.

  • Random_NPC
    Random_NPC Member Posts: 83

    I mean yeah I agree that the bloodweb bs is by far my least favorite aspect of the game since day one. I doubt they will change that.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    This is why I am proposing the change to how grade reset works. As it stands now it forces you to spend a very long time once a month if you play the game frequently enough to get to iri. Having that buffer to the bank would allow you to handle the bloodweb in a more natural fashion in between games while not increasing incentives, changing the bloodweb, or changing the BP cap. It would help to make the frustration of the blood web not be as overwhelming as it currently is during reset. I am essentially asking for more time to spend the points instead of requiring me to spend them all before I play a game with how long it takes to spend that many.