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Issue with Hooking Emblem.

Hi! Since last patch I've been having an issue, and I haven't seen it reported anywhere, and which is even affecting on the Tome challenges.
The issue is the next: Playing as killer there's no way to get "Merciless Victory" due to the "Hooks" Emblem getting stuck in Gold, even after getting 12 hooks and no "Camping" registered at the scores.
At first I thought I was simply not reaching the level required to achieve "Merciless", but after some days, even making a perfect match with any killer, that emblem never overpasses Gold.
Today, since the release of Level III of the Tome, after sacrificing 4 survivors in match for the challenge "Sacrifice 10 survivors", at the end it simply counted 3. It makes me think it's all related and, in summary, the game's score counts the 4th sacrifice as an escape or maybe a "Death".
I don't have any footage recorded, but if necessary I'll try to get some clip to show what I mean.
Thank you!
Noticed this too now. Earlier I though my stats were bugged to not track last kill but in fact it just does not count in the game at all. Actually just the last survivor you get to sacrifice does not count if others leave the exit before sacrifice is completed. I think this is actually reason why I have been depipping more and it's harder to pip than before and just 3K is not enough to pip if last one escapes throught exit before other sacrifices are completed.
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I didn't get the trapper adept because of this error. It's just discouraging and revolting, because the behavior probably won't give me the achievement, they'll just fix the error and I'll have to try again until I get it.
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Feelsbad, buddy :(. I just wish it's fixed before Kight's release.
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This is a repeat ticket for https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/351325/devout-emblem-bug-since-patch-6-3-1#latest I would suggest upvoting wimpy's acknowledged ticket to increase its priority.