When we report bugs, please quote our usernames!


Like on stream, when you guys say "we fixed X bug", please say "thanks you Sir Nickname for reporting this bug", that would make us very happy <3.


  • Angie
    Angie Member Posts: 31

    Does it really matter about the praise of who suggested or reported the bug???

    Isn't it enough that the devs actually paid attention and fixed the bug.

  • SecretX
    SecretX Member Posts: 32

    @Angie Sorry, this section of forum is called "Wishlist", not "devs must do that", I'm just suggesting.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Usually a bug is reported by a lot of people, it's not just one person who reported it and then it was fixed. As @Angie implied above, bug reports are about fixing the game and making it better for everyone, not getting credit. I don't intend for this to sound mean or disrespectful, but the way you phrased your request makes it sound like you're just fishing for compliments or recognition from the higher-ups.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i'll take credit for any bugs found that weren't reported.... like thanks @deadwolfwalking for reporting that bug.... or maybe you could just pretend there was a bug and give me a shout out.... anything for a little bit of fame.... :D