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Prestige 3 Characters (Before Prestige Rework) Not Unlocking All Tier 3 Shared Perks

Platform: PC (Steam)
Description: I returned to the game recently after taking an extended break (roughly started around February/March 2022). This was prior to the Bloodweb Prestige rework.
All of my characters who were updated to the new Prestige 3 or higher only have two Tier 3 shared perks and one Tier 2 shared perk. Increasing their Prestige higher does not unlock the Tier 3 shared perk.
If I level up one of my lower level characters to Prestige 3, they unlock all three Tier 3 shared perks.
See below images. Dwight and Ace were both P3+ upon my return to the game, whereas Mikaela was leveled up after my return.
For reference, this is not just a visual bug. My character roster gets the Tier 2 shared perk. Below is my Dwight with the Tier 2 Ace In The Hole obtained from my P5 Ace. (You can also see the Tier 3 Up The Ante)
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This also applies to my high level Killers
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Full list of characters and their missing Tier 3 shared perks:
P9 Dwight - Bond
P9 Meg - Adrenaline
P9 Claudette - Botany Knowledge
P9 Jake - Calm Spirit
P9 Nea - Balanced Landing
P9 Bill - Borrowed Time
P9 David King - Dead Hard
P5 Ace - Ace In The Hole
P3 Feng - Alert
P10 Kate - Boil Over
P5 Adam - Autodidact
P10 Jeff - Aftercare
P9 Jane - Head On
P5 Yui - Any Means Necessary
P5 Zarina - For The People
P3 Cheryl - Blood Pact
P8 Elodie - Appraisal
P5 Yoichi - Parental Guidance
P9 Trapper - Agitation
P9 Wraith - Bloodhound
P6 Hillbilly - Enduring
P9 Huntress - Beast of Prey
P10 Shape - Dying Light
P5 Hag - Hex: Devour Hope
P9 Doctor - Overcharge
P9 Cannibal - Barbecue & Chili
P9 Nightmare - Blood Warden
P9 Pig - Hangman's Trick
P9 Clown - Bamboozle
P5 Spirit - Hex: Haunted Ground
P9 Legion - Discordance
P3 Plague - Corrupt Intervention
P9 Ghostface - Furtive Chase
P3 Oni - Blood Echo
P9 Deathslinger - Dead Man's Switch
P5 Executioner - Deathbound
P3 Twins - Hoarder
P6 Trickster - Starstruck
P10 Nemesis - Lethal Pursuer
P5 Cenobite - Deadlock
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After contacting Behaviour's support inbox, they were able to confirm this bug and ran a fix against my account to grant me the missing Tier 3 perks.
I've had other people contact me about having this same problem. I believe the migration of accounts to the new Prestige levels may have had some issues that impacted some number of accounts. I think this issue needs to be looked at more widespread than a per-account basis. That said, if anyone reading this is encountering this issue, reaching out to Behaviour's support email is likely your best bet at having your account fixed.