We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Suggestion: matchmaking against preferred killers

I experience it myself again and again. I play several games in a row and I often meet the same killer (but different player) with almost similar equipment. This is incredibly boring especially when I just don't like playing against this killer.

Wouldn't it be possible that you as a player can set a prioritization so that the matchmaking tries to find a match against one of the desired killers and only if that's not possible, falls back to a default rule and takes the next best one?

This way, players of a certain killer wouldn't miss out and neither would the gameplay.


  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,123

    Only way I see something like this working is if all 5 players join a lobby as SoloQ, all players vote for a Killer they'd like to see, and then a Killer is randomly chosen from the 5 and the Killer gets a BP bonus for selecting one of the Killers voted for (but is not limited to the selected Killers).

    Otherwise I think automating selection or weights of matchmaking will only serve to the detriment of the opposing side if the opposing side has no say in it.

  • whothis
    whothis Member Posts: 19

    No way this should be implemented , it is very easy for someone to abuse it. This is same as saying I don't want to play against XYZ killer.

    way to abuse - Don't know how to counter a killer? put other killers in the want-to-play against list.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited November 2022

    Ok, but I want 500% BP bonus everytime I play against Nurse.

    I would personally try to use to play against killers I find randomly (like Twins) to get some practice in.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    If there's a limit to how many killers can be selected, then no, this is not true at all.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Everyone would just prefer to play against twins, Freddy, sadako, Billy, and Myers then

  • whothis
    whothis Member Posts: 19

    What are you trying to say my dude? I didn't understand what you are trying to say? maybe give an example

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Yeah. Pick me wraith. I have my flashlight ready...

    This is not a good idea. Ban system would be much better, but that would also require balancing killers (trapper vs nurse are so far apart of each other), because otherwise everyone would just ban nurse and blight. Overall it's basically the same discussion as opting out of SWF for killer. Correct solution is to actually bring them closer instead.

    But from what I read there could be one extra possibility that would not be so game breaking and not mess up MM that much - give option to disable repeated killer. Meaning if I played against say wesker, I can't get him again next match (but can get him again as 3rd match)

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,256

    I'm not seeing how this could be abused personally.

    The 'killer ban' idea definitely could be, you get four survivors who each 'ban' Nurse, Blight, Wesker and Bubba, and suddenly none of these killers can ever find a game.

    However the opposite, a 'favoured' killer, I don't see having this problem.

    Say each survivor has a different favoured killer; Trapper, Demo, Ghostface, Sadako. It will first try to find them ne of those killers, but if it can't, it'll put them with any other killer. No one is getting excluded, no killers will be unable to find games. If all survivors pick the same killer, it might increase their chances of getting that specific killer, but it also reduces their chances of getting a favoured killer in general, as they now have one option instead of four.

  • whothis
    whothis Member Posts: 19

    I am really not sure why it is difficult to understand?

    "Features" like this can and will be abused by players, already we see 10000s of posts about how so and so killer is OP etc. All such players do not want to ever play with said killers. There are very few survivors who would prefer to go against Nurse , Blight or any "OP" killer or bother to work on learning counterplays to any killer they find "overpowered" so obviously they would not be in the preferred list.

    I would suggest you re-read your comment and see if you understand what the problem is.

    "Say each survivor has a different favoured killer; Trapper, Demo, Ghostface, Sadako. It will first try to find them ne of those killers, but if it can't, it'll put them with any other killer."

    your above comment can be translated into - all 4 survivors do no put Blight , Nurse , any killer they find OP in their list, the game will try to find them killers not in the list = exclude those killers unless they don't find killers. Everyone is well aware the Top tier killers are mechanically challenging and hence the general player base does not play them. It is safe to say the % of players playing other killers top tier killers or killers which they find OP so at any given time , the game will find these killers quickly in turn excluding the others.

    Hopefully this is more clear to you.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,256

    This isn't any more clear to me, because you've just taken what I said and claimed I said the exact opposite.

    A 'preferred' clause is very different to an 'excluded' clause. You need to explain why that's not the case, not just say "they're the same thing".

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,501

    Option could be let's say you face nurse and you don't want to face her again you can disable facing her for one match but after that you can't so that way you don't face same killer 2 times a row.

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    Your idea is bad in the current state of the game.

     The only condition for your idea to be viable would be :

     - If there were Killer bots in the public game.

     And you know that this idea is also not at all appreciated by players, even if the existence of Bots in public games would solve some problems.

  • whothis
    whothis Member Posts: 19

    I already explained how your preferred is excluding others , if you are not able to get from that then there is no point in discussing further