
What’s up will all the wraiths lately? Is there a convention in town or something?
Before the nerf Wraith was extremely popular, like every second game was wraith, even now he is quite popular because very easy to play as, and eats solo queue still
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I think Wraith will always be fairly popular, for a start he's a free character, has a power that's easy to understand and use and he's also kind of fun to play - I love surprising people as Wraith. Wraith was the 2nd killer I started playing as and I often still play as him.
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Yes! That silent bell is very sneaky 😊
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Wraith is just a good basic Killer.
He has a bit of everything and he is free: Good add-ons, nice mobility, stealth and even a bit of a chasing power. Also you can combine him with perks very easy: Safe the Best for Last, Jolt, Sloppy, A Nurses Calling...
Also Wraith can make many archive quests easy: Breaking pallets / walls with his add-ons, hitting out of stealth with his add-ons, chase survivors, close hatch...you name it.
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If main Wraith could answer this question:
why are almost all of you using NOED on this killer? ... 🤔
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I do not get it but I can tell you why I use NoeD: When I play Death Slinger survivors loose respect during the endgame and think they can just tbag at the gate. I hate it when my teammates do that as a survivor and as such when I play Killer I take NoeD to abuse that.
Over the time I shifted to Rancor to play "Rancor Roulette" however. With "Nemesis" this makes for a very funny experience when a survivor stuns me and then gets pulled out of the gate.
On other occasions I use this with "Endgame Freddy": NoeD, No way out, Remember Me, Bloodwarden. I play fair, stack my No Way out full, stack my Remember me and then go wild during the endgame.
Maybe it is the same for those Wraiths?
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Former wraith main here. Because we can. We love it. It guarantees a kill 9/10 times.
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I don't. Not that I think anything is wrong with the perk but I prefer perks that assist me through the match and not just at the end.
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I love using Play with your food on Wraith. So unexpected when i zoom even out of cloak.
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I played him like an Observer a few times.... fun times
I stayed in Cloak the entire match... and used perks that helped me figure out what the Survivors were doing... with most Addons
TOTH, Discordance, Fire Up, Whispers... was what perks I used
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There is a youtube video of me getting face camped by a Wraith in 2016. Wraith is still my least favorite killer to vs. I get surprised a lot :)