PS5 - game is crashing whenever I play killer for more than five minutes


Today I've booted up the game and queued into killer with Deathslinger no problems. Then randomly after I reel someone in around five minutes in my game (on Dead Dawg) full on crashes and I'm kicked off the game entirely. n

I chalked this up to be a random crash and rebooted and played a game of Sadako on Red Forest. Same issue - around five minutes in while I am in chase I hard crash and am kicked off the game. When I came back on this time I had a DC penalty.

I'm convinced that trying to play killer again will produce the same issue, considering it happened again right after I was forced to reboot the game and on two different killers. I don't think I've touched killer since the last update so it could be that something in the update is creating this bug.

Considering that I could count the amount of times I've crashed on this game with one hand, this is almost certainly an issue newly brought about by an update or some sort of glitch. I do know that some friends on PS5 have been able to play killers no problem - I am unsure why I am affected.

I tested out survivor and it seems to be fine.

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  • totalJK
    totalJK Member Posts: 7

    This has been happening to me too, today and yesterday. Yesterday i tried playing killer 3 times and about 5-10 minutes in my game crashes. I tried 1 killer game today about 5 minutes ago and the same issue happened again. Today i played as The Cannibal on the Temple map, yesterday i only remember playing as Nemesis (not sure which maps). But I've played some survivor games and no crashing has happened. Only killer games. I play on PS5.

  • l_Castelli_l
    l_Castelli_l Member Posts: 27

    Same issue here but on Xbox.

  • DyrtNasti
    DyrtNasti Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2022

    Same here on ps5, no matter what killer I play, game just instantly crashes after about 5 minutes, nothing happens to trigger it, most of the time, im just walking around, or in a chase walking at them. But I can play survivor with absolutely no issues.

  • niccname
    niccname Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2022

    Same thing happing, all killers, hard crash after a few minutes in game, playing on Xbox Series S here. No survivor match issues.

  • Haka1978
    Haka1978 Member Posts: 8

    Same issue here on PC

    I use these perk :

    • Gearhead
    • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
    • Merciless Storm
    • Darkness Revealed

    May it help for investigations

  • Sydrax
    Sydrax Member Posts: 68

    same thing just happened to me just now 2 killer games in a row, I don't have the blood points, nor the progress in my challenges and with this I have the right to a 5min ban

    It would be good for the Devs to fix the bugs instead of distributing bans for free because their game bugs

  • GreyTiger10
    GreyTiger10 Member Posts: 10

    I've had two games on Xbox Series X when playing Nemesis crash to desktop. I just quit after the second one but after reloading from the first crash I didn't have a 5 minute ban for DCing but did lose my addons and offerings. I did play a game earlier today using the Dredge with no issues.

  • Waja
    Waja Member Posts: 1

    Had the exact same problem - around 5 minutes game crashes and dashboards. Playing on series X. Contacted support and pretty much no help at all, only underlined they aren’t able to reset match lockouts due to DCs when the game crashes. I’m on a 48 hour lock now. Obviously there is an issue here so thanks for all the help guys :)

  • BatNici
    BatNici Member Posts: 3

    Same here on PC for the last week nearly every killergame I played crashed after a few minutes. Different Killers Different Perks. Sometime one unhhok somtimes in chase somtimes while walking around.

  • xMatthewv
    xMatthewv Member Posts: 4

    I'm having this issue on PC also. I've got a high end build and the game is installed on an SSD.

    I think this is somehow a brand new bug that needs fixing.