My Suggested Change to: Built to last

In it's current state, Built To Last, refills charges once the item you're using, has fully depleted.

I've been using this perk for a while now and I've come to realise how annoying it is to refill charges in situations I commonly find myself in, hear me out...

If you're healing yourself, whilst using a common med kit with no addons, and you don't hit any great skill checks, the item will fully deplete, You'll be healed and you can immediately go find a locker and refill the item for later use. However, if you're using any other med kit of higher rarity, using a med kit with certain addons, or you're hitting great skill checks, you'll be left with some charges, obviously. This is what my discussion is about. Leftover med kit charges, specifically, when there is a little teeny tiny bit of charge left, that isn't useful.

Please see image below.

As you can see, this med kit I used is fully depleted. Had I not circled the almost invisible charge that's left, you probably would have believed so, because I did, before I foolishly leapt into a locker and waited before realising.

Since I'm already healed now, i cannot use the charge that is left, thus i cannot immediately refill the item. I am forced in to a situation where i must be injured again, heal a little bit then jump into a locker, refill the item, heal and risk having charges left, which repeats the cycle. Or i could go find an injured teammate to use the leftover charges on, which isn't very convenient when gens need to be done.


I think we should be able to refill items without the need to fully deplete them. Because it punishes you for hitting great skill checks and for bringing addons, unintentionally? Because if this item isn't empty when you're done, you cannot use the perk, Which leaves you in a situation where you must be injured or heal the injured to refill the charges again. I don't believe it provides any real competitive advantage by making this change, it just removes this annoying problem.

Thank you for reading this.
